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Old 03-17-2015, 04:35 AM   #2
CTR3(IW/SG) Freddie
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CTR3(IW/SG) Freddie is a splendid one to beholdCTR3(IW/SG) Freddie is a splendid one to beholdCTR3(IW/SG) Freddie is a splendid one to behold

There are these things called training groups. There are about ten to twelve divisions (not sure the exact amount per group). All of the divisions in a training group will graduate on he same day, but not every recruit will arrive on the same day. Some may arrive a week and a half earlier then the last recruit who got there. For example, I got to boot on September 15th, but there were people that got there september 7th and the day after me that were all in the same training group. So it's just luck of the draw. If you get there 'early', then you will be at bootcamp a little bit longer. But if you arrive late then you just have all of your training squeezed in a little tighter. Don't worry though, it doesn't really make it harder.

But how do they actually determine who gets put in what division? Once you get to ohare, you will wait at the airport until there is enough recruits to fill about two to three busses. Then you will get transported to boot and everyone will go through the initial process. The phone call, picking shoe size, getting your dirty bag, stuff like that. Sometime during that you will be asked if anyone has any drill/choir/rifle talent. If you say yes you will be put in a 900 division and they will give you the next consecutive number from the previous training group that arrived shortly before you. For example, if the division that arrived the week before you was given 902, then you would be 903.

After all of the 'talented' people get weeded out then they will bring everyone else into this hallway and desperate them into equal groups. They will come to you and grab your hand and write a number in marker on your hand. Congrats this is your division number. So if you ship out with someone you know and you don't have one those special contracts that promise you that you will stay with each other, stick with the guy. Or if you find someone at the airport that you just connect with immediately, stick with them and you may just get out on the same division. It at least worked for a couple guys in my division.

Sorry if I rambled on or it doesn't make sense, I kind of just woke up.
CTR3(IW/SG) Freddie is offline   Reply With Quote