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Old 06-12-2011, 06:18 PM   #7
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Arkansas (Originally Southern California)
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Allygater213 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by lunaruby23
Do they give you shaving supplies there?
and i have extremli curly hair, so when i cut it short it unmanagable and sort of afro-like,
so can i use and elastic band to keep it back or would i be able to purchase gel at the nex?

Lunar - Welcome aboard, glad to have you as part of the crew...

Per your question, per the shaving stuff, all items will be provided for you. The hair thing I not that positive. Ally or one of the other gals should be along shortly to answer that question.

Shaving items- gel and venus razor are provided. You dont really have time to shave every day, but you get Sundays to take a three hour powers shower if you want.
Hair Products- Depending on your RDC's discretion, they will tell you if you can have clips, gel, or you can have someone do braids for you. Our RDC's kept the rubberbands in the office, cause they would hate to see rubberbands on the floor. You are not authorized to have a ponytail/bun in bootcamp.

Originally Posted by Nukette
Ok, this is a really old thread, but I figured it was the most appropriate place for my question...

I know that birth control pills are availible during boot camp, but does anyone know about the alternate forms? More specifically, I have the Mirena IUD, and need to know if it's going to be a problem. I don't think it should be, but I'd prefer not to have it taken out there. I've got an appointment with my gyno next month for a yearly exam, should I get a note from him about it?

Any info would be appreciated!

They have every type of birth control at boot. It's free so take advantage of it.
I got the Implanon, (a little plastic stick they put into your arm) mainly because it makes me not have a period. It lasts for 3 years.
You can keep your IUD in, and you will automatically be getting a pap test around the first week of boot. Just let the gyno know that you have it.

I have been so busy, but I will start getting on here more.
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