View Full Version : Nuke duties while not at sea

10-02-2014, 06:03 PM
When not deployed at sea, what is the typical day to day type duties while docked at home base? Are barracks available for E1 to E4? Does the reactor run while docked, or is the ship tied to shore electricity? Just trying to understand life while docked for extended periods. Thanks.

10-02-2014, 06:21 PM
As a nuke once you finish all your training you will be an E4, if your carrier is in port or sub, it is tied to the dock and the reactor cannot be shut down but kept running and must be maintained by all the nukes. Generally Mon - Fri 8 to 10 hour days, sometimes if lucky you get off early on Fridays..if you have watch duty you may also have duty on the weekend. E4's don't get BAH and you may have to live on the ship if there is no barracks rooms available..my son had to. You can live off ship with a roommate if you choose to but on your own dime until you reach E5. Much of the work also depends on what rate of nuke you are..ET, EM or MM...my son was an MM nuke and now out of the navy.