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Old 07-01-2016, 03:07 PM   #1
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Default Entry Level Separation

I received a call from my son yesterday, which was completely unexpected since he just arrived Tuesday. He started telling me how he was homesick, etc. I asked how he was calling me? He said he had medical yesterday and they allowed him to call. He started telling me about the possibility to separate. I was angry. This was not my son! A little background...he met a girl a couple of months prior to leaving and he changed. My question is:

If he is going to be separated, when will I find out? I understand that it will take weeks before he'd come home. But he acted like they told him he has a choice...and that he hasn't decided anything yet. I'm just extremely disappointed. He's talked about the Navy for years and I feel like he's willing to give up a dream for a girl he barely knows.

Sorry for such a long post.
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Old 07-01-2016, 05:11 PM   #2
LT Guppy
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Unfortunately you won't find out he is being separated until he tells you. The navy isn't obligated to tell you.

Here's the instruction for ELS:

More info:
Entry Level Separation (ELS). As I said, this characterization is often misunderstood, as some people think that it's some kind of special separation program that allows them to quit if they have less than 180 days of service. It's not. It's simply another type of service characterization. If the servicemember has less than 180 days of service, and is discharged, the commander can say "I didn't have enough time to adequately measure this person's conduct and performance," by characterizing the service as "Entry Level." That's all an ELS is. Instead of giving an Honorable, General, or UOTHC, the service is "uncharacterized." An ELS is not honorable, it's not general, it's not anything. It means that the commander didn't have enough time to make a fair decision as to the overall service characterization. The commander DOES NOT have to characterize the service as Entry Level, even if the member has less than 180 days of service. If the commander feels it's appropriate, and the commander feels he/she knows enough about the member's conduct and performance, he/she can characterize the service as honorable, general, or UOTHC, instead. This is often done in cases of misconduct, or failure to meet or maintain standards. Usually, someone with an ELS has not been in the military long enough to qualify for most veteran benefits.
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Old 09-22-2016, 10:13 PM   #3
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What happens to someone who has tried severally to pass the swim qual and can't seem to float on water for 5minutes,the best the person got was 4 minutes and some seconds and he is fed up and want to quit. How soon will he be let go from boot camp?
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Old 09-23-2016, 05:56 AM   #4
LT Guppy
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Closing this thread because the question was asked in a separate thread.
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