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Old 12-18-2014, 04:31 PM   #151
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Originally Posted by CTT1(SW)Griffin View Post
I can't stress enough how much people freak out about the investigation cycle in DEP or in boot.

As long as you're honest and don't have anything to hide then you're gonna be fine. You'll see plenty of people freaking out or telling some kind of polygraph horror story, but 90% of those are either WAY exaggerated or just flat out fabrications.

Alright this thread has be great to read. I have definitely learned a lot. I'm curious as to the polygraph stuff. I have heard both ways, some say you will take one some say you won't and its just a scare tactic. Anyway to settle the debate?
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Old 12-18-2014, 05:12 PM   #152
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Originally Posted by CTT1(SW)Griffin View Post
That's probably the code for the class itself. If you can find out the actual NEC then I could fill you in on what I know.

Yes, the class does give you the NEC code 9147. Who usually gets orders to go to this class and would you suggest trying to get it before going to the fleet if I can, or should I try to get some experience first?
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Old 12-19-2014, 07:59 AM   #153
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Originally Posted by FutureSailorjb2 View Post
Alright this thread has be great to read. I have definitely learned a lot. I'm curious as to the polygraph stuff. I have heard both ways, some say you will take one some say you won't and its just a scare tactic. Anyway to settle the debate?
You're only going to get one if you're going to command that requires you to have one done (IE most NIOCs).

CTI's and CTN's pretty much work there exclusively, so they'll get theirs done eventually. If they can get them done at boot, then great. If not, they'll get it done while in holding before start work at their command.

As a T brancher that was heading to a ship, I didn't have to get one done until I came to shore duty. Same with R branchers; they won't always be required to have one at every command they go to.

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Old 02-07-2015, 11:54 AM   #154
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Army has the 35P which is the equivalent to the CTI rating.

I know within the army they have support roles for special forces and what not. Things like SOT-A.
Is there an equivalent role for CTI in the navy? if so do you know anything about the process to become qualified or to simply volunteer?
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Old 02-07-2015, 05:26 PM   #155
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Originally Posted by realgaz View Post
Army has the 35P which is the equivalent to the CTI rating.

I know within the army they have support roles for special forces and what not. Things like SOT-A.
Is there an equivalent role for CTI in the navy? if so do you know anything about the process to become qualified or to simply volunteer?
The CT community has something we call TIO (Tactical Information Operations) that supports NSW (Spec Ops). It's a very tight knit community and they can be pretty choosy about who they take and who they don't.

Once you get through A-school and have settled in at your command, just ask your chain-of-command about getting in contact with one of the TIO recruiters at your site. They'll fill you in on specifics. It's not something you can do right out of A-school though and they typically want you to have some experience doing your job before they pick you up. You'll also need to be in pretty good physical condition as well.

But yes, we do have something like that and it's totally doable if you're willing to chase it down.

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Old 02-07-2015, 06:22 PM   #156
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Originally Posted by CTT1(SW)Griffin View Post
The CT community has something we call TIO (Tactical Information Operations) that supports NSW (Spec Ops). It's a very tight knit community and they can be pretty choosy about who they take and who they don't.

Once you get through A-school and have settled in at your command, just ask your chain-of-command about getting in contact with one of the TIO recruiters at your site. They'll fill you in on specifics. It's not something you can do right out of A-school though and they typically want you to have some experience doing your job before they pick you up. You'll also need to be in pretty good physical condition as well.

But yes, we do have something like that and it's totally doable if you're willing to chase it down.

Greatly appreciate the response and information. So psyched something I can work towards.
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Old 02-07-2015, 09:02 PM   #157
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Originally Posted by realgaz View Post
Greatly appreciate the response and information. So psyched something I can work towards.
I was with one of my TIO folks earlier today and he confirmed you actually need to do a full tour as a CT before you can apply for TIO. So just a heads up there.

