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Old 01-08-2017, 08:45 PM   #1
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Default Not knowing all the information

So when I originally depped in, my time frame before I left for bootcamp was 8 months. I found out, not even a month ago that I would be leaving early. So all in all I've been in dep for about two months and I leave for basic in 10 days.

I've been studying the start guide as much as I can. I have the sailors creed down, the RTC maxim and so far most of the general orders. Will it be a huge deal if I don't know a lot of the stuff from the start guide once I get there? I don't want to get my whole unit in trouble for not knowing all info or have myself be that guy or get chewed out constantly. Will a lot of other recruits not know the start guide? Will I have time to study it while there? What are the most important things I should know before I leave? I'll try to get them down in 10 days.
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Old 01-08-2017, 10:12 PM   #2
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A lot of people don't study too much beforehand. You will carry your Recruit Guide around all the time (basically a bigger, more in-depth version of the Start Guide) and will be expected to study it whenever you don't have anything assigned to do at any given time.

I wouldn't worry too much unless you're trying to get the advancement to E2, in which case a little extra study time wouldn't hurt.

Oh, get the ranks down. At the very least, the enlisted ones. You don't want to call an RDC by the wrong rank if you can help it.
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Old 01-09-2017, 08:12 PM   #3
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You'll be fine. They already have to teach you from the ground up anyway; the start guide is really just to make the transition a little easier for you. You'll do just fine!

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