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Old 03-01-2013, 08:12 AM   #24
Join Date: Sep 2012
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holliann7 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by djhaugen View Post
I have a million and a half questions but I'll stick with a couple. FIRST: what was the swim requirements and process like? (I don't know how to swim yet.)
SECOND: did all the females cut their hair? (Not a deal breaker)

First: If you can swim, don't worry about the swim test. Honestly, it's easy if you can swim. You jump of a 10 foot platform and swim 50 yards and you get to choose the stroke you use. It's simple. Just don't panic when you jump off the platform. I would suggest learning before you go. Even if you fail the first time, you can go get lessons throughout boot camp. But it's 2 or 3 times a day, and it uses up a lot of time and you miss out on other divisional events like classes and drill practice. You have to pass the swim and prone before battle stations in order to graduate with your division. If you learn before you should be all set though

And yes, all the females get their hair cut. It has to be above the collar. For some reason, the Navy is the only branch that makes females cut their hari in boot camp. But after boot camp you are allowed to grow it out and put it in a bun. I don't mind the short hair. Honestly, it's easier to maintain, and having a tight bun of wet hair all the time would cause moldy hair. And that would be worse then an uneven haircut.
I'm glad it's not a deal breaker, because here at A school, a lot of Air Force girls have told me that that's why they chose the Air Forcer over the Navy... The haircuts! It's only hair, and it'll grow back It's definitley worth it!
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