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Old 02-08-2015, 08:41 PM   #158
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This is not about CT, but IS. Do you know where most IS end up getting stationed after they finish A-school? Do they usually deploy or stay on shore?
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Old 02-08-2015, 11:21 PM   #159
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When you say a full tour do you mean a deployment or a full contract length.
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Old 02-08-2015, 11:46 PM   #160
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Originally Posted by Beck94 View Post
This is not about CT, but IS. Do you know where most IS end up getting stationed after they finish A-school? Do they usually deploy or stay on shore?

For us it really depends on your NEC. but the billets are pretty split 50/50 for shore and sea. one of the perks for us right now is we pick our billet so near the end of A school they line all the actives up outside by grade order. Highest grade going first. we then pick from a list of billets they give us. Granted we get the list a day prior so we do a mock run when we come in later that night but anyways each billet has the NEC with it. you cant pick your NEC then your station. each station has what NEC it needs. but because we are a 6 year contract they will get a sea and shore out of you. count on that.

Also we go to C-school. All IS's go to C school right after A school.

Without being classed back the whole schooling takes between 6-9 months. again, depending on which NEC school you go to
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Old 02-09-2015, 02:55 AM   #161
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Originally Posted by rjk707 View Post

When you say a full tour do you mean a deployment or a full contract length.
A full tour = ~3 years at your first command, with the clock starting after you graduate A/C school and PCS. After that you'll renegotiate for new orders and then you can try for TIO (you may have to reenlist if your contract is almost over).
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Old 02-09-2015, 02:40 PM   #162
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Originally Posted by jzhaun View Post
A full tour = ~3 years at your first command, with the clock starting after you graduate A/C school and PCS. After that you'll renegotiate for new orders and then you can try for TIO (you may have to reenlist if your contract is almost over).
Pretty much nailed it.
You'll finish your time at your first duty station (basically the length of your 1st contract) and then you can start looking into TIO options.

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Old 02-09-2015, 06:27 PM   #163
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Originally Posted by gameingkine View Post
For us it really depends on your NEC. but the billets are pretty split 50/50 for shore and sea. one of the perks for us right now is we pick our billet so near the end of A school they line all the actives up outside by grade order. Highest grade going first. we then pick from a list of billets they give us. Granted we get the list a day prior so we do a mock run when we come in later that night but anyways each billet has the NEC with it. you cant pick your NEC then your station. each station has what NEC it needs. but because we are a 6 year contract they will get a sea and shore out of you. count on that.

Also we go to C-school. All IS's go to C school right after A school.

Without being classed back the whole schooling takes between 6-9 months. again, depending on which NEC school you go to
Thanks for the information! I read somewhere on here that each NEC went to a specific place after they complete C school, such as, [REDACTED]
As far as Op intel, can they go anywhere or do they usually have a specific place to go?

Then from there you might be attached to a specific ship or carrier for deployment.

Is there any truth to this?

Also, are there usually intelligence specialists on each ship or carrier during deployment or do they usually stay at shore?

Sorry for all the questions, just not a whole lot of info about IS around.

Last edited by FlyNavy; 08-17-2015 at 04:11 PM.
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Old 02-09-2015, 06:38 PM   #164
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Originally Posted by Beck94 View Post
Thanks for the information! I read somewhere on here that each NEC went to a specific place after they complete C school, such as, [REDACTED]
As far as Op intel, can they go anywhere or do they usually have a specific place to go?

Then from there you might be attached to a specific ship or carrier for deployment.

Is there any truth to this?

Also, are there usually intelligence specialists on each ship or carrier during deployment or do they usually stay at shore?

Sorry for all the questions, just not a whole lot of info about IS around.
Two things here

We don't need to discuss what specific personnel, NECs, ect, are going to what unit or locations to do what. This is a public form and not the place for specific information like that. I want you new guys to internalize the fact that foreign actors are almost definitely monitoring this forum in one way or another.

Secondly, there are usually a very small contingent of IS's aboard big decks for deployments. CG and DDG platforms usually only have 1 IS attached and it's always going to be a 1st Class Petty Officer. So yes, they do get underway as ship riders every once in a while, but honestly most of your work can be done from shore.


