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Lisa2008Boo 03-01-2012 09:41 PM

Getting tear gased...
How bad is it?

I have been on the RTC facebook page. And have seen pictures the recruited with the gas masks on right before they have to rip them off and shout their last name and division and run out of the room. I think this is one thing I am most nervous about.

Does it hurt?
Did you puke?
How long does the gas have an effect on you?

Craig 03-01-2012 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa2008Boo (Post 14878)
Does it hurt?
Did you puke?
How long does the gas have an effect on you?

My son had sooo much fun in the gas chamber. Being raised around all of my Navy friends, he knew what to expect. So while others were coughing and tearing up, he was laughing at the the view of the guys and gals losing it from their nose and eyes. He knew he looked like them so it made him laugh more. You'll look really sexy! :rofl:

Yea, some of the recruits throw up, but who cares, it all clears up within 15 minutes. Remember the gas chamber is to teach you how well the gas masks work. They work really, really well. They make you take them off to prove to you what they are doing.
It doesn't physically hurt. Yea, they it will make you cry and cough. You'll get over it really quick, then you'll laugh about it. Don't worry about it... Worry more about having to do push up's because you don't know your 11 General orders....

Laworlo 03-01-2012 11:58 PM

Is it sad that this one of the things I'm looking forward to most?

LT Guppy 03-02-2012 05:57 AM

And remember, depending on your rate, bootcamp isn't the only time you do it. My husband has to do it once or twice a year. He says that in bootcamp it was great, because by then everyone was sick, and it really clears out your sinuses ;)

vabchsue 03-02-2012 10:09 AM

I don't remember Michael saying it was fun...or wanting to do it again. lol

Craig 03-02-2012 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Guppy2010 (Post 14890)
And remember, depending on your rate, bootcamp isn't the only time you do it. My husband has to do it once or twice a year. He says that in bootcamp it was great, because by then everyone was sick, and it really clears out your sinuses ;)

My son volunteers at each command to be on the Auxiliary Security Force (ASF). One of their highlights is to tear gas each other, man they LOVE that part. It's kind of a honor to can hold out the longest and try to get away.

For those that what to know more:

Auxiliary Security Force (ASF) / Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure (VBSS) Team Member

Auxiliary Security Force (ASF) personnel are active duty service members that augment base security personnel during contingencies, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, civil disturbances, exercises and special events that require heightened levels of security.

Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure (VBSS) team members participate in maritime boarding actions and tactics, designed to capture enemy vessels, to combat terrorism, piracy and smuggling, and to conduct customs, safety and other inspections.

Lisa2008Boo 03-02-2012 03:25 PM

I am not looking forward to it but I think I can handle it who knows I might be laughing through it idk. =]

Nuke Guy 03-03-2012 02:23 PM

Honestly, don't worry about it. I just graduated yesterday, so it's pretty fresh in my mind. It burns while you're in there, your sinuses clear out, but not much more. You only get exposed to the gas for about 45 seconds max. You don't feel anything about 3-4 minutes after getting out. Listen to the instructor and breathe normally

prop827 03-06-2012 03:19 PM

Its not bad at all. Its pretty fun I'd have to say overall looking back. Its a little intimidating going in with the beacons and things going off and the build up they have to it, but its really no big thing. They'll build it up like its a whole big thing but it really isn't. You eyes water, you cough, you get a runny nose, and you spit a lot. The effects last maybe 10 minutes MAX. The only thing that stinks is when you're fitting the mask before you'll feel a little effect just from the residue on it from the last time it was used. Its not bad, don't work yourself up over it. If you've ever felt pepper spray, its the same feeling, except pepper spray is about 15 times worse, so by comparison the gas chamber is nothing.

BKinsman 03-06-2012 07:21 PM

I am so looking forward to the tear gas chamber! It may be odd but it sounds like fun. A challenge!

prop827 03-09-2012 06:55 PM

Just went back and looked at this and realized you had 2 other questions. Does it hurt? Not really, its more of a discomfort than a hurt. Its not like an "OW my foot" its more a coughing watery eyed discomfort, like I mentioned before. As for how long it lasts, its less than 10 minutes after you get out of the chamber and you're back to 100% better. I didn't puke, and no one in my division did either when I went through, but some people do. On average its maybe 1 or 2 in a division MAX. Really, those who do puke its more of a mental thing than a physical thing. They get freaked out and that is the result, not the gas on their system. Best advice is to just keep calm, act and breathe normal and just do it (like nike). Its not all that bad, just go in there and keep in mind you're basically bringing your body on a roller coaster ride of sorts. In the end you'll look back on it, laugh, smile, and end up saying it was fun. Don't work yourself up, that really is the key to it.

SMunson 03-10-2012 12:36 AM

I've been told to beware of a tree that looms directly out of where the exit of the chamber is. Don't get gassed and smack into a tree.

prop827 03-10-2012 03:52 PM

The entire chamber and building where you get gassed is indoors, so there is no tree since there is no outside. Maybe another branch is what you're thinking of? Or maybe one of the old facilities? You can see more or less fine, its just uncomfortable.

Craig 03-11-2012 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by prop827 (Post 15014)
The entire chamber and building where you get gassed is indoors, so there is no tree since there is no outside. Maybe another branch is what you're thinking of? Or maybe one of the old facilities? You can see more or less fine, its just uncomfortable.

Just as prop827 says there is no tree's. Go to Google earth and put in this number. You will see the gas chamber with no trees:
42°18'50.54" N 87°50'55.33" W

JL 03-13-2012 12:06 PM

Hey, maybe im just not understanding this, but when you say they tear gas you, are you wearing the mask?

