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classified9 04-29-2014 12:23 PM

WARNO, just so you all know...
Good afternoon,

Just giving you guys an update on some things that are going on. I have had an NF contract since October of 2013 and yesterday my chief called me to tell me that I don't have it anymore.

The explanation I was given was that my line scores were not high enough, and my college degree is in something that isn't tech/engineering related. I was also told that 9 other NF recruits from our district lost their contracts yesterday as well, and as my chief told me and I agree, that this was some call made from high up to shrink the NUC DEP pool a little bit. I think it also has something to do with the standards for NUC going up and I just didn't ship quick enough and got the boot.

I'm definitely not proud of this, there is nothing I could have done to prevent it from happening. I qualified for NF fair and square back in October and this was pulled on me after the fact. Everyone at my station is furious because this really was a luck of the draw. I just wanted everyone to know as a PSA, if you or someone you know just got the axe - you are not alone!

Right now I'm scheduled to take the DLAB next week so I can get in CTI. This sucks, but what sucks more is that I was scheduled to leave a month from now, now I'm hoping I'll get to RTC sometime this fall. I'm keeping the noggin up though, I'll find my way just fine I'm still going to be in good shape.

Jamee 04-29-2014 12:41 PM

Well darn......I haven't even deppd in and now I'm a little skeptical!!
I auto qual'd for NUC so idk if that makes my chances any better or worse.....that sucks but CTI is definitely my second choice as well!! Hopefully it works out though!! For both of us!!
Thanks for the heads up!!!

sweetmtn 04-29-2014 12:44 PM

Hmmm, sorry to hear this. I am checking with one of my recruiter friends on this issue. He said he will check into this and call me back, as none of his nuke contracts have been dropped....and a couple are new and some are with in a few months of shipping.

classified9 04-29-2014 12:54 PM

Yeah I mean I made an 84 on my ASVAB and took and passed the NAPT. I wouldn't stress it too bad, I think this kind of case is rare.

I'm just putting this out there for everyone who has already DEP'd and has an NF contract. I'm not trying to scare you or get you paranoid, just letting you know what is actually happening so you are aware. I'm one of the more active guys at our station, I'm not just some random dude on the internet speculating. I'm telling exactly what happened.

I'm just hoping that I don't get delayed too bad because I just had to have a sit down with my boss. My last day in my civilian job was supposed to be May 7th (a week from tomorrow, bummer right), I'll be around a little longer than that - glad they haven't replaced me yet. That's what makes all of this sting a little more, the fact that I was supposed to leave in a month and have been waiting since October. Not to mention the fact that from March to September of 2013 I was waiting on OCS selection boards. I have been waiting forever and as long as I have my civilian job I'm cool with waiting longer I just want to get a good rating.

classified9 04-29-2014 01:03 PM

^^^ Just to reference a recent thread on line scores going up to autoqual for NF, I'm sure the bar was raised higher on other ends.

I made a 57/80 on the NAPT, fair and square (in October 2013, at least).

mich313 04-29-2014 01:21 PM

I also auto qual'd, signed a contract, and had it taken away after entering the DEP pool. My contract is now for IT.

I'm now on my third Enlistment Contract. Hopefully this one will stick!

Haasino 04-29-2014 01:58 PM

That's some straight-up bulls**t... especially if you already had a contract!

AramilX 04-29-2014 02:23 PM

Wow. That's rough. What happened to a binding contract? Shouldn't that go both ways?

classified9 04-29-2014 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Haasino (Post 43944)
That's some straight-up bulls**t... especially if you already had a contract!

My chief dropped a pretty impressive line of profanity this morning when I went in to get my situation straightened out lol. But I should be good to go still, feeling confident about the DLAB and getting CTI.

Just a HUGE bummer when you've already signed a contract for a field that you legitimately qualified for, and are 5 weeks away from shipping and your contract gets taken! They told me there's no way I could get back in to NF once you get dropped.

classified9 04-29-2014 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by AramilX (Post 43946)
Wow. That's rough. What happened to a binding contract? Shouldn't that go both ways?