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Old 02-11-2015, 09:29 AM   #165
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I am depping and my rate will be ctr. I would love to get stationed overseas somewhere. honestly wouldn't matter where to me. Are there a lot of countries to be stationed and do you think they would be more inclined to send someone over that is a little more vocal about going?
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Old 02-11-2015, 12:11 PM   #166
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Currently, they are not allowing any new CTR's to be stationed overseas. Of course if you are on a deployment and your ship goes overseas then you will be with the ship. And even if you do ask for it a lot, we don't get to talk to the detailed so your instructor will probably just get annoyed Cus he or she can't really do anything about it.

Even the fleet returnees that have been stationed overseas can be stationed there. And they talk directly to the detailed. So if they can't get special treatment, it's going to be hard for us to get special treatment.
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Old 02-11-2015, 12:52 PM   #167
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are the common places being stationed still san Antonio, Georgia, Hawaii, Norfolk and ft meade?
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Old 02-11-2015, 07:21 PM   #168
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Originally Posted by Jgraham0517 View Post
are the common places being stationed still san Antonio, Georgia, Hawaii, Norfolk and ft meade?
I can't answer that directly as it would violate OPSEC. Being this is a public forum that anyone can come read, saying what rates are going to what places, to do what things, is something you REALLY don't want to put on a public website.... Welcome to being a Spook and learning to never talk about anything specific haha What I want you to get out of that is that foreign intelligence is most likely watching these kinds of forums for specific information like that. So things like that are what I want you to keep in mind when posting something anywhere online (facebook, here, twitter, ect).

Where you get stationed just depends on your rate and where the Navy needs your specific skills at that time. As an R-brancher you're just as likely to be going to a ship anywhere in the fleet as you are to any of those places (or others).

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Old 02-19-2015, 07:26 PM   #169
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General questions..dont want to violate any rules here, but apologies if I do. I signed CTI, ship in a few months.

1. We pick our languages in bootcamp, correct? And I'm assuming this is on a score-type basis (ie if 3 people scored over 110, the highest scoring person gets to pick their language first) but I could be wrong. Does anyone know exactly how that process will work? I'm just hoping to get the language I want.

2. I know most every other rating goes to their A-school, then picks orders based on how they rank in their classes. For CTI's, since you've already got your language, is there anything to select? Or do you go to whatever NIOC regardless of grades, just based on language.

3. And I know SERE is kind of an unspoken thing, but I've aways been beyond interested in aircrew and I'm wondering if anyone has any insight or advice. Also, if you fail out or DOR of NACCS or SERE, I'm assuming you just go back to your NIOC and keep your rating?

4. I know sub duty isn't taking female volunteers right now, is anyone aware if aircrew is taking female volunteers? I've also read a lot about the military not sending females to less than friendly areas overseas, does that mean DIRSUP isn't an option? Sorry to bombard with questions...

If any of these were answered elsewhere, I genuinely apologize. I've just read this entire forum, so it is very likely I've turbo loaded my own brain lol

Thanks in advanced!!
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Old 02-19-2015, 08:09 PM   #170
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Originally Posted by momtinez View Post
General questions..dont want to violate any rules here, but apologies if I do. I signed CTI, ship in a few months.
Originally Posted by momtinez View Post
1. We pick our languages in bootcamp, correct? And I'm assuming this is on a score-type basis (ie if 3 people scored over 110, the highest scoring person gets to pick their language first) but I could be wrong. Does anyone know exactly how that process will work? I'm just hoping to get the language I want.
Jzhaun would be the best person for this question.

Originally Posted by momtinez View Post
2. I know most every other rating goes to their A-school, then picks orders based on how they rank in their classes. For CTI's, since you've already got your language, is there anything to select? Or do you go to whatever NIOC regardless of grades, just based on language.
You'll get sent to whatever NIOC needs your language. I can't get into specifics, but I think you're already on the right track here.

