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Old 12-19-2011, 12:06 AM   #1
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Default Top 10 (make that 100) "Say what?" lines from Navy boot camp ~

Top 10 "Say what?" lines
"I guess not everybody appreciates ninjas."- K
From a phone call... "Bryan was telling me he was getting ready to go to Church. I said 'Wow, which one do you go to?' He replied, 'The one with the free donuts.'" - Donna
"Got to go mom I am so tired and I still have to iron my boots." - Charlotte T
"I've never seen so many grown men scream about a lost pair of shoe laces." - Ann
"I will be getting some wisdom teeth pulled, I am exited I get to stay in bed for 2 days" - Lisa G
"Mom I miss you so much. Can you send me a picture of my dog??" - Ann
"Getting gassed is not as much fun as you'd think." - Seaoat Lisa

Top 10 "my kid has a new perspective" lines
"My perspective of bootcamp was to get in shape, shoot guns, breath gas and learn to salute.....boy I was wrong." - Shell
"They are really detailed oriented and as you and I both know Im not good at details." - Nonnie
"Mom, i'm pretty sure the way the RDC's talk to us is illegal." - Paula (Erica's Mom)
"I have no hair and the food is good, my chief is female and haven't seen a lady get that mad!" - Christina
"I apologize to dad for making fun of him when he irons because I am ironing everything too, even underwear." Donna G

Top 10 "awww" lines
"Mail call is like the ice-cream truck just arrived at the park on a very hot day." - Chris Amo
"So yeah, on Monday I got eight letters from you, a little ridiculous half the mail was mine." - C from T
"One good thing Mom, i'm not crying as much at night" - Regina
"Dear Mom, You were right boot camp is hard." - Jacki Druckemiller
"I could get some sleep if all the married men would quit crying" - Sherry R
"Mom, I owe you everything. The other guys don't know how to listen." - Char
"Thanks for all the years you made me clean my room, it finally paid off" - Angel
"I miss you guys and I miss just talking with you and getting hugs from you! I think that is the one thing I miss the most...Hugs..." - Maureen

Top 10 Hair-lines
"I look ridiculous bald, so I try not to look in the mirror." Susie, mom of BlackGryphon
"Guess what, Mom, it seems that I don't have a bumpy head now that I am bald" - Pat L
"These annoying glasses keep sliding off my face and frankly don't compliment my new stylish hairdo." - Lynn
"We reached a big turning point in boot camp that we have been longing for, we were allowed to buy barrettes for our hair!" - Lynn
"I've been stripped of my gender. My hair is cut just like Timothy Tidwell's. If you want to see what I look like, go see Grizly Man Diaries." - Connie in Alaska
"I never knew how bad my hairline is until they shaved my head ,thanks Dad." - Brian
"My head is shaves and I am ready to go." - Jessie 17

Top 10 Uniform lines
"We had to put on all of our uniforms and get inspected after each one. It's like a freakin fashion show" - Lisa in Michigan
"Saturday was fashion day, trying on new uniforms and it took ALL DAY!" - GInger
"With all these buttons, you don't want to wait until you gotta pee really bad". - Lisa in Michigan
"These uniforms are sick!!" - Lorrie
"We go our dress uniforms last week, they are PIMP!!" - Cherith N
"Inspection was in dress whites and I looked like white on rice in a snowstorm" - BethB

Top 10 food lines
"There's one type of meat, I don't know what it is.. we call it "mystery meat".. you don't wanna eat that, it's got 2 different colors to it" - Robin
"You know what is great about this place? I get cookies twice a day!" Lynn
"The food here is good but the lunch ladies are as scary as the RDC's". - Jacqueline
"I am not saying one word after graduation until I have a cheesy gordia crunch from the closest taco bell in my hand." - Terri
"The government is actually putting its money to good use because the food is alright." - Mama CCJ
"The food is pretty good here and the staff in the chow hall is very friendly, although I have to admit there were a couple of times I had to pretend I was on Fear Factor and wolf something disgusting down as quickly as possible, because food is food now. Taste is often a bonus." - Connie in Alaska
"Today we got to have a pizza party! The RDC ate pizza and we did pushups until he was done eating." - Christy Adams
"The food is good, we even get 5 minutes to eat it." - Dusty's Mom
Wait, aren't you going to read me my rights?
"Hey this can't be as bad as jail - at least we get paid here." - Cathee
"Boot camp is a lot like jail. But in jail they let you have TV." - Kimandtheboys
"This place is one giant OCD prison." - Vicki

