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Craig 03-10-2009 07:07 PM

What to bring to Boot Camp and what NOT- Females Stuff Only
I know I just said "Females Stuff Only", so God knows why I'm here (ie I'm a guy)..... But I do know alot about this subject since I was helping a female Sailor and collected this information for her.... This is written by a female Sailor who recently went through Bootcamp....

So Guys, If your here, you can read this, but you do so at your own risk.....

Q. What to bring?

A. Almost nothing. You will be all set there. They won't let you keep much of anything anyway. They issued bras, skivvies, swimsuit (that you wear once,) stationary, stamps, and you can pick up religious texts at the chapel. Bring addresses and phone numbers, ID, and your debit card. Some girls brought their own bras, which they generally let you keep if they were sports bras, but you'd probably want to lock them up in your drawer for inspections, and the drawer is very small. You really don't need to bring a bag of anything in my opinion, because you just mail it home. The only exception is, you may want to bring some makeup for graduation. I did, because I use bare essentials and want to have it there. My RDCs let everyone go to the NEX and buy makeup on picture day if they didn't have any. They have basic makeup from drugstore brands.

They also give you toiletries, and our division went to the NEX within a week to pick up any other toiletries we wanted. There were limits - no styling products, for example, but you don't have to worry about not having what you need.

Depending on your RDCs, you MAY be allowed to shave once a week, on Sundays. We were allowed to, but that's not always the case. You'll want to buy a really good lotion at the NEX when you go. It was really dry at Great Lakes, to the point where everyone's hands were cracking and bleeding. We were also getting red dry patches on our legs. Yeah, it's not attractive! I was there in the dead of winter though, so perhaps it will be better now.

You will wear a sports bra 24/7 at boot camp - YES while you're sleeping! Get your hair cut before you leave, and try to get it cut short enough so that it will be in regs for the entire 2 months. They just do a quick job on it there and it gets butchered. (I had mine cut ahead of time.)

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. Keep in mind that different RDCs have different rules, so a lot of things aren't guaranteed, but I can at least tell you what I know, and what I've heard from my shipmates. By the way, boot camp was a great experience for me. Follow the rules, stay motivated, and act your age, and you'll like it too!


Q. Was there specific times that you were able to shower? I've come to understand that the showers are open and really you only have about 5-10 minutes to wash up.

A. As far as showering goes... In the beginning we generally got 12 minutes for each half of the female house to shower. That was about 30 people or so - at busier times of year it could be 44. 12 minutes is not a lot considering you enter dressed in shorts, shirts, socks and boots, and must exit the head in the same attire. You can only comb your hair in the head as well, so really you have 4-5 minutes at MOST to actually wash. There are a total of about 15-18 shower heads. There's no privacy, but you're so focused on getting done in time, that it's not an issue. Later on we got 15 minute showers and when there was time and we were well behaved we would occasionally get 20 minute showers. One time they gave us 30 minutes and we were all done by minute 22 because we just didn't know what to do with ourselves! On Sunday you take your shower during holiday routine between 0700-1300 and you can take as long as you want - you just might want to start early, say right after chapel, if you want hot water. It can be a little tempermental on Sunday. You also have to get ironing, boot polishing, and letter writing done as well.

PAP tests - I don't know of anyone who got out of their PAP test, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. You might as well get it done at boot camp because it's free, and you're correct that they might do it anyway. It's not bad. They'll also prescribe you BC if you want it, and of course that's free too.
Hope this helps!


Q. If my hair is short in the back but longer in the front. Do they allow you to pull your hair up on top of your head?

A. As long as your hair is not drastically longer in the front it should be okay. A lot of females had a variation of the Victoria Beckham type haircut at bootcamp (myself included) if that's what you're thinking of. It's nice because you can tuck it behind your ears. Depending on your RDCs, you may not get to wear barrettes right away. We didn't get to wear them until week 3.

I turned 27 on 1-2 day of bootcamp. (Happy Birthday to me!) I'm an E-3 and an MU. The more mature and respectful you are, the easier everything will be for you at RTC, so at 26 you should do fine. Good luck!


Q. Was there ever major "drama" from having that many girls living in the same space?

A. 15 minutes for shower (called Hollywood). and you had so many shower heads. Craziness. We usually had about 8-12 minutes for half the compartment with 8 shower heads. That was tons of fun.
For menstrual cycles. I started mine the day I went to boot camp (lucky me!). That would be my last cycle for about 6 months. That’s how wacked out it got. 3 years later and I’m still not regular again....whatever. I did take enough products for a few cycles (just in case) if you run out someone is bound to have something till you can get to the NEX. Like its been said, modesty goes out the window at boot.

Drama will always be an issue when you have 80 females in the same room for 10 weeks. Just a fact, unfortunately. Just wait till you go on your first cruise. That’s even more fun.