Originally Posted by momtinez View Post
3. And I know SERE is kind of an unspoken thing, but I've aways been beyond interested in aircrew and I'm wondering if anyone has any insight or advice. Also, if you fail out or DOR of NACCS or SERE, I'm assuming you just go back to your NIOC and keep your rating?
Talk to your instructors while you're in A-school as there might be billets open for it. I know quite a few female CTI Aircrewmen, so you definitely have a shot. You're correct that if you don't complete the Aircrew pipeline that you go back to a NIOC for your typical CTI duties.

Originally Posted by momtinez View Post
4. I know sub duty isn't taking female volunteers right now, is anyone aware if aircrew is taking female volunteers? I've also read a lot about the military not sending females to less than friendly areas overseas, does that mean DIRSUP isn't an option? Sorry to bombard with questions...
Like I said above, Aircrew is totally open to you. You'll be flying the same missions the males do, so there isn't a difference there. Part of the reason Aircrew is volunteer only is because it's a dangerous job. Flights get shot down, taken prisoner, ect. It's happened before and will most likely happen again at some point. The Navy doesn't care what's between your legs when you're sitting in that seat, only that you can do the job and that you want to be there.

Originally Posted by momtinez View Post
If any of these were answered elsewhere, I genuinely apologize. I've just read this entire forum, so it is very likely I've turbo loaded my own brain lol

Thanks in advanced!!
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Old 02-19-2015, 08:23 PM   #171
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Originally Posted by momtinez View Post
General questions..dont want to violate any rules here, but apologies if I do. I signed CTI, ship in a few months.

1. We pick our languages in bootcamp, correct? And I'm assuming this is on a score-type basis (ie if 3 people scored over 110, the highest scoring person gets to pick their language first) but I could be wrong. Does anyone know exactly how that process will work? I'm just hoping to get the language I want.
Jzhaun would be the best person for this question.

2. I know most every other rating goes to their A-school, then picks orders based on how they rank in their classes. For CTI's, since you've already got your language, is there anything to select? Or do you go to whatever NIOC regardless of grades, just based on language.[/QUOTE] You'll get sent to whatever NIOC needs your language. I can't get into specifics, but I think you're already on the right track here.

3. And I know SERE is kind of an unspoken thing, but I've aways been beyond interested in aircrew and I'm wondering if anyone has any insight or advice. Also, if you fail out or DOR of NACCS or SERE, I'm assuming you just go back to your NIOC and keep your rating?[/QUOTE] Talk to your instructors while you're in A-school as there might be billets open for it. I know quite a few female CTI Aircrewmen, so you definitely have a shot. You're correct that if you don't complete the Aircrew pipeline that you go back to a NIOC for your typical CTI duties.

4. I know sub duty isn't taking female volunteers right now, is anyone aware if aircrew is taking female volunteers? I've also read a lot about the military not sending females to less than friendly areas overseas, does that mean DIRSUP isn't an option? Sorry to bombard with questions...[/QUOTE] Like I said above, Aircrew is totally open to you. You'll be flying the same missions the males do, so there isn't a difference there. Part of the reason Aircrew is volunteer only is because it's a dangerous job. Flights get shot down, taken prisoner, ect. It's happened before and will most likely happen again at some point. The Navy doesn't care what's between your legs when you're sitting in that seat, only that you can do the job and that you want to be there.

If any of these were answered elsewhere, I genuinely apologize. I've just read this entire forum, so it is very likely I've turbo loaded my own brain lol

Thanks in advanced!![/QUOTE]

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Old 02-19-2015, 08:29 PM   #172
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Ah! Thank you so much!! Another question, cause I'm just full of them lol

I'm going in E-3, with guaranteed E-4 after 6 months, or A-school completion, whichever comes first. I will definitely be in A-school a while, so, providing everything goes well, I'll get E-4 6 months out of boot. Since I'll still have almost a year of A-school left, is it possible to advance more before finishing? I'm not entirely sure what the minimum time in is for CTI's for each rank...

