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Old 02-24-2011, 02:39 PM   #1
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Default More FC rating info stuff...

Fire Controlman (FC)

Fire Controlmen maintain the control mechanism used in weapons systems on combat ships. Complex electronic, electrical and hydraulic equipment is required to ensure the accuracy of Navy guided-missile and surface gunfire-control systems. They are responsible for the operation, routine care and repair of this equipment, which includes radars, computers, weapons direction equipment, target designation systems, gyroscopes and rangefinders.

Fire Controlmen (FC) typically operate weapon systems on-board surface combatant ships. They are trained in the repair, maintenance, operation and employment of weapons such as the Tomahawk Missile System, the Close-In Weapons System, the 5"/54 caliber Mark 45 gun Weapon System and it's associated MK86 Gun Fire Control System, the Sea Sparrow Missile System, and the Harpoon Missile Systems. These include their associated computer and sensor packages. Their job is somewhat unique in that they are trained to troubleshoot and repair their systems, as well as operate them. You cannot enlist with a guarantee for the FC rating. Instead, you must enlist under the Navy's Advanced Electronics/Computer Field (AEFC) . During the initial phase of Advanced Electronics Technical Core Course in Great Lakes, Il, you're assigned to either the FC rating or the Electronic Technician (ET) rating. The ET and FC (AEF) ratings comprise the basis of the ship's Combat Systems department aboard ships and are responsible for maintaining the ship's readiness for combat operations.

Typical duties performed by Fire Controlmen (FC):
  • provide system employment recommendations;
  • perform organizational and intermediate maintenance on digital computer equipment, subsystems, and systems; operate and maintain combat and weapons direction systems, surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missile systems, and gun fire control systems at the organizational and intermediate level;
  • inspect, test, align, and repair micro/minicomputers and associated peripheral equipment, data conversion units, data display equipment, data link terminal equipment, print devices, and system related equipment; make analysis for detailed systems, computer programs, electronics, and electronic casualty control;
  • operate associated built-in and external test equipment;
  • load, initialize, and run preprogrammed diagnostic, performance and testing routines for digital computer equipment, digital subsystems, digital systems, and overall combat systems.
Working Environment
Jobs performed by FCs are performed throughout the Navy's fleet of surface ships including aircraft carriers and Aegis cruisers, and at repair activities ashore.

A-School (Job School) Information
  • Greate Lakes, IL -- 89 calendar days (Apprentice Technical Training)
  • Great Lakes, IL -- weeks (FC A-School)
Note: Many FCs go on to receive advanced training (C School) directly after completing A-School).

Security Clearance Requirement: Secret

Other Requirements
  • Must have normal color perception
  • Must have normal hearing
  • Must be a U.S. Citizen
  • 72 month enlistment obligation
Sea/Shore Rotation for This Rating
  • First Sea Tour: 60 months
  • First Shore Tour: 36 months
  • Second Sea Tour: 60 months
  • Second Shore Tour: 36 months
  • Third Sea Tour: 48 months
  • Third Shore Tour: 36 months
  • Fourth Sea Tour: 48 months
  • Forth Shore Tour: 36 months
Note: Sea tours and shore tours for sailors that have completed four sea tours will be 36 months at sea followed by 36 months ashore until retirement.

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Old 05-09-2017, 02:41 PM   #2
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 14
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Default Gap between ATT/A/C?

Hello all! Shipping out soon for a contract with Navy Reserves under the AECF rate. And I have a couple questions:

1. The job counselor at MEPS said that since I'm in Reserves, they may decide to send my to my duty station in between any of the schools (ATT/A/orC) if the hold is long enough instead of staying in Great Lakes. I hope my hold isn't to long and I can just get them out of the way, but how likely is that? I don't think it would make sense to send me back and forth multiple times if I'm not trained on my job? I was just planning on staying there for about a year unbroken.

2. I have read some posts that use "A school" and "ATT" interchangeably and the weeks are inconsistent. It sounds like ATT is different than A school, but how long are each of the schools? I'm seeing ranges.

Any clarification is greatly appreciated!!
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