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Old 02-16-2017, 07:59 PM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2017
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jbpr77 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Barbazu View Post
I was initially a CTN and got dropped for failing two exams. We called it 'double-tapping.' Along with me, 4 others also failed. We were each presented with different options. Three of the guys (active duty) were each given 5 choices to choose from. The options were LS, AD, PACT Air, and PACT Sea for one guy. They were AD, BM, Pact Air, and Pact Sea for one of the others. The other guy I'm not sure what his choices were, but he chose PACT Sea. Me and the other guy (both Reservist) were given the exact same choices with only one billet for each - meaning we had to decide together which rates we would take. Our choices were EO, EM, and PS. I took PS and he took EM. So, basically, no. You don't get to just choose what you want. They tell you, "Here are your choices. Choose one or you'll be separated from the Navy." I don't know that they'll actually separate you, but that's what I was told. If you have any doubts about CTN I'd be nervous about it. CTR isn't that bad. In fact, I don't know if anyone failing CTR. But I'll tell you this. When I got there and my chief asked what my rating was he said this, "You know what CTNs do? They fail. That's what they do." But, some people are naturals at it. There were guys in my class that I would've never thought could make it, but they killed it. It's hard to guess who'll do good. But it's definitely no cakewalk.

I'm really appreciated for your response. At this moment I'm very confuse about if I should to choose one or another, CTN, CTR, YNS. My recruiter said to me that I should choose any of CT's ratings. I want to spend a lot of time with my family. I know some CT's jobs suchs as CTN and CTR don't spend time on sea duty. That is the reason for wich I want to choose CT's jobs, also in the civilian area I can find a lot of opportunities with this knowledge. The recruiter tell me I can choose any jobs if I fail Ct school. But with this information I can take more time to make a best desicion on MEPS.


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