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Kristen 02-10-2013 09:16 AM

Great video of NACCS

I really enjoyed this video, its a little long but very entertaining.

dascolbert 02-11-2013 05:20 AM

And today, I learned what NACCS stands for. I did all that stuff in boy scouts. ;)

Haasino 02-11-2013 02:15 PM

The video won't play on my iPhone, but I'll try to check it out later on a computer and let you know if anything in the video has changed.

PacificSunrise 02-11-2013 06:41 PM

Still not available on mobile, oh well..

Haasino 03-16-2013 03:57 PM

Completely forgot about this video... I watched it and can say this is 98% current and shows you exactly what you'll be going through at NACCS. I'm in class 1319 with Sgt. Green and Sgt. Alcala... graduate Thursday!

Only change to the school since 1242 went through is that they no longer do the life raft evolutions in the bay... you'll still do exactly what they showed, but in the survival pool with the helo dunker. Since the uploader is a Marine, he also skipped the parachute training you'll get if you're fixed-wing. Since you're RSS, Kristen, this video is everything you'll do... no parachute training.

Kristen 03-16-2013 05:57 PM

Thank you so much for clearing all that up :) I really appreciate it.

Haasino 03-16-2013 06:25 PM

No prob! BTW, here are two videos you might enjoy... I shot these yesterday of an MH-60S hoisting and dropping RSS candidates in the bay:

US Navy MH-60S Dropping Swimmers Pt. 1

US Navy MH-60S Dropping Swimmers Pt. 2

Make sure you're kicking ass on your PST scores! At NACCS, you class up based on how long you've been in backlog... but at RSS, you class up based on how good your PST scores are.

Kristen 03-17-2013 05:56 AM

Those were awesome thank you :) I really can not wait!
Im training so hard everyday but i still dont know exactly what im training for and what to expect at RSS. I am trying to get my pull-ups up to 15, run down to sub 9:30 and swim down to sub 7 minutes! They are getting there slowly but surely. Thanks for you heads up on that!

Gaskins_A 03-17-2013 05:03 PM

So what kind of liberty do you get during NACCS? I know about the different phases and I've heard it's pretty much Phase 1 all the way until the end and then you go back to Phase 1 at the next school for a few days. Will I be able to have civies and a phone or do I have to wait till after NACCS? Doesn't really matter to me either way, just wanting to get as much info before I leave.

Haasino 03-17-2013 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Gaskins_A (Post 29159)
So what kind of liberty do you get during NACCS? I know about the different phases and I've heard it's pretty much Phase 1 all the way until the end and then you go back to Phase 1 at the next school for a few days. Will I be able to have civies and a phone or do I have to wait till after NACCS? Doesn't really matter to me either way, just wanting to get as much info before I leave.

Liberty here kicks ass! We have far more priveledge than at A School...

Phase I: No civvies or electronics (Only authorized items are cell phone, clock radio, and electric razor)... on-base only during weekdays... liberty expires @2200 Mon-Sun... cannot operate POVs (Privately Owned Vehicles)... liberty buddy is NOT required. Lasts 14 days... to phase up to II, you'll need to attend classes that are taught every Mon-Wed, get 3 room inspections and a sea bag inspection, get watch qual'd, and get inspected in each of your uniforms. In addition to normal backlog/class musters, Phase I musters at 0500, 1600, 1700, and 2200 (Fri/Sat).

Phase II: Civvies and electronics are authorized... off-base liberty Mon-Sun... liberty expires at 2200 Sun-Thur/2400 Fri-Sat... can own and operate POVs (We have our own parking lot next to the barracks)... liberty buddy is NOT required. Lasts 21 days... to phase up to III, you just need to be Phase II for 21 days and not get a lot of Counseling Chits. Phase II and III doesn't muster outside of normal backlog/class musters.

Phase III: Civvies and electronics are authorized... off-base liberty Mon-Sun... liberty expires at 2200 Sun-Thur... on the weekends, you can sign out as soon as liberty goes down Fri (Usually 1130-1200), and don't have to be back until 2200 Sun... can own and operate POVs ... liberty buddy is NOT required. Phase II and III doesn't muster outside of normal backlog/class musters.

You'll notice none of the phases require you to sign out with a liberty buddy here at NACCS? That's a big privilege we get that everyone else over on the A School side does not get... NATTC requires liberty buddies even in Phase III! Our Phase III here also carries over when you change commands and report to A School... I'll still have my Phase III Thursday when I check in at NATTC.

Gaskins_A 03-17-2013 05:56 PM

Sweet, thanks for all the info! Just out of curiosity, how many people actually go out and buy cars once they hit phase 2? Seems like a lot of people wouldn't, but of course every 18 year old fresh out of boot camp and has a little money in his/her pocket is itching to spend it lol.

Haasino 03-17-2013 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Gaskins_A (Post 29166)
Sweet, thanks for all the info! Just out of curiosity, how many people actually go out and buy cars once they hit phase 2? Seems like a lot of people wouldn't, but of course every 18 year old fresh out of boot camp and has a little money in his/her pocket is itching to spend it lol.

Too many, in my opinion... I've got my car down here, but that's because I already owned it prior to enlisting. One of the things about Aircrew is that we stick around in the Pensacola/Jacksonville area for almost a year, which makes getting a car slightly more reasonable for us than it would for an AD or ABE.

Gaskins_A 03-17-2013 06:25 PM

Roger that. I'm hoping I'm not stuck in Jacksonville for to long. Lived there for two years and I'm only a 30 minute drive from it right now, Jax is pretty boring to me by now and I'm tired of hearing about the Jaguars every time I turn on the news ;)

Haasino 03-17-2013 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Gaskins_A (Post 29170)
Roger that. I'm hoping I'm not stuck in Jacksonville for to long. Lived there for two years and I'm only a 30 minute drive from it right now, Jax is pretty boring to me by now and I'm tired of hearing about the Jaguars every time I turn on the news ;)

You're active and dry? You'll be going to Jax for the RAG... only exception would be if you get one of the rare AWS slots and go to Norfolk, or score a TACAMO billet out of A School and go to the RAG in Oklahoma. It's only for 6-9 months though; then you'll go to your real squadron, which'll probably be Washington, Hawaii, or... Jax. :p

Gaskins_A 03-17-2013 06:53 PM

Well heres hoping for Hawai'i lol.

Haasino 03-17-2013 07:11 PM

I wouldn't mind Hawaii, but I'm hoping for Whidbey as a 1st choice.

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