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Old 12-08-2016, 07:15 PM   #1
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Default Worried wife

My husband left for boot camp November 23rd. That following Monday I got a call from him saying he is in asmo due to an injury. Then the following Thursday December 1, he called and said he's ready to go. I asked if he went through processing and he said he didn't. I did receive his "box." Anyways I have yet to get the "form" that let's me know his division, ship, address, and graduation date. I know none of that. I tried contacting the recruiting center and they said there isn't anything they can do. I have no idea what's going on starting to worry. I know it's only been 2 weeks but a lot of people said I should have received it by now. What can I do?? When should I start to worry and if I don't get the form I don't know what my steps are to know anything about the graduation date or his division number. A couple of people are saying wait til the call about him being a sailor but if that's only a week before the actual graduation I need more time than that to know at least the estimate graduation date before he becomes a sailor. Thank you
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Old 12-08-2016, 07:32 PM   #2
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Sounds like he'll be put into a SEP division. He'll likely be able to contact you soon with a phone call on what's going to happen to him. A lot of people get injured and are separated from the navy, or they stay in the SEP division until they are fit for full duty and they are transferred into a normal division. But every case is different, so it's hard to tell what exactly is the situation he's going through.
I hope everything works out and you're able to get more news soon.
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Old 12-08-2016, 07:58 PM   #3
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biruis, SEPS and RCU are two different things. He'll only be put in SEPS if they have already determined that he's going home.

RCU (Recruit Convalescence Unit) is where injuries get sent. It's a holding unit in Ship 4 (or at least was when I went there), and therefore doesn't have an assigned graduation date or anything like that. Generally if you get injured at the very beginning of bootcamp, you get sent to heal up at RCU and then you start over by being ASMOed to a brand new baby division (meaning his time is basically reset).

It's unclear to me whether your husband is still in RCU (in which case, he has no graduation date and no letter has been sent) or the "good to go" part means he was being sent to a new division.

Once he has a new division, he should know his address and graduation date shortly. It will probably take 2 weeks from that time for you to receive anything.
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Old 12-08-2016, 08:08 PM   #4
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Sorry I wrote in a rush and upset. December 1st is when he called and said he is getting out of rcu. He mentioned his graduation date is still the same and from what I found its around January. But I would still love the form. He went into rcu for random swelling of his leg November 28th I believe. I guess within days it went down. I was just bummed to hear he didn't get any processing done so far
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Old 12-09-2016, 07:21 AM   #5
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From that, I'd guess a graduation date of Jan 27 or Feb 3, and that you'll probably get the info letter next week.
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