Seriously, when I go back to MEPS to get my new rating I'll make sure and ask about that 11g's they guaranteed me...

Haasino 04-29-2014 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by AramilX (Post 43946)
Wow. That's rough. What happened to a binding contract? Shouldn't that go both ways?

Just kidding... mostly...


Originally Posted by Gebailey (Post 43948)
Seriously, when I go back to MEPS to get my new rating I'll make sure and ask about that 11g's they guaranteed me...

If I were in your shoes, I'd definitely use this as leverage to hold out for the rating you really want... "Yeah, I was already ready to ship and committed, but you backed out... now I'm not signing anything unless it's [xxx]... call me when it opens and I'm ready to go!"

LT Guppy 04-29-2014 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by AramilX (Post 43946)
Wow. That's rough. What happened to a binding contract? Shouldn't that go both ways?

It's really not binding. You can still back out too.
It's the contract that you sign immediately before shipping that really locks you in.

TBBURKE 04-29-2014 02:40 PM

I signed last week for CTI... dont leave until December..

classified9 04-29-2014 02:41 PM

I hope it doesn't come down to that, I have both chiefs at my office doing everything in their power to make this right in my eyes. I would hate to have to hardball the classifier, but at this point I'm like dam man one of the happiest moments in my life was when I got the call I passed the NAPT and was going to contract as cheesy as that sounds. I have a feeling I'll get CTI, the DLAB doesn't sound too hard and I was told they can go ahead and contract me all in the same day. I walked in the office and Chief was on the phone with MEPS first thing this morning explaining what happened, I faith in those guys that they're going to make this happen for me.

classified9 04-29-2014 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by TBBURKE (Post 43951)
I signed last week for CTI... dont leave until December..

God Bless America. If that is the case I'm calling my recruiting office everyday asking for an earlier date if there is one.

Atom_breaker 04-29-2014 02:59 PM

Yikes! They never told me my NAPT score so now I'm a little nervous.. But my asvab was 98 the first time (back in high school), then a 93 this time around.. And I was exactly one point off of the auto qual.. Hopefully I'll be alright.

Atom_breaker 04-29-2014 03:17 PM

But the optimist in me says "maybe I'll get an earlier ship date."

AramilX 04-29-2014 04:16 PM

Well I hope it works out for the best for you. That bites the big one. Good luck on the DLAB!

Arvy 04-29-2014 04:24 PM

That f$$$ing sucks I don't any other way to put it good luck

pclaude 04-29-2014 05:50 PM

Oh jeez, and I'm scheduled to take the NAPT tomorrow after being 5 points shy of autoqualifying. That sucks OP.

jzhaun 04-29-2014 05:55 PM

That sucks.

However, if you do get CTI, last I checked there's a signing bonus and/or loan repayment available. I'll be around if you have any questions about CTI.

classified9 04-29-2014 07:59 PM

Thanks for all the thoughts guys, I'm still going to continue to post here and helping everyone with as much as I can while I get my business straightened out. I'll update you guys next week after the DLAB.

This is all part of the journey! There is greatness in everyone and when life hits you say **** that I'm superhuman!

mich313 04-30-2014 10:03 AM

My recruiter basically told me when I had to go for another contract when my Nuke one died, that it was my time to ask for whatever I wanted. I ended up getting LRP which I didn't get as Nuke, and I was able to keep the auto E-3. So it worked out in my favor, but it's still a pain in the a$$ that it happened. 161 days and counting...

rbmorgan 04-30-2014 12:36 PM

I went into my recruiting station and talked to my Chief about this matter today. He said the message he received was that the contract was being voided out due to security clearance issues. Such as bad credit and so on. Luckily he said mine came back fine and I was good to go and no one else at our station was voided out either. Just thought I would share this information since I read this post and was shocked. I hate to hear it happened to you Gebailey, whatever the reason may be, I know had to suck. You have a good attitude about it however and hopefully you'll be set up with exactly what you want. Good luck to you.

classified9 04-30-2014 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by rbmorgan (Post 43994)
I went into my recruiting station and talked to my Chief about this matter today. He said the message he received was that the contract was being voided out due to security clearance issues. Such as bad credit and so on. Luckily he said mine came back fine and I was good to go and no one else at our station was voided out either. Just thought I would share this information since I read this post and was shocked. I hate to hear it happened to you Gebailey, whatever the reason may be, I know had to suck. You have a good attitude about it however and hopefully you'll be set up with exactly what you want. Good luck to you.

