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Old 10-19-2015, 11:32 AM   #1
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Question CTN Rate Conversions & Orders

Hello all, I am currently an HN waiting for my CWAY window (March 2016) so I can opt to convert to CTN. Been doing a lot of research into CTN, still can not find a solid answer to the following question... As a sailor who is cross rating, will I be given my final duty station orders at the same time I get my JCAC orders OR will I be doing the whole 'dream sheet' fiasco during A-School? I would love any and all feedback, thank you!
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Old 10-19-2015, 12:52 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Pahhhtelllll View Post
Hello all, I am currently an HN waiting for my CWAY window (March 2016) so I can opt to convert to CTN. Been doing a lot of research into CTN, still can not find a solid answer to the following question... As a sailor who is cross rating, will I be given my final duty station orders at the same time I get my JCAC orders OR will I be doing the whole 'dream sheet' fiasco during A-School? I would love any and all feedback, thank you!
Rate conversion can be a messy process. Once you're given your conversion, I would email your detailer and ask him what they want to do. Really it could go a few different ways, but my guess is that your final duty station would be written into your orders, with JCAC as an intermediate destination.

Again, just contact the source via email once you've made the switch over and they should be able to tell you.


Last edited by FlyNavy; 10-19-2015 at 01:27 PM.
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Old 10-20-2015, 07:22 AM   #3
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That's a good idea CTT1, i'll be sure to ask my CCC as well, but I just thought maybe someone on here might now. Thanks!
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Old 10-19-2015, 06:12 PM   #4
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Hey Pahhhtelllll,

I know we have messaged a few times. I was in the same exact boat as you. I converted over and start JCAC here in a couple weeks. I did not receive follow-on orders in my orders to JCAC. That may be because I am moving my entire family to Pensacola as I received PCS orders so the Navy may not want to commit to giving me follow on PCS orders just yet. Do not know if that is a reason, just a guess. The best thing is just wait your time till your C-Way window opens up and if you get approved for conversion, talk to the community manager for CTN and the detailer to find out about follow-on orders. You can have your career counselor always put in a package early through C-Way also but every time I did so, I got denied. It was not until I was in my window that I got C-Way approval to convert.
Very Respectfully,

CTN2 Baron
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Old 10-20-2015, 07:25 AM   #5
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jabONE, thanks for the response! I have a family as well, so I am going to assume that my orders will be similar to you. You're probably right when you think that you got denied because you were not in your CWAY window, i'm just going to wait till MAR2016 and hopefully hear back by MAY2016. Thanks
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Old 07-20-2016, 03:18 PM   #6
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Default A few cross rating questions

I am also in a similar situation, I have been selected to convert and doing the clearance paperwork now. I was curious if I would be able to bring my son because I'm a single father, so I'm hoping that they will be accompanied orders. After my clearance is settled do you generally get orders right away or wait till PRD? I was also told that if I make rank my selection could be pulled, is this true? Also the only orders I saw available this month where for places in VA, is this the only place CTN's go? Also curious about what I should study to be a little more prepared.

So this is a huge change for me so I'm a quite nervous. I've been an AT for 11 so it will be a definite change of pace.
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Old 07-20-2016, 08:47 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by froley View Post
I am also in a similar situation, I have been selected to convert and doing the clearance paperwork now. I was curious if I would be able to bring my son because I'm a single father, so I'm hoping that they will be accompanied orders. After my clearance is settled do you generally get orders right away or wait till PRD? I was also told that if I make rank my selection could be pulled, is this true? Also the only orders I saw available this month where for places in VA, is this the only place CTN's go? Also curious about what I should study to be a little more prepared.

So this is a huge change for me so I'm a quite nervous. I've been an AT for 11 so it will be a definite change of pace.
What's going on, shipmate! Thanks for reaching out!

So quick background on me CTN wise, I was the LPO of a CTN shop for several years during my NSA tour. So I'll answer what I can for ya and if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me directly if you need to.


Orders: With the length of time you'll be spending there it's possible they can cut you accompanied orders, although not a guarantee. You need to have a very solid family care plan in place ahead of time to have a shot at it. I also reached out to a Chief buddy of mine over there to confirm that.

The orders situation will be based on when they can fit you into a class. While they will want to get you through quickly, they aren't going to short the billet to your current command. So expect to transfer around the same time you normally would, but if they grab you sooner then great.

Rank: They shouldn't pull it if you've already been selected in C-Way for the transition. If that becomes an issue or someone hassles you about it then I would contact the Community Manager/Tech Ad directly and get them involved. I could see the argument about it messing with year groups, but if you've already been awarded the quota then I see that being a harder sell.

Orders: CTN's typically go to a large Joint/National command; so you're looking at Maryland (the mothership), Texas, Georgia, or Hawaii for those. Other smaller commands reside in Virginia, yes; but those aren't the meat of the rate billets by any means.

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a-school, crypt, ctn, jcac, orders

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