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LENNY0861 02-10-2013 03:23 PM

new boot camp phone policy
each recruit will get at least 1 call per week home as of Jan 2013, my son was there 2 weeks and has 2 calls already plus the I am here call so bring those calling cards

cakers00 02-10-2013 03:36 PM

did your son say that it is new or is he calling for a specific purpose like information for a security clearance? I'm leaving in April and I honestly do not want the opportunity to call that often, would take my mind off my training and the reason I am there.

LENNY0861 02-10-2013 03:42 PM

its a new rule, but if u do not want to call u don't have to, but I bet u will call

cakers00 02-10-2013 04:06 PM

bet I wont except for the first and last call

HMHunt 02-10-2013 04:51 PM

This is true. I just graduated this past Friday and my graduating class was the last one under the old policy. Every div starting from 101 will get a call weekly.

AD Agbayani 02-10-2013 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by HMHunt (Post 27176)
This is true. I just graduated this past Friday and my graduating class was the last one under the old policy. Every div starting from 101 will get a call weekly.

Does that mean we get to keep our cell phones with us instead of shipping it home?

Sounds good at first but when I really think about it, isn't that the point of bootcamp? Going through tough times, secluded and trained to be salior? Knowing I had that one phone call at the end would of pushed me harder. Plus knowing info through letters wouldn't be as sweet.

Kristen 02-10-2013 05:38 PM

Yeah theres no way i will call weekly. This is absolutely stupid. They keep going easier and easier on us at bootcamp making it a complete joke. If the Marines had Rescue Swimming for females then you know where my butt would be.

alex.martinez 02-10-2013 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Kristen (Post 27178)
Yeah theres no way i will call weekly. This is absolutely stupid. They keep going easier and easier on us at bootcamp making it a complete joke. If the Marines had Rescue Swimming for females then you know where my butt would be.

Agreed. I want hard training.

alex.martinez 02-10-2013 06:18 PM

Besides u dont get a phone call every week out in the fleet. Especially on subs.

Kristen 02-10-2013 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by alex.martinez (Post 27182)
Besides u dont get a phone call every week out in the fleet. Especially on subs.

Exactly! I feel like this has to be a joke or a misunderstanding. Im calling my recruiter tomorrow to ask him.

FutureND 02-10-2013 06:42 PM

I may disagree with how "soft" a lot of things at RTC have gotten, but I am ok with this one. Talking to people who have recently graduated, the last one had PIR this past Friday, the PT has gotten slack and that is a downfall. I have a wife and a baby at home, I will take advantage of all of the phone calls that I can, once I leave it will be at least 7-9 months before I will be able to live with my girls again. I don't see anything wrong with taking advantage of calls home while we get them, I know that once out in the fleet those phone calls will most likely not be able to be made.

Kristen 02-10-2013 06:47 PM

Well this is all a matter of opinion but i dont think you are at RTC to call home to mommy or your wife. You are there to become a Sailor and focus on the task at hand. It will also be a time in my life where i am going to be finally on my own and i dont want the option to call home. It defeats the purpose. Theres more cons than pros to this so im completely against it.

rac 02-10-2013 06:50 PM

I guess I am more indifferent. If I don't feel like being homesick, I will avoid calling. If I feel like making my mom stress more, I will call her. I don't really have anyone besides my parents or friends to call, so it's kind of pointless to add calling privileges for me.

FutureND 02-10-2013 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Kristen (Post 27187)
Well this is all a matter of opinion but i dont think you are at RTC to call home to mommy or your wife. You are there to become a Sailor and focus on the task at hand. It will also be a time in my life where i am going to be finally on my own and i dont want the option to call home. It defeats the purpose. Theres more cons than pros to this so im completely against it.

Tell me your opinion in a few years when you are married and have a child of your own. You are going spec war, you know that people who are looking for the easy way don't take those jobs. I understand that not everyone is going to want to call home, but I would love to talk to mine when I can. As you grow you learn to take advantage of opportunities you are given, and that doesn't make you weak, just smart.

