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Jack 04-09-2016 01:30 PM

Does anyone have any tips for the DLAB? I just got a practice test on my Kindle, but can anyone whose taken it give me some input, namely regarding the stress syllables and the picture part? Those two parts are what I tested worst in, the other two I did well.

Brooklyn 04-11-2016 03:21 AM

When I took it it seemed like the most trouble I had came down to just memorizing what was being said. If your kindle study guide doesn't dictate the questions to you over audio have someone verbally dictate the questions for you.

jd91 04-11-2016 05:32 AM

Agreed, its important to audibly practice the test. Get all the study guides you can the practice tests are a great help, remeber the " rules" provided in the study guides and practice practice practice. I had my wife read the practice tests to me and recorded on my i phone so i could practice anytime. Other then that there is not to much we can say, just get the study guides and practice.

IT-Dep 04-11-2016 06:48 PM

Also note that the answers are only spoken once, so try to work on only hearing it once before you have to make your selection.

Just4Kixs 04-14-2016 09:24 AM

If you know your grammar rules well first time around and have no problem with memorizing, you should be fine.

I struggled with memorizing the rules that build on each other. Still scored high enough to be CAT 4 language

kalenbobalen 04-14-2016 01:07 PM

When you're actually in there taking it, don't stress too much. I was so convinced that I had done terribly and I qualified for CAT4. It's designed to confuse you and stress you out -- so don't let it!

ejrwelch 04-16-2016 02:37 PM

There really isnt a great way to study for it. Some one brought me the Delta Gear study guide and honestly it was a waste of money. I had already found what they offered online for free. Granted there are a lot more options now than there was three years ago. Just now English grammar rules and how to apply them to change a sentence. The DLAB is not a good test of actually aptitude to learn languages. I know people who have come near to maxing out the DLAB and even some one who has maxed it out. Not all of them passed DLI because it takes more than just the DLAB score to be successful. Personally I got the bare minimum (a 100 at the time) and got to retake it at bootcamp to qualify for everything. Got a 113 the second time and qualified for everything and did REALLY REALLY well at DLI and had some amazing DLPT scores. Just remember to breath and try not to stress about it!

Jack 04-17-2016 03:03 PM

Thanks for all the advice! I appreciate it. Does anyone have a solid way to study the picture part? I've been having people read them to me for a new days and I've seen major improvement (although my mothers thick, Jewish, Long Island accent made it difficult), but the pictures still trip me up

jd91 04-17-2016 06:35 PM

They had some in the practice tests and tried to show the deductive reasoning. Try to desern differences and similaraties in both pictures and text. Apologies for mispellings. At the end of the day study practice and just get out there and do it. Hopefuly you will get your results back soon, i got mine within 20 min

Jack 04-18-2016 04:57 PM

So I just took the DLAB and I got an 85 so I failed and need to retake it. But, for those of you who DID purchase the book, heres some general info to update you:

(NOTE: There was no NDA or any other request for me not to share the information based on the test, so I'm sharing it unless asked otherwise. If anyone thinks this violates some sort of rule please let me know and I'll edit it)

The stressed syllables section is gone. Instead it goes straight into the sentence rules.

Likewise, the pictures with the little words under it are gone. Instead, theres that weird box test with the number five and a set of logic puzzles.

hustini 04-23-2016 08:22 AM

I've pretty much decided to join as a CTN but I did well on my ASVAB (92) so I figured I may as well take the DLAB as well to see if I qualify for CTI. My wife was a CTI for 8 years (Arabic/Farsi) and it served her well in the long run. I enjoy languages (english/german/italian) but love IT/computers so I'm torn between the two ratings but leaning towards CTN.

I told my recruiter I'm reading to sign for CTN on Monday but called him yesterday about the DLAB, he says I can still sign for CTN and cross over to CTI if I wish as its easier to do that since both are CT's. Not sure how true that is...

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