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Old 07-09-2014, 08:35 AM   #1
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Post IS Rate/A-School

hello. My DEP date is 20140521 and i ship out on 20141027. My current rate is PACT SN but my recruiter just put in a DAR for me to get IS which is what i originally wanted. I was wondering what A school in VA Beach is like? Also i know that orders are based on how well you do in school but i wanted to know where IS are typically stationed? I would like to stay in the VA area.

Future Sailor Bryan
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Old 07-09-2014, 09:21 AM   #2
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"navy_girl" signs as "Bryan" and is asking about intelligence positions?

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Old 07-09-2014, 09:32 AM   #3
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i dont get it lol. bryan is my last name. i am a girl.
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Old 07-09-2014, 10:00 AM   #4
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FlyNavy has a reputation beyond reputeFlyNavy has a reputation beyond reputeFlyNavy has a reputation beyond reputeFlyNavy has a reputation beyond reputeFlyNavy has a reputation beyond reputeFlyNavy has a reputation beyond repute

That makes more sense haha

In the intelligence community, a common intelligence tactic by other countries (bad guys) is to post BS stuff on military forums or social media to try and get someone to spill easy information. Usually they are really poor at keep track of details like usernames and what they sign to the pages. So the username and the signature just sent up a little red flag haha

I don't know a whoooole lot about IS A-school, but getting an IS billet in the fleet near VA would be pretty easy to do. You have all the intel groups up around DC as well as having the worlds largest Naval base at Norfolk and all kinds of spooky stuff down in Dam Neck. I'm sure getting stationed around there won't be that difficult.

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Old 07-09-2014, 10:07 AM   #5
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I was on a phone call when I saw that originally and didn't even register that it was probably your last name. Again, apologies!

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Old 06-23-2015, 10:42 PM   #6
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My hubby was in school at Dam Neck for the Marine Corps and he loved it. Ive heard so many stories about that place, and we spent our honeymoon there I actually miss it myself, so I am gonna try for IS. Although, if we didnt get stationed in VA I would love for Camp Pendleton. I know it a Marine base, but still interested in finding my way back there
Marine wife 2008-2014. Future Sailor as a Master at Arms!
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Old 07-01-2015, 10:31 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by navy_girl718 View Post
hello. My DEP date is 20140521 and i ship out on 20141027. My current rate is PACT SN but my recruiter just put in a DAR for me to get IS which is what i originally wanted. I was wondering what A school in VA Beach is like? Also i know that orders are based on how well you do in school but i wanted to know where IS are typically stationed? I would like to stay in the VA area.

Future Sailor Bryan
So how A school works, really depends who the chief is an how the instructors are. If I was you I would sort of lay low and not get into any trouble, theres plenty of time to go out on the weekends if your squared away on your work. Fall behind and don't even think about it. How it works is for A school you take tests and briefs and you are graded on them, briefs can vary depending on instructor. There is a large mix between active and reserves because there is a big crunch for reservists. Overall its not to difficult I was 1st in my class for A school. You get to pick orders on class rank depending on the chief but thats how it was when I was there. Orders are random so really you want more active than reserves so I had a choice between 19 orders from Japan to DC and everywhere in between. A mix of what we got was Japan, SD, Miami, DC, Georgia, Jacksonville, Illinois, Europe, and ships in between. Overall just get first in your class and worry about orders when they come. As you will see when it gets closer and closer people change and try to convince you of what to do. Its not bad I enjoyed it, went out a lot but was on top of work. A school has a lot of drama at the barracks and marching and all the little BS they put you through. They will even tell you there, if you do something don't get caught. Duty was relaxed there usually you could work out a deal to get out of it somehow or another. If you are nice with your duty section leaders you can even get your name off the duty section if you play your cards right! Overall looking forward to a return after this duty station.
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Old 10-10-2015, 08:26 PM   #8
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Default IS - A school dorm life questions

Not going to ask questions about the school itself, but more of the living arrangement expectations questios. What are the barracks like there for the straight from BC student? Do they share rooms and bathrooms or is it more like the 1+1 dorms? I saw a post on another site that showed TVs were provided in the rooms already and the rooms were this a true statement? Is Internet provided or is that something the Sailor would have to pay to have installed in their room? Do they move barracks when they transition from A school to C school? Any other info you have on what to expect upon arrival would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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Old 10-11-2015, 02:42 AM   #9
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I don't know what video you were speaking of. But there are no TV's provided though they have like a huge movie theatre and internet cafe across the street that is free. The rooms are small, depending on how many people are at school you could be anywhere from by yourself to three in a room. Luckily it wasn't to busy when I was there, had a roommate for a week and he left than had the place to myself. You share a bathroom with the roommates you have. You have to pay for internet if you want it, it's like $10 or so. I wasn't in the barracks much since I went out a fair amount I met other people and just ended up living out in town for a good amount of time while I was there. It's been a while since I have been there so things may have changed. Really it just depends on the chiefs and instructors that are there at the time. I had a great time, but I was also on top of school work and such.
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