Q. “Cycles?”

A. For the "time of the month" issue...

The first time you go to the NEX each female will buy supplies. I think each person pretty much bought a pack of tampons, pads, and liners. We kept them in a cabinet in the bathroom and that was a "community" supply - you used what was there. The RDCs won't let you run out, they will take a collection and get more to fill the cabinet if they have to. Unfortunately, I had the opposite of what most females say happens... I had 3 periods in two months and the last one was almost 2 weeks! My hormones were out of wack I guess.

As far as the question about "civies" goes, at my A school I got to wear civilian clothes after 2 weeks. My parents brought a small set up when they brought the car (I'm married and live off base during A school.) I've purchased some cheap things, but I don't plan on having too many clothes until I PCS after A school. I get to wear civies on nights, weekends, and holidays.

There were quite a few older and married females in my division, but you will feel ancient sometimes. I think it's great to go in with some life experience under your belt!

Skivvies.... only a few people brought their own. The RDCs in my division checked them to see if they were genuine "Granny Panties" and made them trash them if they weren't. Only a couple of girls had brought ones that were big enough. I mean these are huge, up to your belly button grannies!! They almost come up to your sports bra.

I hope this helps. I really don't mind taking the time to answer questions, because I've been where you are and I understand how mysterious boot camp can seem, and these issues are not always addressed on this forum. Have a great weekend everyone!


Q. How was sleeping in the racks. ie: comfort, picking bottom vs top. I'm sure you just get pretty whipped and any lying down will feel good. Was your rack and locker assigned?

A. Comfort's not an issue, by the time you hit it, you could sleep anywhere (and you will be tempted to).

If you get the top, be careful jumping down. Land wrong, and it hurts. (You should've seen my ankle by the time I was done with boot...I refused to go to medical while I was there, though. In our division the division leader's racks were dictated, and the rest of us randomly selected racks in some odd, sleep deprived haze.

Oh the racks... they are incredibly hard. As you suspected though, you're so glad to be going to sleep, you get used to it real quick! catherine's comments about choosing racks were accurate. I was part of my division's leadership so I never got a choice. I had multiple jobs and when I was made Master at Arms I was moved from a top rack to a bottom one. It felt claustrophobic on the bottom, but that's just me.

Yes, you get 8 hours of sleep per night, but we had to take turns getting up in the middle of every night to iron our utilities.

At MEPS I was the only Navy female, so I didn't get to meet anyone, but it was still very interesting. One female found out she was pregnant at MEPS! Definitely a DQ there.

NavyMom2007 03-10-2009 08:48 PM

One thing I remember one of the Recruits talking about is to be careful when you choose your bunk. Apparently there is an EXIT sign that shines into one of the racks.

sweetmtn 03-11-2009 01:06 AM

One thing about birth control...if you are one that works well for might see about bringing one month and a prescription from your should be able to be refilled there if you feel the need to stay on them while there...
Brunette threesome

Craig 08-24-2009 07:23 PM


LT Guppy 10-10-2010 10:38 PM

Old thread, but I have a question...

Do you get a choice in the type of birth control you can use? I'm on the patch and would love to stay on it, rather than have to switch to a different form.

sweetmtn 10-10-2010 11:50 PM

I am not really sure on the patch..but ask your recruiter, he/she should be able to get that info for you. I dont see where it would be a problem, but you never know with the military. Make sure you have a written prescription for a refill when you head off to boot, just in case. Sorry this wasnt much help....

Craig 10-11-2010 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Guppy2010 (Post 10472)
Old thread, but I have a question...

Do you get a choice in the type of birth control you can use? I'm on the patch and would love to stay on it, rather than have to switch to a different form.

I think they have every possible birth control there is. I need to check to see if I can find that answer...

The male birth control is a little bit more effective...

LT Guppy 10-11-2010 10:27 PM


Nukette 05-18-2011 10:57 AM

Ok, this is a really old thread, but I figured it was the most appropriate place for my question...

I know that birth control pills are availible during boot camp, but does anyone know about the alternate forms? More specifically, I have the Mirena IUD, and need to know if it's going to be a problem. I don't think it should be, but I'd prefer not to have it taken out there. I've got an appointment with my gyno next month for a yearly exam, should I get a note from him about it?

Any info would be appreciated!

sweetmtn 05-18-2011 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Nukette (Post 11633)
Ok, this is a really old thread, but I figured it was the most appropriate place for my question...

I know that birth control pills are availible during boot camp, but does anyone know about the alternate forms? More specifically, I have the Mirena IUD, and need to know if it's going to be a problem. I don't think it should be, but I'd prefer not to have it taken out there. I've got an appointment with my gyno next month for a yearly exam, should I get a note from him about it?

Any info would be appreciated!

I will try and get the most current info on this for you! Hang in there!

Craig 05-18-2011 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by sweetmtn (Post 11634)
I will try and get the most current info on this for you! Hang in there!

Thanks Sue.... I would have no idea where to find this info....

lunaruby23 05-25-2011 04:07 AM

Do they give you shaving supplies there?
and i have extremli curly hair, so when i cut it short it unmanagable and sort of afro-like, :)
so can i use and elastic band to keep it back or would i be able to purchase gel at the nex?

vabchsue 05-25-2011 07:34 AM

Welcome to NavyDep. Someone should be along to help you with your questions soon. Good luck!

