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Old 10-05-2015, 08:31 PM   #1
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Default Married Sailors trying to be Nukes? Come here!

So, since I've been a part of NNPTC for around 8 months, and I've been married for longer than I've been in the Navy. I am also 27 and got a kid on the way. Anyone looking for married sailor questions, and also those who intend to marry in the pipeline, I can answer some stuff.

SHIPDATE: 20150128
GRADUATION: 20150206

Let me know if you have any questions on the pipeline! -ETN3 Nicknyte
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Old 12-17-2015, 01:29 PM   #2
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Hopeful future nuke her. Won't be shipping out til may. Am married with one newborn child. Wondering what the housing accommodations are like while at charleston. Is the housing on base or contracted out? How are the accommodations for married sailors and there family overall?
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Old 03-18-2016, 05:35 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by jd91 View Post
Hopeful future nuke her. Won't be shipping out til may. Am married with one newborn child. Wondering what the housing accommodations are like while at charleston. Is the housing on base or contracted out? How are the accommodations for married sailors and there family overall?
Sorry it took a couple months to get back to you.

Housing is on base and contracted to balfour beatty. The accomadation's for us is pretty good. Where I live at near the commissary, I can get to the Rickover Center within 10 minutes. You will need to bring your PT clothes into the Rickover or in the lockers, since you will PT 3 times a week. Don't go on FEP, or you will exercise M-F. If you need to do family stuff, such as doctor appointments and checkups, Aschool sucks for it because if you miss a Lab, you get rolled back. Power school, I went to the doctor for my wife multiple times while she was pregnant. Usually, talking to your SLPO, which is basically your Chief/Petty Officer in charge of your class you are in, will help you, as long as your request is earnest.

Just be prepared to be out of the house a lot more than in it. The school is tough, and I usually put in 10-15 hours of study a week. Just talk with your spouse to let them know that it will get a bit rough from on out.

SHIPDATE: 20150128
GRADUATION: 20150206

Let me know if you have any questions on the pipeline! -ETN3 Nicknyte
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Old 03-18-2016, 05:42 PM   #4
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No problem certainly appreciate the response. Are washer dryers included? How was it when you first arrived to Charleston? Were you given any house hunting leave, if so for how long and how soon after your arrival? What rate did you end up with, are you happy with it?
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Old 03-18-2016, 06:01 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by jd91 View Post
No problem certainly appreciate the response. Are washer dryers included?
Well, for 30 extra dollars a month, they can be. The ones I am renting from the contractors is pretty alright, and they don't suck. They are a lot better than the ones the single nukes on base have to use. Rofl.

Originally Posted by jd91 View Post
How was it when you first arrived to Charleston?
Pretty nice. Though, a funny story which I would not suggest you ever do. I had got to the airport when I left RTC since I was held back for 5 weeks after graduation, so I got to fly by myself. When I arrived, I called the Quarterdeck to come get me, but I was stuck at the airport 2 hours after I called. Thankfully, a MM3 noticed me and asked If I needed a ride back to NNPTC. I happily said yes. I got a small chewing out by a PO1, but after speaking with me, he understood why I did it. It was not below freezing, or covered in snow like RTC was when I left, so I enjoyed Charleston quite a bit when I got there. I could go in detail if you like, but no one was rude or abrasive when I got here fully.

Originally Posted by jd91 View Post
Were you given any house hunting leave, if so for how long and how soon after your arrival?
I did not house hunt for long. I wanted something close to base, and I cared less about making a profit on BAH (They take every penny of BAH living in on-base housing). I didn't get a chance to look in the house prior to moving in it, and that may have been foolish on my part at the time, but I really like the house I am staying in now. Basically, I got here, signed a contract for a house, and after being on Rollback for a week (cleaning duties), I was authorized 10 days free leave to get my stuff from AZ and bring it to SC. The amount of leave you get depends on how far away you live +3 days. I think it is a day every 350 miles.

Originally Posted by jd91 View Post
What rate did you end up with, are you happy with it?
Yes! Oh yes! I love my rate! I picked ET since it is the one that allows you to qualify as a Reactor Operator, and I can replace circuit boards and troubleshoot equipment. It is also known as the one that has a lot of perks going on for it outside the military as well, since many in this rate 6 and out. But I want to stay in the Navy for 20 if possible. (Also, I picked this rate since it matches my initials, but that is besides the point, rofl)

If you have any other questions, I have free time.