Haasino 02-10-2013 06:58 PM

I question the logistics of even making this happen. It took 2-3 hours out of our training day to make a phone call at RTC because we had to march to the NEX and use the phone center... we also had to juggle time between us and our brother division to make the calls, since there weren't enough pay phones.

We almost didn't get to make our "I'm a Sailor now" call because there were too many divisions that had run Battle Stations with us at the same time... one of the divisions ended up doing something stupid, so they lost their call til the next day.

Mako17 02-10-2013 07:29 PM

What specific brand of call card did your son bring? Leaving for bootcamp next week.

sweetmtn 02-10-2013 07:45 PM

OK...from a mothers perspective here...I sent both my sons to boot camp, one navy the other army. I never expected calls from my boys, and was surprised they even got to call twice. It was my goal in life to make my sons MEN that could stand on their own and not feel their life would be hard if they werent able to call me or anyone for that matter. As soon as they were 18 and out of high school I made them leave! My oldest went to college my youngest navy. They are good men and have great work ethics, and really hate it when others whine about things when times are tough. My boys had to earn everything they had growing up as I raised them ALONE! They wanted a car, oldest found one in the junk yard and fixed it, my youngest bought my OLD Subaru wagon from me for $500..where did they get the money, from rasing sheep and selling some to other kids and showing and selling one at our fair. They had to buy their own gas and insurance and their own school clothes..they never had cell phones in high school and only once they were gone from home and had a job..and yes my oldest went to college full time and worked full time to put himself through college prior to enlisting in the army.. my soap box now...but many kids now a days have things WAY too easy..cell phones, cars that parents pay for and gas and insurance, clothes...I often wonder how they earned it. Most kids I personally see that are given things by their parents are the ones that complain a lot and have the hardest time being away from family....NOW off my soap box

OnyxCav25 02-10-2013 10:18 PM

i agree that kids that have everything complain... but not to be disrespectful, but I believe it's a parents responsibility to clothe their children. My dad didn't buy me clothes growing up because his new wife wanted everything for her kids. Sorry but Kids shouldn't have to pay for their clothes when they are trying to get through high school, especially if they have AP classes that are harder to graduate with Honors. Now if they want expensive over the top clothes, then yea.. they should buy their own.

cakers00 02-10-2013 10:56 PM

guess Navy is going the way of the chairforce now

rac 02-10-2013 11:24 PM

If you don't want them, don't use them. Seriously, it's not a big deal unless you make it one.

PacificSunrise 02-11-2013 12:09 AM

The only calls my family will be getting will be the first and last ones. I'm not going to boot camp to phone home every week like a homesick dog. I'm there to be a Sailor and that's what we need to be focusing on. They need to stop making everything so soft these days.

Bossnutz 02-11-2013 11:01 AM

I agree that if you are fresh out of High School or was living with your parents prior to Boot Camp, you shouldn't be calling home every week for the simple fact that you are still a child and need to prepare for adulthood. But for ppl like myself who have a new born child and a wife all alone at home, this is a great way for future sailors to keep our family ties strong, which I believe the military boast about all the time

FutureND 02-11-2013 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Bossnutz (Post 27209)
I agree that if you are fresh out of High School or was living with your parents prior to Boot Camp, you shouldn't be calling home every week for the simple fact that you are still a child and need to prepare for adulthood. But for ppl like myself who have a new born child and a wife all alone at home, this is a great way for future sailors to keep our family ties strong, which I believe the military boast about all the time

Agree 100%

How olds your kid?

kgervais 02-11-2013 11:33 AM

I think 8 weeks of bootcamp without a call per week is fine. It does put your mind out of place with having even the availability of the calls. For those with wives and children at home, I don't think calling home every week is necessary and the sacrifice was prepared to be made in the first place. Not much will change at home between the first call and the last call that was given with the old policy and once those 8 weeks are over you can call home or even visit as often as the Navy allows. I think the Navy deserves at least your full and undivided attention at the brief beginning point in your career.

SENavyDude 02-11-2013 11:41 AM

Here's the bottom line.

Ya don't wanna call? Don't do it.