Laworlo 03-13-2012 01:19 PM

Yes and no. You start off with the mask on. Then they make you take it off once the room fills with the gas. Then once they have you do whatever they have you do, then you get to put your mask back on.

Craig 03-13-2012 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by JL (Post 15038)
Hey, maybe im just not understanding this, but when you say they tear gas you, are you wearing the mask?

Just as Laworlo says, you have the gas mask on, then you take it off....

That why sometimes you will hear the "gas chamber" called the "Confidence chamber". They want you to know that you will always have confidence that you can trust your gas mask. They have you wear it, and you don't have any problems, but once you take it off, you will see that it works great because you will start crying and chocking.
The gas mask works really really well....

prop827 03-15-2012 10:34 AM

As a side note, once you take off the mask and get your 45-60 seconds of exposure, you don't put it back on, you just leave the chamber out to the "fresh air" of your damage control classroom, and then a head break once the effects wear off to get the residue off your skin as best you can.

blueberripie 03-25-2012 11:03 PM

I had been told by a recruiter that they are told to "cup" which is to place one hand cupped under their chin/chest area because whatever comes out (tears, mucus, puke) they are to catch it in the cupped hand and wipe it on their shirt. Nothing is to fall on the floor :repuke:

Craig 03-25-2012 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by blueberripie (Post 15335)
I had been told by a recruiter that they are told to "cup" which is to place one hand cupped under their chin/chest area because whatever comes out (tears, mucus, puke) they are to catch it in the cupped hand and wipe it on their shirt. Nothing is to fall on the floor :repuke:

Maybe in the chamber, but as soon as you run outside you will see recruits barfing up their breakfast. Ohhhhh the joys of the Gas Chamber when the CS pill hits the hot plate....

prop827 03-25-2012 11:59 PM

Its true, you will use your hand as a cup and if anything gets on the deck, you'll be cleaning that deck after the exercise. The actual command to remove your gas mask is "Mask Up, Cup Up". Don't worry about that though, it seems gross, but when its time to do it, you'll gladly wipe that crap on your uniform. They need to get the residue washed out of them anyways so just go with it. Remember, its not so bad don't think about it just do it!!! This is always the part recruits fear most and really, it shouldn't be.

prop827 03-26-2012 12:01 AM

BTW Craig, thats not the RTC chamber, it looks way different than that. Though that might be at a DC school since they get to do the confidence chamber over and over again along their careers. You don't even go outside anymore at RTC, you just go back to the classroom inside, you never even see outside. Actually, those aren't even the same masks. The RTC ones have a single large window instead of 2 eye slots and they are tinted yellow and the mask itself is grey. No one in my Div puked. People throwing up is actually fairly uncommon. I only met one person who actually vomited, and she said it was all nerves not the gas.

blueberripie 03-26-2012 12:32 AM

My son left last Tuesday and he said he was looking forward to this and Battle Stations he's a crazy kid like that LOL he gets it from my dad.
Yeah I figured if anyone gets sick its due to the 'build up' and nerves getting the best of them.

Craig 03-26-2012 12:41 AM

Prop827 - That those two are from the Navy Seabee's in Port Hueneme, Calif. As you know, the picture from Navy boot camp are very limited. I think this website is the only one that actually has pictures of the ships (barracks).

I really wanted to find a picture of the "hot plate" where they put the CS gas pill, but I don't have one. The only true Great Lakes boot camp gas chamber picture I have is this one.

prop827 03-26-2012 08:29 AM

THATS THE CHAMBER!!!! Yeah the DC in the red at the top right of the page is the actually in the act of dropping the tablet on the hot plate. Good tmes, good times haha

Craig 03-26-2012 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by prop827 (Post 15359)
THATS THE CHAMBER!!!! Yeah the DC in the red at the top right of the page is the actually in the act of dropping the tablet on the hot plate. Good tmes, good times haha

Prop - Did the RDC stand on the other side of the windows and laugh at you guys? My sons RDC did. They wanted them to laugh so they would breath in more air.... ~ha

Man I remember this day like it was yesterday. Oh, boy, what a great time.

prop827 03-26-2012 12:45 PM

Our RDC's would've loved to be there, but only DC Instructors are allowed to be there anymore. RDC's aren't allowed to view the gas chamber so they can't do that any more. But guests can sometimes see it with the CO's permission (usually officers from other commands). There was a good sized group that watched my division get gassed haha

BKinsman 03-26-2012 01:55 PM

Any advice for it? Not scared of it at all, looking forward and a bit excited for it. It will be a new experience. Though I am curious if any have any advice on it as far as breathing.

Is there much a difference between breathing in through the nose or mouth? Is it bad to take deep confident breaths or would normal breaths be better?

Laworlo 03-26-2012 02:18 PM

Yeah I'm curious about that too, as I am strangely enough looking forward to this. To me I guess it makes me feel like I really am military once I go through that.

prop827 03-26-2012 02:23 PM

Best advice is to breathe normal, don't breathe through your mouth, don't take deep breaths, don't hold your breath, don't take shallow breaths. Just breathe normal like you are now. Don't think about it, its gonna get you one way or another, relax and act normal and enjoy the ride. That is honestly one of the good memories of boot camp and its something you won't ever forget. Ask anyone in the Navy (at least, everyone I know who I've talked about it with) about the confidence chamber and we smile and laugh about it.

kforbs126 03-26-2012 07:34 PM

It's just preparing you for OC spray in the fleet. Now that's some fun stuff.

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