SHIPDATE: 20150128
GRADUATION: 20150206

Let me know if you have any questions on the pipeline! -ETN3 Nicknyte
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Old 03-18-2016, 07:51 PM   #6
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Never mnd see your an et. How do you like it? Is the base and housing closed off, ie main gate checkpoints, or is it an open base with select check points. Really appreciate all the anwsers, apologize for any incorrect spelling, im using my tablet. I know most info regarding the various nf rates aswell as general military life, more nterested in the base it self and day to day scheduel. As you know the life of a family man is different then that of a barracks man.
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Old 03-19-2016, 08:20 AM   #7
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Once again appreciate the anwsers. There seems to be a disconnect time between my posting and your anwsers so ignore last post. are the houses stand alone or duplexs, one story, and last question for the moment are they hard wood carpet.... Thank you
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Old 03-19-2016, 12:16 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by jd91 View Post
Once again appreciate the anwsers. There seems to be a disconnect time between my posting and your anwsers so ignore last post. are the houses stand alone or duplexs, one story, and last question for the moment are they hard wood carpet.... Thank you
No problem. I live in a duplex. One of the older buildings, but I do not hear my neighbors at all. It is wood/carpet mix, with Wood in all non Kitchen/Bathroom areas, and carpet in the bedrooms. There are also 2 story newer homes you are able to get. I was able to get one, but I turned it down since the Mrs. did not want to go up and down the steps.

Here's a picture of a two story duplex.

And here is one of the old style, one story duplex. I live in this type, and it is actually quite roomy.

SHIPDATE: 20150128
GRADUATION: 20150206

Let me know if you have any questions on the pipeline! -ETN3 Nicknyte
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Old 03-19-2016, 12:43 PM   #9
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Dude you rock. My wife wants to know what on base amenities are like, swiming pool gym... She also wants to know if there is an on base child day care center. Regarding the pipeline, how long is an avaerage day for you, what are your weekends like study wise free time wise, and finally whats the pt like just outa curiosity
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Old 03-19-2016, 01:47 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by jd91 View Post
Dude you rock. My wife wants to know what on base amenities are like, swiming pool gym... She also wants to know if there is an on base child day care center. Regarding the pipeline, how long is an avaerage day for you, what are your weekends like study wise free time wise, and finally whats the pt like just outa curiosity
Yes, there is an on base day care, youth center, teen center, and elementary school. There is a Naval Exchange, commissary, movie theater with free movies Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Swimming pool, tennis courts, off-base gym, and library, and Church. The only thing I think it doesn't have I wish it did was a Navy Federal CU bank on site, but there are 2 ATMs. There is also a Restaurant on the far side of the base as well. We also have another "Mini-Nex" that sells Student supplies, and has a Panda Express/Subway inside. And also an Auto Hobby Shop. And a Bowling Alley, and a Bar and Grill. And another Nex shop for Uniforms...

This place has a lot more stuff than I thought. Lmao.

Average day school day inside the Rickover starts at 0700 and ends at 1520. This may change as we PT during the Morning in the summer months, where I think it goes 0755 to 1615. If you are assigned 15-2 (15 hours a week study, minimum 2 hours a day before a school day(Sun-Thursday)) then expect to have those days to become 9 hour days.

I spend weekends at home, but there is a lot to do around the area, such as going around downtown Charleston, to the Mall, or go fishing right next to the river. River is a 3 minute drive from here. You can go to the beach too.

This kinda ties into my study as well. I may go in tonight to study for a few hours to get ready on a test on monday, but I am currently on Vols (0-0's) so I now currently go in for homework, or if I feel like I need to study. This is one of those weekends.

PT is like such: You exercise 3 times a week. At the beginning of school, you will go to Deck PT, and PT with all the other A school classes doing exercises you will do in bootcamp. Once a week, you will run a 5K. The 5k sucks, but it is not horrible. You just run around the scenic plantation next to the school. I am a big guy, so it takes me a while to do the 5k, but I am sure other guys more fit than I. The main thing to take from it is that you keep a steady pace and don't stop. My jog is the equivalent of most sailors walking speed, but I have seen people faster than me constantly stop to rest, and then get yelled at by chiefs. In A school, you will run a PFA every month, and if you fail, you will be placed on FEP, and will go PT 5 days a week, until you get a Good.


Besides that, In my own personal "married" opinion, it's not that bad here.

SHIPDATE: 20150128
GRADUATION: 20150206

Let me know if you have any questions on the pipeline! -ETN3 Nicknyte
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