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Old 01-12-2015, 08:37 PM   #1
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Hello I just signed up as an EM 3 days ago and was wondering what exactly is the rating like? I know most jobs aren't how the Navy advertises them and some or better than others. Some questions I have are, What kind of stuff will I be stuck doing for the first few years? How long is a days work usually and what are the working conditions like? Are the advancements easier or tougher in this rating?
I originally wanted to be an ET or FC (which are undermanned as of Dec 10th) because a scored high enough on the ASVAB (an 87) to choose any job I wanted but I noticed that when I went to sign up, none of the jobs that required secret security clearance came up even though they were undermanned. The career counselor said it is possibly because my father was from Kuwait (Is that really a disqualifying factor?) I was then left with MM and EM as my next two decisions. My bro called some of his old friends and they said MMs are like slaves almost but I also read online that anything related to engineering is like slave labor. Anyways can someone who is an EM or who has worked with EMs please provide some input? After all choosing my rate is choosing my fate.
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Old 01-12-2015, 09:22 PM   #2
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Out of curiosity - what other jobs were offered to you? (I've got a similar ASVAB but i'll be going back to MEPS for my phys/med next week)
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Old 01-13-2015, 06:46 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by ianGP View Post
Out of curiosity - what other jobs were offered to you? (I've got a similar ASVAB but i'll be going back to MEPS for my phys/med next week)
I had 3 pages of jobs offered to me so I don't remember all of them. Pretty much everything in the aviation community besides AD, a few Administrative jobs, both of the medical ratings, and some seabee jobs. Were you thinking of anything particular because it may have popped up. When you go and pic your rating, you will have different ones available because the needs are always changing.
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Old 01-13-2015, 08:08 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Romym15 View Post
The career counselor said it is possibly because my father was from Kuwait (Is that really a disqualifying factor?)
It's not immediately disqualifying, although it requires significantly more paperwork. As long as YOU are a US citizen, you're eligible for an investigation that could result in clearance.

Originally Posted by Romym15 View Post
My bro called some of his old friends and they said MMs are like slaves almost but I also read online that anything related to engineering is like slave labor.
Your Bro has some bad information. The EM's I know loved what they did and I wouldn't say engineers do anymore work than I did. While they were chasing wires somewhere I was up top disassembling my launchers. While they were fixing the GTE's I would be in my antennas. It's all relative.

There's two things you need to consider about what you got told.
1) The person you asked doesn't sound like they've actually been there and done that.
2) If his friends got out of the Navy, then they probably weren't that invested in it. Which isn't to say they were bad Sailors or anything, but you're asking someone about a job after they made the decision to leave it.

EM's were pretty damn important on my ship. If CIC doesn't have power, under normal conditions or battle conditions, that's kind of a HUGE DEAL. (CIC = Combat Information Center).

Not to mention, the engineering shops were some of the tightest knit groups on the ship. They worked hard, but man, when we hit port? Those guys did liberty right haha

I would take what you hear from 3rd party sources with a grain of salt.

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Old 01-13-2015, 06:49 PM   #5
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I talked to my recruiter and he said I am stuck with EM (i'm not upset about it) unless I become a nuke or spec ops. But from what you have seen EMs do, they don't work longer hours than everyone else?
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Old 01-13-2015, 07:02 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Romym15 View Post
I talked to my recruiter and he said I am stuck with EM (i'm not upset about it) unless I become a nuke or spec ops. But from what you have seen EMs do, they don't work longer hours than everyone else?
Not unless something critical is broke, but that's anybody. If my gear was broken obviously I would stick around to fix it. EM's aren't any different than anyone else. They do their thing and we do ours.

Also, working hours onboard the ship are pretty standard (again, outside of anything special). Typically 0700-16/1700.

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Old 01-13-2015, 08:28 PM   #7
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Thank you for the input guys. I'll be talking to my recruiter tomorrow about moving my scheduled date forward. This really makes me feel more at ease to have all my ducks in a row before going to MEPS again.
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Old 01-14-2015, 06:39 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by CTT1(SW)Griffin View Post

Also, working hours onboard the ship are pretty standard (again, outside of anything special). Typically 0700-16/1700.

What are the usual hours in port and how long are ships usually in port?
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Old 01-14-2015, 07:03 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Romym15 View Post
What are the usual hours in port and how long are ships usually in port?
Like CTT1 said, inport working hours are typically Mon-Fri 0700 - 1600 (4pm). Some commands will work short days on Wednesdays or Fridays. Some commands are on "tropical hours" which are 0600 - 1300 (1pm) with no lunch break. Some days you'll finish early and get to go home early. Some days you'll have to stay late. Sometimes you'll have to come in on the weekend.

In addition to working hours, you will also stand duty once every 4-7 or 8 days (depending on the ship and their manning levels). On duty days you will be on the ship for 24 hours (weekends included).
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