And my (potentially) last for tonight, someone mentioned earlier different bonuses for completion of different languages. You can sign a bonus at MEPS just for picking CTI (promised upon completion of DLI) so is this saying that, depending on your language, there may be additional bonuses offered? I wish I could go back and quote it, but my phone isn't currently cooperating as well with this site as I'd like it to. Thank you so much!!
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Old 02-19-2015, 08:47 PM   #173
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Originally Posted by momtinez View Post
Ah! Thank you so much!! Another question, cause I'm just full of them lol

I'm going in E-3, with guaranteed E-4 after 6 months, or A-school completion, whichever comes first. I will definitely be in A-school a while, so, providing everything goes well, I'll get E-4 6 months out of boot. Since I'll still have almost a year of A-school left, is it possible to advance more before finishing? I'm not entirely sure what the minimum time in is for CTI's for each rank...
You're not gonna pass PO3 in A-school. This used to be a thing back when I was coming up, but it was such a bad thing for someone to be a 2nd Class with ZERO experience in the Navy that they just stopped allowing it. Since DLI is separate from Corry though, things could be different though but I wouldn't bank on it. Honestly coming into the fleet as a 2nd class with no actual time in would be a HUGE detriment to your career since you'll basically have no idea what you're doing and as a 2nd Class you'll be expected to be in charge of quite a bit.

Originally Posted by momtinez View Post
And my (potentially) last for tonight, someone mentioned earlier different bonuses for completion of different languages. You can sign a bonus at MEPS just for picking CTI (promised upon completion of DLI) so is this saying that, depending on your language, there may be additional bonuses offered? I wish I could go back and quote it, but my phone isn't currently cooperating as well with this site as I'd like it to. Thank you so much!!c
You should have whatever bonus you're going to get written into your contract. Learn this early: If it's not in writing then it doesn't exist.

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Old 02-19-2015, 09:23 PM   #174
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My dad's a retired navy officer lol I learnt from a very young age, If it isn't in writing, it isn't real. If it is in writing, it's VERY real. I got exactly what I wanted in my contract, so I'd like to consider myself pretty fortunate in those respects. I just didn't know if there were any additional anythings, but honestly, I'd be doing it all anyways with no bonus, so it's not a big deal.

The whole 3rd class 2nd class thing makes total sense, I didn't even really think about that aspect. I know there's a posting for each individual pipeline minimum time in (if not on this site, then another) I was just curious. Thank you for all your help. I'm sure I'll inevitably be bugging you with more questions shortly ��
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Old 02-20-2015, 03:04 AM   #175
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Okay, so as far as selection of languages goes, it depends on 4 things: your dlab scores, your previous language experience (sometimes), your preference, and most importantly, what languages they have available the week you go to the cti detailer. He or she will also keep in mind stuff like wanting aircrew, because certain languages don't have slots for it.

The first time I went to see the detailer, he had all the Arabic dialects, Farsi, Russian, and Korean open. I had a score over 120 and experience with Japanese, so I got Korean. But due to an injury in boot, I wound up stuck there past the start date for my first class. The 2nd time, they had Chinese, Farsi, and Spanish open. I got Chinese.

Also, DLI is the same as Corry. You can't put on 3rd class before graduating your course and passing the DLPT.

The additional money you've heard of is probably the reenlistment bonus, which depends on your languages, but can pay pretty well. You also get language pay for any language you can get a 2/2 on the DLPT in (it isn't just for the one you study).
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Old 02-20-2015, 01:48 PM   #176
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You both have been beyond helpful, thank you so much!
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Old 02-20-2015, 02:38 PM   #177
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Originally Posted by momtinez View Post
3. And I know SERE is kind of an unspoken thing, but I've aways been beyond interested in aircrew and I'm wondering if anyone has any insight or advice. Also, if you fail out or DOR of NACCS or SERE, I'm assuming you just go back to your NIOC and keep your rating?
SERE isn't that bad... okay, yeah it is... but you can't actually DOR from it (For obvious reasons, there is no such thing as a DOR or Training Time Out policy out there); once you hit the field, you're either leaving on a gurney, or you're walking out with a certificate. As far as NACCS goes, it's tougher than most Navy schools... but nowhere near SpecWar tough. Check out some of the threads in the AW subforum for specifics.