Ya want to? Do it.

Unless they make you..

rac 02-11-2013 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by SENavyDude (Post 27213)
Here's the bottom line.

Ya don't wanna call? Don't do it.

Ya want to? Do it.

Unless they make you..

Amen! Imagine having RDCs force you to call. "DON'T MAKE ME DIAL THAT NUMBER FOR YOU, RECRUIT!"

kgervais 02-11-2013 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by SENavyDude (Post 27213)
Here's the bottom line.

Ya don't wanna call? Don't do it.

Ya want to? Do it.

Unless they make you..

That's true. Maybe I'm the only one that actually wanted RTC to be a challenge without a lifeline every week. I wanted to be in the shoes of the sailors who had to plow through bootcamp to get to that final call so they can make that proclamation that after all the struggle they're finally a sailor. I just feel that it takes away from the value of the bootcamp experience. It's kinda like going into the wilderness but you have your cell phone with search and rescue on speed dial. You don't have to use it but it's always there so you have a cushion to fall back on.

Bossnutz 02-11-2013 12:20 PM

My son is now 2 months old. I think you guys are taking this RTC thing wayyy too serious. If you wanted to have an extreme exp. than maybe the Marines or Navy Seals would be a better fit for you

FutureND 02-11-2013 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Bossnutz (Post 27216)
My son is now 2 months old. I think you guys are taking this RTC thing wayyy too serious. If you wanted to have an extreme exp. than maybe the Marines or Navy Seals would be a better fit for you

my little girl is just over 2 months, I ship out next month on the day she turns 4 months.

Bossnutz 02-11-2013 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by FutureND (Post 27217)
my little girl is just over 2 months, I ship out next month on the day she turns 4 months.

Congrats on the little one.

There are those who join to get out of there parents homes and those who want to provide a home for their children. Its good to know that I'm not the only one. Boot camp will be a breeze for ppl like us, cant wait! :drinks_wine:

kgervais 02-11-2013 01:28 PM

Hmm, there are also those who join to serve their country, make a career for themselves, start a tradition, save some lives, and countless other more noble reasons.

Bossnutz 02-11-2013 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by kgervais (Post 27220)
Hmm, there are also those who join to serve their country, make a career for themselves, start a tradition, save some lives, and countless other more noble reasons.

100% RIGHT

To bad only 50% feel the same way once they get in and find out how the military really operates.

sweetmtn 02-11-2013 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by OnyxCav25 (Post 27196)
i agree that kids that have everything complain... but not to be disrespectful, but I believe it's a parents responsibility to clothe their children. My dad didn't buy me clothes growing up because his new wife wanted everything for her kids. Sorry but Kids shouldn't have to pay for their clothes when they are trying to get through high school, especially if they have AP classes that are harder to graduate with Honors. Now if they want expensive over the top clothes, then yea.. they should buy their own.

Just so you understand...I have a very small farm and on a fixed income with only the small amount I get from the sheep I raise. Both my boys I never got child support for them..yes I bought them the basic clothes they needed, but they always wanted those "newest sport shoes" and "the lastest expensive jeans"...the sheep were their animals when they were growing up, not mine(both boys in 4-H and FFA). They had to get up and feed them each morning before breakfast and then get ready for school, and again when they got home in the evening...365 days a year, and yes, both were in AP classes and graduated with Honors.

If someone is secure in themselves, they dont NEED anyone to make them feel better, yes it is nice to have someone in your life, but not needed. If your family cant get by without hearing from you each week, what are you going to do when on deployment and cant call for MONTHS on end? I know many military families that cant talk to their spouse while on deployment..and a few that dont get to meet their newborn babies until they get you have to ask yourself, is the call to home for you or for someone else? If not talking for 2 months is going to break a relationship, what will happen when you are gone for 9 months or longer? You must trust in your relationship to take the long seperation...

Sorry if this sounds like a rant....but I have seen way too many families fall apart when they finally confront this and havent really thought this through and talked it out with their spouses/family prior to the long seperations and no contact.

