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Old 10-16-2013, 02:05 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2013
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mvt is on a distinguished road
Default CTT pre-study

My son has signed up as a CTT. As with all the CT fields, there is very little info I can find on the web about specific duties and tasks, and I fully understand why.

However I was hoping a current CTT member might be able to help me in providing him with some pre-study material or books or such that he could be looking at now that might help him out in A school.

He is due out to boot in Jan and I guess to A school in March. He is currently 4 year, so he'll only be doing the A school unless something changes later.

I just want to give him a leg up to at least start getting a idea on what he'll be studying and learning. But I didn't want to saddle him with a big book on electronics if he wasn't really going to be learning electronics. Or maybe there is something better he could be studying while he waits for boot.

He already has a couple years of JrROTC, so he's fairly up on the things he'll need to learn in basic, like the standing orders and chain of command and marching moves and such. But he is going into this CTT thing pretty much blind.

Thanks for any advice you can give.
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Old 10-16-2013, 02:10 PM   #2
Join Date: Oct 2013
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mvt is on a distinguished road

Just re-read my post above and needed to clarify one thing.

I am not asking for any classified, fouo or official navy material. I'm looking for civilian info/books like an electronics manual, college algebra manual, etc.

So don't go thinking I trying to get someone to divulge and deliver up their official navy manuals.
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Old 10-16-2013, 05:43 PM   #3
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bronxCTM is on a distinguished road

I'm going in as a CTM and well, before I took my ASVAB, my father got me "Electronics For Dummies" and I read the first half of it--helped me with basic electricity and electronics principles and helped shape what I knew or thought I knew on the subject.

I would assume it would help and/or CTTs would get some sort of basic course or classes on fundamental principles of electricity and electronics.
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a school, ctt, pensacola, study

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