I'd definitely advocate for Aircrew... but then I'm also biased.

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Old 02-20-2015, 04:30 PM   #178
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Originally Posted by Haasino View Post
I'd definitely advocate for Aircrew... but then I'm also biased.
I honestly wanted to be an air(wo)man so ungodly bad, but the opportunities with CTI were too much for me to pass up. I've read through all the AW threads numerous times though, including every single one of your posts lol and at least CT gives me the opportunity to do both. Id like to become an officer eventually and the plans (unless Intel really speaks to me) was initially NFO or pilot. So I'd have to do all the aircrew stuff anyways. I qualified for everything in MEPS, so that's always good. Can't wait until I can figure all this out and get the ball rolling. Just gotta wait until my ship date...
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Old 02-21-2015, 12:09 PM   #179
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I Just finished with MEPS and picked CTT with a 6 year contract, I was wondering how long I can expect school to be? i have been trying to read up online... but I get mostly mixed answers so any help would be greatly appreciated

My second question would be would i spend most of my time on a ship or am i able to get just as much shore time?

i ship on 20150601 to RTC.
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Old 02-21-2015, 12:46 PM   #180
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Originally Posted by Brandon7310 View Post
I Just finished with MEPS and picked CTT with a 6 year contract, I was wondering how long I can expect school to be? i have been trying to read up online... but I get mostly mixed answers so any help would be greatly appreciated

Hope that helped
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Old 02-22-2015, 04:47 PM   #181
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Originally Posted by Brandon7310 View Post
I Just finished with MEPS and picked CTT with a 6 year contract, I was wondering how long I can expect school to be? i have been trying to read up online... but I get mostly mixed answers so any help would be greatly appreciated

My second question would be would i spend most of my time on a ship or am i able to get just as much shore time?

i ship on 20150601 to RTC.
So as a 6 year you're going to be a technician (vs being an operator). Don't read into that too much; that just means you're in school longer to be trained on repairing the equipment. You still get to operate just as much as the rest of us.

Expect about a year and some change of time in Pensacola.

You'll definitely be on a ship your first tour. The average working day in port (when you're not on duty) is about 0700-1600. Underway, your work day will be 0700-1600 plus whatever hours you're standing watch. So you'll get plenty of time ashore, don't worry.

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Old 02-22-2015, 04:47 PM   #182
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If you have specific questions just let me know. I'm actually working today so I just don't have a ton of time to get really into detail. I can touch base this week though!

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Old 02-22-2015, 07:09 PM   #183
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Originally Posted by CTT1(SW)Griffin View Post
So as a 6 year you're going to be a technician (vs being an operator). Don't read into that too much; that just means you're in school longer to be trained on repairing the equipment. You still get to operate just as much as the rest of us.

Expect about a year and some change of time in Pensacola.

You'll definitely be on a ship your first tour. The average working day in port (when you're not on duty) is about 0700-1600. Underway, your work day will be 0700-1600 plus whatever hours you're standing watch. So you'll get plenty of time ashore, don't worry.


thanks a ton i really appreciate the response, if i can think of any questions i will definitely message you with them.
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Old 03-10-2015, 04:49 PM   #184
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I have a buddy of mine in my class that is really interested in the TIO but he is a reservists. Would he be able to, after a few years, be able to apply straight to TIO and then go active duty? Or would he need to make the switch to active and then do a few years before he can start the application process? We are just curious because usually active duty would have to do a tour first from my understanding.
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Old 03-11-2015, 06:42 AM   #185
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Originally Posted by RoadGuard07 View Post
I have a buddy of mine in my class that is really interested in the TIO but he is a reservists. Would he be able to, after a few years, be able to apply straight to TIO and then go active duty? Or would he need to make the switch to active and then do a few years before he can start the application process? We are just curious because usually active duty would have to do a tour first from my understanding.
There is a reserve TIO unit, but they're only taking prior active guys who already have the NEC. So he wouldn't be able to get into it straight through the reserves. They want the guys they take to be seasoned and have some operations under their belt, and as a reservist, you just aren't going to be able to get that kind of expierance.

