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Old 03-29-2014, 07:24 PM   #4
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 83
Rep Power: 15
notjustaUSNwife is on a distinguished road

So far it has been busy here. Study, study, study for EMT. It is definitely as hard as they say. Don't let up for Corpsman Fundamentals. That's the test I'm studying for this weekend. It is a TON of information to learn in a short time. As far as liberty, you'll have phase 1 which is the first 2 weeks. Everywhere you go you have to be in uniform and you have to be in the barracks by 2200. The second 2 weeks is phase 2 and you can wear civies. You have to be in by 2200 on week days and 0000 on the weekends. Phase 3 is civies, home by 2200 on week days and on the weekends you can leave at liberty call on Friday and don't have to be back til 2200 on Sunday. There is a ton to do here. There are a couple huge malls, the River Walk, the Alamo, Sea World, 6 Flags. There's more but that's just the list of stuff I can name off the top of my head. There are tons of places to eat.

Here's your typical Monday, Wednesday, Friday
0430-0530ish : PT
0630 : Muster for Super Fleet, form up with your class, march to chow with all of Corps School
0700-0730 : Muster for Super Fleet to march to the school house with your class and all of Corps School
0800-1200 : Class which usually consists of death by powerpoint or a lab and a few 15 minute breaks in between
1215 : Super Fleet again!!! Yay!!!
1245ish-1320 : Chow
1320 : Super Fleet back to the schoolhouse
1400-1700 : Class
1700 : Super Fleet!!! Head back to the barracks.

Tuesdays and Thursdays are pretty much the same with the exception of PT. You'll have to field day on Thursday so liberty is secure at 1900, you muster for field day at 1915, then you clean from 1930-2030. You'll have duty every 5 days. There are 10? duty sections. I say 10? because there were 10 when I got here and we had duty every 10 days but they just started doubling up on Friday so there are now 5? duty sections. It's been progressively getting more strict since I've gotten here so there's kind of no telling what you're in for. There are 2 classes that literally muster and practice marching in circles every night at 1930 because they can't get right.

If you have any more questions just let me know.

Good luck!

Last edited by Craig; 03-30-2014 at 01:50 AM.
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