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Old 12-04-2014, 08:07 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2014
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Exclamation CTN Reservist Info

Hey guys. I'm currently 18, depped in as a CTN back in October, and ship out to basic in a week. I wanted to get some more info on my rating since.there are only a handful of things my recruiter and chief know about it.

1.) Exactly how long is "A"/"C" School combined?
2.) What is life at Corry Station like while in schooling? (I already live in Florida so not talking about the weather haha)
3.) Roughly how many college credits will you walk away with after training?
4.) Do you go home for a few days after basic, or do they ship you straight to "A" school?

Thanks guys. Any correspondence would be greatly appreciated!
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Old 12-04-2014, 09:20 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by TheXFactor View Post
Hey guys. I'm currently 18, depped in as a CTN back in October, and ship out to basic in a week. I wanted to get some more info on my rating since.there are only a handful of things my recruiter and chief know about it.

1.) Exactly how long is "A"/"C" School combined?
2.) What is life at Corry Station like while in schooling? (I already live in Florida so not talking about the weather haha)
3.) Roughly how many college credits will you walk away with after training?
4.) Do you go home for a few days after basic, or do they ship you straight to "A" school?

Thanks guys. Any correspondence would be greatly appreciated!
I'm not your rate but I can help answer some. You don't go home after basic. You ship right down to Florida the Saturday after graduation. Corry station looked dull to me compared to NAS Pensacola. Lots o fences and gates. My wife left A school with an associates degree. She is an AE. So I think you'll have a fair amount of credits. Sorry I don't know more. �� is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 12-04-2014, 09:20 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by TheXFactor View Post
Hey guys. I'm currently 18, depped in as a CTN back in October, and ship out to basic in a week. I wanted to get some more info on my rating since.there are only a handful of things my recruiter and chief know about it.

1.) Exactly how long is "A"/"C" School combined?
2.) What is life at Corry Station like while in schooling? (I already live in Florida so not talking about the weather haha)
3.) Roughly how many college credits will you walk away with after training?
4.) Do you go home for a few days after basic, or do they ship you straight to "A" school?

Thanks guys. Any correspondence would be greatly appreciated!
1.) Exactly how long is "A"/"C" School combined?
You're not going to get an exact number since everyone tends to be in and out of holding for different amounts of time based on their specific situations in the clearance pipeline as well as whats going on with class schedules at the specific schoolhouses. Expect about 6-7 months.

2.) What is life at Corry Station like while in schooling? (I already live in Florida so not talking about the weather haha)
Once you get Phase 3 liberty, life is pretty easy. As long as you're making it to class on time and you're doing everything you need to in your duty section, the rest of the time there is yours. So if you wanna go down to the beach, then go! We have a lot more freedom at Corry that at NAS Pensacola. I always liked to think it was because all the screening we have to go through, but it probably is just that we're a much smaller base.

3.) Roughly how many college credits will you walk away with after training?
That will depend on what college you're giving your training transcripts to. Some colleges won't give you any and some will give you a lot. It all depends on where you want to go and what they're willing to accept.

4.) Do you go home for a few days after basic, or do they ship you straight to "A" school?
You'll probably have that Friday afternoon, Saturday, and maybe part of Sunday after you graduate boot for some liberty with family. However, you're back on base every night. You'll get some of that weekend liberty and then you're flying straight to Pensacola. (In some cases depending on flights, you might have to leave the day after graduation.) Either way, they won't be sending you home.

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Old 12-04-2014, 01:24 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by CTT1(SW)Griffin View Post
You'll probably have that Friday afternoon, Saturday, and maybe part of Sunday after you graduate boot for some liberty with family. However, you're back on base every night. You'll get some of that weekend liberty and then you're flying straight to Pensacola. (In some cases depending on flights, you might have to leave the day after graduation.) Either way, they won't be sending you home.

Except for Sailors staying in Great Lakes for A School, or Sailors reporting to THU, everybody leaves RTC for the airport between 1am and 6am Saturday morning. They're racking and stacking divisions these days... and have closed down a few ships... so the compartment needs to be vacated ASAP so the RDC's can go back on push, and a new division can vacate Ship 01 and move into their permanent compartment.

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Old 12-04-2014, 03:47 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Haasino View Post

Except for Sailors staying in Great Lakes for A School, or Sailors reporting to THU, everybody leaves RTC for the airport between 1am and 6am Saturday morning. They're racking and stacking divisions these days... and have closed down a few ships... so the compartment needs to be vacated ASAP so the RDC's can go back on push, and a new division can vacate Ship 01 and move into their permanent compartment.
Ahh, gotcha. Thanks for the update!
We had the whole weekend and left Monday morning around 0400. Times are a changing though!

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