FutureND 02-11-2013 01:52 PM

There is a difference in me NEEDING to make a call home because I or my wife can't survive without it and me taking advantage of making a phonecall because the opportunity is given to me. My wife and I will be just fie either way, but I don't see how a husband can be given the chance to make a quick call home and just decide not to take it. There are going to be plenty of times during my time in the Navy that I will not be able to call home, and my family and I understand that and are ok with it, but you better believe that if I can make a call that I will do it (and not feel bad about it one bit).

mrsgriebel 02-11-2013 11:40 PM

I second that 100%.
I am one of the few who wont be utilizing the phone calls. I even told my husband not to write too often because I need to stay focused and he knows thats how I am but some people have kids at home and sometimes hearing that voice on the other end of the phone gives them that extra push to go on.

PacificSunrise 02-12-2013 12:08 AM

I agree with some points and I also get that you'd want to make a call if you have a wife/husband and kids at home, but if you can't get used to not being able to talk with them for 2 months and you're calling every week then you're only making it harder for yourself when you're on actual deployment and go much longer than 2 months without contact with your family because it can happen and you need to be ready and focused to do your job day by day and can't be so distracted with the going ons at home.

Even more so when you're fresh out of high school because you need to learn to be an adult and let go of your dependencies of home and inherit the mantle of responsibility that comes with being in the service.

McHolySOul 02-12-2013 03:13 AM

Today's "bootcamp" is a JOKE, RTC is what they call it. Easy mode, I WANT CHALLENGE, ADVERSITY, AND SOMETHING THAT WILL MAKE ME PUSH MYSELF. I honestly do not see that happening physically in boot, maybe a little mental adjustment but that's about it... their minimum is like 40 something 1-2 minutes? JOKE. These people need to be prepared for a warring nation. Battle stations, because there are so many countries that want us DEAD. Seriously.

tvpowell 02-12-2013 05:49 AM

I heard the same thing from my cousin who is in A-school now. She got the info from her chief

LENNY0861 02-12-2013 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by McHolySOul (Post 27246)
Today's "bootcamp" is a JOKE, RTC is what they call it. Easy mode, I WANT CHALLENGE, ADVERSITY, AND SOMETHING THAT WILL MAKE ME PUSH MYSELF. I honestly do not see that happening physically in boot, maybe a little mental adjustment but that's about it... their minimum is like 40 something 1-2 minutes? JOKE. These people need to be prepared for a warring nation. Battle stations, because there are so many countries that want us DEAD. Seriously.

if you think you are that tough and want it hard why dint you join the Marines?

that's the first day, and it gets really bad from there. The navy is the easiest of the services for boot camp, it used to be the air force when it was 6 weeks basic, I was in the af. the air force now thinks its the army and switched up basic to 8 weeks, and the get a m16 from day one, the army is still the army, pretty ruff training. marines 12 week course nuff said. Navy run a mile and half in 15 minutes? I have 5 stents in my arteries and can do it so before you criticize how easy it is and complain about phone calls home. if you want to call then call if not then dont but don't say its cake because more than likely u guys will be first in line for the phone at boot camp

McHolySOul 02-12-2013 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by LENNY0861 (Post 27251)
if you think you are that tough and want it hard why dint you join the Marines?

I'm perfectly fine using my head to work. Traveling to the places in the world were they still like Americans, but trust me, when sh*t hits the fan, I will switch to a combat role. Just wish Navy RTC was more challenging that way the bucket and mop couch potatoes don't just smoothly sail through...

maggio1994 02-12-2013 08:04 AM

Well that ruins the 'if you do good on this test maybe we'll give you a phone call' motivation.

Auridan 02-25-2013 01:29 AM

When I go to boot camp, like everyone else, I'll be facing two options. One, I can piss and moan about how I'm not being slapped around hard enough, irritate my RDCs by insisting they go tougher on me because I'm not feeling challenged, and generally make a giant dick of myself with grand proclamations of my own status as the Hardest Recruit Ever In Navy History.

