Thread: Fellow ITs?
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Old 03-03-2014, 11:56 AM   #14
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Join Date: Mar 2013
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saltysailor is on a distinguished road

There are lots of ITs here in Pesacola. several hundred. It's difficult to go out in town and not see someone you know. IT school is here at Corry Station. It's about 5 miles away from the big NASP/NATTC base where you will initially arrive after flying here. ATs are at NATTC, not Corry but their school is of similar length.

I wouldn't say that either base is more lenient. NATTC students can go off base after they pass a test, Corry students have to be phase two. The liberty policy changes every few weeks, so whatever you've heard is probably wrong. We just had "health and comfort" inspections a few weeks ago where the chiefs woke us up at 0430, we opened all our lockers and closets and stood outside while they went through our rooms and belongings. I think at least 50 people went to mast after that.

Studying for A and C schools are both pretty easy. An hour or two of study a night and you'll be pretty good. 6y people and those who have some college tend to do better in class. You only get C school if it was in your contract when you signed up. You would have signed for the IT/ATF. If you are a 4y, it's not a bad deal. You get to the fleet and make rank just about as quick and there are opportunities to come back for one or both c schools.

Also, The name Winters is very common here for ITs. I'd never met so many till I got here.
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