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Old 01-07-2015, 03:31 AM   #1
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Default info on ac rate

I've been in dep for 6 weeks and my recruiter keeps telling me I have no options for jobs cept electrician, fireman and aviation but I want air traffic control.. anyone have any insight how often this job becomes available? Should I hold out for the job I reslly want or settle for something else.. he threatened to pull my contract so I'm really worried what he'll do though I never said I wouldn't join just that I don't eanna just settle for a job. I got a 75 on my asvab and confused that all that's available to me were the 3 I listed above.. any insight please!!
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Old 01-07-2015, 07:27 AM   #2
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Your line scores determine what ratings you qualify for, not your AFQT. Now, you're in DEP already? What'd you sign a contract for if you didn't have what you want? If you want to switch to AC, assuming you do qualify for it, you'll have to either rely on a DAR (which is the very model of unreliability) or pull your contract and try again.

I have no idea how often AC comes around, and neither does anyone else really. It all depends on who's joining, who's getting advanced, and when the school has a space.

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Old 01-07-2015, 11:50 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by kmp5251 View Post
I've been in dep for 6 weeks and my recruiter keeps telling me I have no options for jobs cept electrician, fireman and aviation but I want air traffic control.. anyone have any insight how often this job becomes available? Should I hold out for the job I reslly want or settle for something else.. he threatened to pull my contract so I'm really worried what he'll do though I never said I wouldn't join just that I don't eanna just settle for a job. I got a 75 on my asvab and confused that all that's available to me were the 3 I listed above.. any insight please!!
When you say he threatened to "pull your contract", did you already sign one at MEPS for a different rate??

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Old 01-07-2015, 09:55 PM   #4
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I went to Meps on the beginning of the month, 20140702. I got AC and ship out in 3 weeks, 20150203. Supposedly it's a rare rate due to the small community. If you can get AC through a DAR, go for it. AC being a small community, have a good advancement track, howerver it depends on you on how fast you advance. As someone before stated, you need to qualify by line scores more than your asvab score. Make sure you qualify and submit a DAR for it, however since it's a rare rate, you probably won't get it. The people that got AC in Meps aren't going to give it up.
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Old 12-02-2019, 02:54 PM   #5
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Default AC noob

Do you need to know how to fly a plane to be an AC? I have never tried flying a plane before and I am about to come in as an AC after bootcamp. I am browsing through stuff and read a lot of it being hard. What a bummer. Honestly, I have no idea about what an AC is and what they do. I hope I will make it through A school.
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Old 12-05-2019, 12:00 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by jo.jamero View Post
Do you need to know how to fly a plane to be an AC? I have never tried flying a plane before and I am about to come in as an AC after bootcamp. I am browsing through stuff and read a lot of it being hard. What a bummer. Honestly, I have no idea about what an AC is and what they do. I hope I will make it through A school.
You do not need a pilot license to be an Air Traffic Controller... you will need to have an understanding of flight planning and regulations, as well as navigation and fundamentals of flight. For a decent understanding of what the AC rate will be, check YouTube for ATC (Air Traffic Control) videos.

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