Option two: If I think I can give more than the training requires of me, I can learn something about SELF-discipline and SELF-motivation by pushing beyond the minimum, and challenging myself rather than skating through. I can strive to be not just acceptable, but excellent. I might get spared a lot of personal attention from a RDC shouting sweet nothings at me, and I can use that time to help the rest of my division kick ass so NOBODY has to hear it.

When the world "lowers" its standards, you are absolutely NOT required to lower your own.

Malarkey 02-25-2013 05:14 AM

People who wanted gung-ho: Do you realize you're joining the Navy?! Like other people said, go join the Marines or become a SEAL. I'd bet many wouldn't make it.

shannoneliz 02-25-2013 11:40 PM

Lol, why join the navy if you think it's such a joke? If you haven't been to boot yet, you shouldn't be complaining about how easy it is anyway. I know a couple people who had that attitude going in. One burst into tears every time they got IT'ed and got sent home during week 2, the other skated by until the RDCs caught him being a dumbass. He learned his lesson after a 4-hour IT session one day, and 1,000 8-counts the next.

Personally, I wouldn't have turned my nose up at more phone calls. Nobody cares how much of a badass you were in boot camp.

Kristen 02-26-2013 04:09 AM

First off its not about being a "badass" that wasnt the point i was making. I wanted to go through the same thing everyone else went through before me. Looking most forward to mail and to those few special phone calls. In my opinion it just takes away from the effect of it all. I wasnt asking to get slammed with IT and get the crap beat out of me, all i wanted was to have the same experience as everyone else before me. I did also choose a hard rate for a challenge.

dascolbert 02-26-2013 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by Kristen (Post 28114)
First off its not about being a "badass" that wasnt the point i was making. I wanted to go through the same thing everyone else went through before me. Looking most forward to mail and to those few special phone calls. In my opinion it just takes away from the effect of it all. I wasnt asking to get slammed with IT and get the crap beat out of me, all i wanted was to have the same experience as everyone else before me. I did also choose a hard rate for a challenge.

I mean, I kind of agree, it IS boot camp. Not summer-school. I won't be calling half that many times.

cakers00 02-26-2013 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by Kristen (Post 28114)
First off its not about being a "badass" that wasnt the point i was making. I wanted to go through the same thing everyone else went through before me. Looking most forward to mail and to those few special phone calls. In my opinion it just takes away from the effect of it all. I wasnt asking to get slammed with IT and get the crap beat out of me, all i wanted was to have the same experience as everyone else before me. I did also choose a hard rate for a challenge.

I agree completely! I want the experience that others have gone through. I also chose a hard rate so I can be challenged. it's how I grow and become stronger. I'm not saying others shouldnt make those phone calls if it is true but maybe just consider their reasoning behind doing so. I'm sure I'll want to at some point but I'm going to keep in mind that it isnt a necessity either

shannoneliz 02-26-2013 05:17 PM

At least wait until you're in the navy to start complaining about it. Boot camp's not gonna be summer camp even if you do end up getting extra phone calls.

HMHunt 02-26-2013 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by shannoneliz (Post 28134)
At least wait until you're in the navy to start complaining about it. Boot camp's not gonna be summer camp even if you do end up getting extra phone calls.

Thank you! I agree with this completely. I graduated from boot 08 Feb 13 and we didn't get phone calls every week (2 phone calls to be exact). But I'll tell you right now, the Navy doesn't need Sailors as strong as Marines (unless going FMF ;) ), but the IT and the punishment they made us do are ment to break you down mentally with a hint of the physical aspect. My RDCs knew what to say to each individual, to break them down. They made not have cried, but you could tell what they said to us hit home and some people were hit harder than others. I don't really agree with the phone call every week, but having an extra call or two would've been nice. I didn't live with my family before boot and didnt get to see them very often. Once you learn how to be an adult, you'll appreciate those extra phone calls.

SailorWSanchez 02-26-2013 09:38 PM

As a wife seeing your husband going away for eight weeks it's hard . It's a good feeling when they call to say they love you and miss you.. For those who want hard training then go get it. I recommend to call home. I like to see you when your getting yelled at and broken down.. Then your gonna want your mommy and or wife or S.O

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