Just plain funny
"I will never find Travis we all look alike!" - Jacqueline Manning, about her son looking for a friend who arrived a week earlier.
"I'm gonna kick my recruiters @$$ !!" - Johnna, Lynette's mom
"I need to break up with my boyfriend (back home). I have grown so much here. I am not the same as I was 8 weeks ago. Oh, and I can't forget . .. Navy guys are fricken HOT!". - Teresa
"At first I did not think the girls were all that cute, but after time they have grown on me." - Andrea TX
From an "adopted" sailor - "Thanks so much for writing to me, this was the first letter I recieved in BC and it means alot to me that you have wrote, please keep writing and SEND MORE PICTURES OF YOUR DAUGHTERS!" C from T
"I ironed all of Steve's laundry just so I could have your address. I saw a picture of your family...boy your daughters are beautiful and Steve says they are smart. Can I write to which ever one is older?
Sincerley (his spelling lol) R" - Shell
"We walked down a long hall of pnuematic needles, at the end of this hall we were told to drop trou and bend over where I recieved the worst shot of my life." - Deb
"Excelled in ironing and making her rack." - Beatrizm
"80 guys in our dvision and we get 10 minuites to "pump and dump" you can imagine how hectic that is." Mama B
"These drill sergants have nothing on you Mama" - Laura A
"I volunteered for garbage duty so I could go outside!" - Tee
"Most the guys are sick. Their eyes are red and they are moving really slow. I feel like I'm in a bad zombie movie". - Lisa in Michigan
"My bunk mate snores like a wilderbeast" - Tammy
"Keep the letters coming, I like to read them when I am pooping in the middle of the night while everyone else is sleeping." - Tracy
'I'm really bored though, folding clothes and taking showers with 72 other dudes isn't exactly my best choice of passing time." - Staci
"That scribble is a dust bunny. Dust bunnies are hated by everyone in RTC, especially the petty officers. They hate that...and if our compartment isn't on spot....guess what....lock-n-load situps." - Staci
"I'm a great ironer, I get compliments on my creases." - Cheryl
"Oh, we got 3 more shots again yesterday and since I passed out the first time, I had to wear this big red sign around my neck that said "Fall Risk"!! I felt like such a dork!" - Kathy
"Don't ever let any of your children ever join the military ever again." - Laurie
"I screwed up drill so now all I get to do is clean and do it unarmed, I'm getting pretty good at this." - Valorie
"Picture this, we're all standing in black boots, with black socks pulled up to our knees, blue shorts or occasionally the green ones righteously dubbed "diapers" then a white tucked in shirt. Then you have the guys that have to wear big bottle glass BC glasses strapped to their head with geek straps." - Vickie
"They made me a section leader because I know how to fold my clothes and put them away, shocking isn't it" - Julie (Adam's Mom)
"Some of the guys are starting to slowly slip into insanity." DCSCARSMOM
"I wish I could hold you in my arms right now, Well actually not right now cause there are like 80 othe guys sharing the same room with me but you know what i mean." - BB
"Billy said Jason is in charge of setting up and organizing the ironing board usage for recruits. He has apparently made a good impression with his ironing skills." - Christie U
"Don't believe the yearbook from bootcamp. There is a zero fun policy or something." - Beachmomma
"WOW! Excitement just ensued! We had a fire drill just now, only I don't know if it was a drill because there was no RDC's and fire trucks came and I think it's kind of smokey, but I can't really see. UPDATE: the fire alarm was set off in our compartment and I think *I* set it off. My bunkmate kept harassing me, saying my feet smelled so I sprayed hella foot spray and I guess the powder set it off" - Lynn Shoop
"My birthday went alright. My RDC's didn't find out." - Spongedawn
"So the other day there was a group of us in the Head all squatting, we started singing 'Bye, bye Miss American Pie.' When one of the RDC's showed up and told us to shut up. I bet he left laughing his a@@ off. Imagine walking into a bathroom full of grown men singing as they s---. Funny." - Cherith N
"Everything here has to be perfectly clean. Mom, I finally got dirt vision." - Kaye S
"Boot camp is like gum stuck on a shoe. Once you notice it's there, you're sad." - Ren
"My bunkmate looks like Bubba from Forest Gump, I wonder if he'll let me go shrimpin' with him" - Tanya
"I now know how to iron my clothes and shine shoes. All the tools I need to be a street bum.". Christie U
"I've decided it would take too much paper work and cost to much money to kill us, so we will survive." - Lynn
"For a bunch of really smart guys all heading to Nuke school, you'd think they could learn to shut up" - Lynn
"They let us sleep in today, until 6am! He then said, I can't believe I said 6 am, and sleep in, in the same sentence!!" Tracy
"Baby, I dont realize what all this ironing is for, but I have seen a grown man cry over getting it worng and having to do dam*it I am officially Susie Homemaker when it comes to ironing crap...." - Amanda Y
" I've decided that the RDC's are trying to impose Stockholm Syndrome.......and it's working!" - Tammy, Austin's Mom
"I'm on Color Guard and it's very important to NOT drop the flag......that ranks right up there with do NOT drop the soap!" - Tammy, Austin's Mom
"As you know Mom, I couldn't iron or fold to save my life, but after a few 8 counts, screaming in my face, I am now a certified folding and ironing specialist." - Marie
"We got some IT for the first time today and it sounded like an orgy in here with all these girls moaning." - Scott - Megan's husband
"I'll let you in on a little secret that I learned here at Boot Camp. Shut up and do what you are told, and it works wonders." - Kathy from Ks.
"Mom, these people here have no souls." - Rene
"Also, I love the weather! It snows everyday and they won't tell us how cold it is here, but when I get back from marching the water in my canteen is frozen!" - Kelly
"Chief is f$#*&$# hardcore and very fluent in profanity" - Becca (Jack's girl)

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