Thread: Wisdom Teeth
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Old 10-05-2012, 01:33 AM   #1
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Default Wisdom Teeth

I've kind of been freaking out lately about my wisdom teeth. I wanted to get them taken out before I leave but my recruiter strongly suggested that I didn't because if there are any complications after the surgery it could push back my ship date. I've heard that sometimes they take them out at boot camp... Which quite frankly scares me... like a lot. I am very afraid of dentists and always take very good care of my teeth because of it. None of them have emerged yet. One is just barely, and I mean barely starting to.

I had an oral surgeon consult like a year and a half ago to see how immediate the need was for me to have them removed and he didn't seem to think they were an immediate issue. One of them is impacted, he said it will never be able to come in on its own... Should be removed eventually though.

Enough rambling about my teeth, my question is this: do they remove wisdom teeth that haven't emerged yet? If they do, do they put you to sleep? I seriously have crazy anxiety about oral surgery. The idea of being awake while they cut up my gums freaks me out. Having teeth taken out at all scares me. Bleh.
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