If TIO is something he really has his heart set on, then he would need to go active duty first, do a full tour as a CT, and then he could apply.

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Old 03-11-2015, 06:44 AM   #186
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They are verrryyyy picky about who they take or don't take. So that's why the rules are a little inflexible.

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Old 03-27-2015, 01:56 PM   #187
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Bumping for any CT related questions from deppers.

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Old 06-04-2015, 12:35 PM   #188
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Old 06-04-2015, 04:32 PM   #189
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I am going in as a reservist, is this a job I could qualify for? My recruiter says everything is available to me. I've been to MEPS (just the physical part) interview will be when my financial waiver comes approved.
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Old 06-04-2015, 06:52 PM   #190
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Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
I am going in as a reservist, is this a job I could qualify for? My recruiter says everything is available to me. I've been to MEPS (just the physical part) interview will be when my financial waiver comes approved.
Yes, all the CT rates are open to reservists.
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Old 06-04-2015, 08:03 PM   #191
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Not exactly. Reservist CTIs exist, but you can only be a reservist CTI if you were an AD CTI first.
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Old 06-05-2015, 12:52 PM   #192
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Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
I am going in as a reservist, is this a job I could qualify for? My recruiter says everything is available to me. I've been to MEPS (just the physical part) interview will be when my financial waiver comes approved.
Sorry I'm late on this. A lot came up during this week for me Ops wise.

Yes, CTT is totally open to you as a reservist. We have quite a few and they're outstanding Sailors.

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Old 06-06-2015, 09:07 AM   #193
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Since you're the head of a CTN shop, do your sailors have time, after their initial quals and warfare pin to use TA to get school done?
I wanted to get a BS in CompSci when I'm in.
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Old 06-06-2015, 09:19 AM   #194
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Originally Posted by blacktemplar View Post
Since you're the head of a CTN shop, do your sailors have time, after their initial quals and warfare pin to use TA to get school done?
I wanted to get a BS in CompSci when I'm in.
They absolutely do! I've actually got a sailor with 2 bachelors; one in Biology and one in Engineering.

Totally doable.

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Old 06-06-2015, 09:26 AM   #195
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Can you get a four year degree in four years, or does it take longer usually?
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Old 06-06-2015, 12:17 PM   #196
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Originally Posted by RoadGuard07 View Post
Can you get a four year degree in four years, or does it take longer usually?
Typically it takes a bit longer, but that's coming from a sea-duty guy. On shore duty it's totally doable if you're willing to put in the work. It won't however be like regular college. You'll be doing classes along with a full time job; so keep that in mind.

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Old 06-06-2015, 12:26 PM   #197
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Originally Posted by CTT1(SW)Griffin View Post
It won't however be like regular college. You'll be doing classes along with a full time job; so keep that in mind.

Sounds like regular college when I was getting my bachelor's... lol.

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Old 06-06-2015, 01:50 PM   #198
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Originally Posted by Haasino View Post
Sounds like regular college when I was getting my bachelor's... lol.
^^^ haha
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Old 06-20-2015, 08:51 AM   #199
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Old 06-20-2015, 09:55 AM   #200
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Shipping out soon as a CTR.

As a junior CT going surface, what's the likelihood I'll go on small decks vs a carrier?

I'm on the fence about subs, if I don't volunteer will this negatively impact my career?

Is Aircrew closed to first enlistment CTs?

How competitive is TIO?

At the time of reenlistment, do you get to choose your next command? Say a sailor has been DIRSUP for X many years and now they want to be stationed at an NIOC, is it likely the Navy will accommodate them? I want duty at an NIOC at some point in my future career so I can better transition into a three letter agency after service, but I want to travel and experience the Navy's many platforms beforehand.
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