There's no way it was my credit, but I was told today it has something to do with the Navy's nuclear department. Big Navy said decrease the number of people let in the program so I'm guessing I was choked out. But right now I'm on call for anything and everything leaving soon, depending on the rate, because I'm not going to wait until December or January to leave unless I absolutely have to. Hoping to leave next month actually.

classified9 04-30-2014 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by mich313 (Post 43979)
My recruiter basically told me when I had to go for another contract when my Nuke one died, that it was my time to ask for whatever I wanted. I ended up getting LRP which I didn't get as Nuke, and I was able to keep the auto E-3. So it worked out in my favor, but it's still a pain in the a$$ that it happened. 161 days and counting...

LRP for IT????!?!?!?

mich313 04-30-2014 01:39 PM

Yep!! And my loans are more than the 11K signing bonus for Nuke so I'm a happy girl! :)

classified9 04-30-2014 01:45 PM

Did they offer you SLRP exclusively because they had to drop you from NF?

I'm with you I would much rather have that than a bonus.

mich313 04-30-2014 01:50 PM

That I'm not sure about. When my recruiter called me in to tell me that my Nuke contract had been pulled, he already had an IT Contract in the works with LRP included. He knew that was something I was hoping for from the beginning.

skynet 04-30-2014 02:07 PM

oh man that sucks!
I havent gone to meps yet but I was hoping to get something in the nuclear field...
I've been studying really hard for ASVAB too and my recruiter was telling me I should be able to get nuke without any trouble...
should I just not even try going for nuke then?

coopdeville 04-30-2014 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by mich313 (Post 44002)
he already had an IT Contract in the works with LRP included. He knew that was something I was hoping for from the beginning.

So do you have a degree? I'm looking to get LRP but I don't have a degree yet. Crossing my fingers.

mich313 04-30-2014 02:33 PM

Yes, I have a BS in Psychology w/ minors in Crim Justice and Poli Sci. I've also completed one year of a Masters in Psychology.

classified9 04-30-2014 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by skynet (Post 44005)
oh man that sucks!
I havent gone to meps yet but I was hoping to get something in the nuclear field...
I've been studying really hard for ASVAB too and my recruiter was telling me I should be able to get nuke without any trouble...
should I just not even try going for nuke then?

Definitely go for it if you want it, although it is confirmed that the standards of getting in are a little higher now. They still need NF recruits, so if you qualify you're likely to get a contract. I believe my case to be rare, so if you are interested in NF I would say go for it.

classified9 04-30-2014 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by mich313 (Post 44007)
Yes, I have a BS in Psychology w/ minors in Crim Justice and Poli Sci. I've also completed one year of a Masters in Psychology.

I just asked my recruiter about SLRP, maybe this will be a positive turn for me...

I have a BA in crim and a minor in forensic science

mich313 04-30-2014 03:11 PM

Good luck!

Atom_breaker 04-30-2014 08:40 PM

Would my recruiter know if my clearance came back?

jzhaun 05-01-2014 12:02 AM

Unlikely. Recruiters only turn in the initial paperwork. Once it comes back it's your personal information, although you probably can't access it until you get a CAC in bootcamp.

Atom_breaker 05-01-2014 06:17 AM

So I guess there is really not a way to know if you're "in"" the program until you really ship out. :What:

jzhaun 05-01-2014 06:25 AM

If they find an issue they'll contact you. As far as this kind of stuff goes, no news is good news.

FutureSailor316 05-01-2014 04:25 PM

Good luck to you. I am unsure if they place any weight on you having a Bachelors Degree when enlisting. I graduate with my Bachelors in Business May 11th and I leave for basic training in June...I am PACT AIR by the way. Good luck to you and I hope this works out better for you than the NF contract. I also got the same ASVAB score as you.

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