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Old 05-23-2015, 06:08 PM   #1
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Default 800 Division Bootcamp

Just want to put some info out there to help out future guys with NSW contracts should they come across this site.
Navy Bootcamp is really easy, you get told everything you have to do and you are pretty much forced to graduate. So don't sweat Bootcamp and try to make the best of it.

I'm not going to go into a squeal about RTC, because that would be pointless and you can read that from other people, but I will point out some of the differences.

- On nights before you have Dive Mo or BASES you get "4th Meal" (everyday of the week besides Saturday night you get it and 4th Meal consists of a Protein Bar, Cheese Crackers, and a piece of fruit)

- Dive Mo, wake up is at 0430 and you need to get to the pool by 0510 or you are going to get a beat down instead of a workout. Dive Mo days alternate between run and swim days.

- BASES, it is actually a great workout, as long as you give it 110%.

- RDC's, mine were cool. They know that an 800 Division is not a Rifle Division, I mean half the guys in my Division could have joined the Navy as Officers if they wanted to. And we heard lots of story's about rifle divisions. Just don't lose anything to a rifle Division in your training group or they will be pissed (fortunately that never happened to us).
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Old 05-23-2015, 06:54 PM   #2
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Ahh 800 divisions. My division and brother division were the only rifle divisions in ship 4. We had RDCs that have only pushed 800 divisions. They are definitely not the same as other RDCs..

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Old 05-24-2015, 12:51 PM   #3
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Hey Matt, if you're Active Duty please shoot a message to LTJG Guppy to get your account verified. It helps the deppers keep track of who's-who and you'll get an "Active Duty" tag on your account.

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Old 05-24-2015, 02:10 PM   #4
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Thank you CTT1, however after this weekend I won't be having time to log on here much if at all.

One more thing about RTC, try to eat healthy. It's hard. The Navy loves serving recruits lots of Carbs and lots of Sugar for some reason (besides breakfast, breakfast is great). The salad bar is where you should get most of your food from. When my Division got weighed for the second time in week 6 a lot of people were shocked that they gained 5 - 10 pounds. It is a lot easier to eat healthy once you get across the street to NETC and the food is better and everything is better.
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Old 05-24-2015, 11:04 PM   #5
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You will have weekends off as well as evenings, BUD/S prep is much more relaxed than BUD/S. Enjoy the time and the food, the galley there is the best I've had in the Navy.
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