Craig 05-26-2011 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by lunaruby23 (Post 11664)
Do they give you shaving supplies there?
and i have extremli curly hair, so when i cut it short it unmanagable and sort of afro-like, :)
so can i use and elastic band to keep it back or would i be able to purchase gel at the nex?

Lunar - Welcome aboard, glad to have you as part of the crew...

Per your question, per the shaving stuff, all items will be provided for you. The hair thing I not that positive. Ally or one of the other gals should be along shortly to answer that question.

Nukette 05-27-2011 11:39 AM

Just wanted to give an update. I managed to get over my embarassment and just asked my recruiter about the whole IUD thing. He seemed mildly amused at my discomfort... :roll:

Anyways, he said that as long as I've not had any complications with it (which I haven't) the IUD is no big deal and not to worry, because I'm not the first future sailor to have one.

Sue, I was wondering if you had found anything, and if it lined up with what he said. I have no reason to doubt my recruiter, he seems like a pretty stand-up guy, but it's always nice to have more info from other sources.

Craig 05-27-2011 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Nukette (Post 11674)
Sue, I was wondering if you had found anything, and if it lined up with what he said. I have no reason to doubt my recruiter, he seems like a pretty stand-up guy, but it's always nice to have more info from other sources.

I'd like to know too Sue. This is one of those questions that hasn't never been asked before... It would be interesting to know the correct answer.

sweetmtn 05-28-2011 10:14 PM

I asked my recruiter friends, but they havent got back to me yet, and I asked my son's girlfriend as she is prior navy too, but she didnt know. My recruiter friends said they would ask a female recruiter at headquarters and let me I havent forgotten!

bluesunshyne 06-11-2011 02:42 PM

i know they do implant IUDs during boot camp

Nukette 06-11-2011 04:33 PM

Really? I think I'd pass on that one! It's very convenient, but having it put in was about the most unpleasant thing I've ever done.

bluesunshyne 06-12-2011 01:05 PM

yep, i think they also give muscle relaxes and LLD chit when they implant it. definitely NOT something i would want done at boot camp of all places

Allygater213 06-12-2011 06:18 PM

Originally Posted by lunaruby23
Do they give you shaving supplies there?
and i have extremli curly hair, so when i cut it short it unmanagable and sort of afro-like,
so can i use and elastic band to keep it back or would i be able to purchase gel at the nex?

Lunar - Welcome aboard, glad to have you as part of the crew...

Per your question, per the shaving stuff, all items will be provided for you. The hair thing I not that positive. Ally or one of the other gals should be along shortly to answer that question.

Shaving items- gel and venus razor are provided. You dont really have time to shave every day, but you get Sundays to take a three hour powers shower if you want.
Hair Products- Depending on your RDC's discretion, they will tell you if you can have clips, gel, or you can have someone do braids for you. Our RDC's kept the rubberbands in the office, cause they would hate to see rubberbands on the floor. You are not authorized to have a ponytail/bun in bootcamp.

Originally Posted by Nukette
Ok, this is a really old thread, but I figured it was the most appropriate place for my question...

I know that birth control pills are availible during boot camp, but does anyone know about the alternate forms? More specifically, I have the Mirena IUD, and need to know if it's going to be a problem. I don't think it should be, but I'd prefer not to have it taken out there. I've got an appointment with my gyno next month for a yearly exam, should I get a note from him about it?

Any info would be appreciated!

They have every type of birth control at boot. It's free so take advantage of it.
I got the Implanon, (a little plastic stick they put into your arm) mainly because it makes me not have a period. It lasts for 3 years.
You can keep your IUD in, and you will automatically be getting a pap test around the first week of boot. Just let the gyno know that you have it.

I have been so busy, but I will start getting on here more.

Nukette 06-13-2011 06:07 AM

Thanks Ally! I think it's pretty awesome that they give female recruits so many options when it comes to birth control! I've got about 3 1/2 years left on my IUD, and I'll probably get another one when that's up. It's SO nice to not have the hassle of a period. I was worried that they were going to make me have it removed and I'd spend the next 8 weeks at boot going through hell while my body readjusted to not having it. Needless to say, I'm relieved!

jessica_lynn89 09-19-2011 08:16 PM

are you allowed to bring a small bucket/bag/tray of your shower stuff into the shower? I dont know if they assign anything to you or if it is or isnt allowed...i want to bring a small rectangular bucket that has holes so water goes out of it and have my shamp & cond and facewash. If i bring that in with me in abackpack will they let me keep my toilettries and the bucket?

sweetmtn 09-20-2011 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by jessica_lynn89 (Post 12634)
are you allowed to bring a small bucket/bag/tray of your shower stuff into the shower? I dont know if they assign anything to you or if it is or isnt allowed...i want to bring a small rectangular bucket that has holes so water goes out of it and have my shamp & cond and facewash. If i bring that in with me in abackpack will they let me keep my toilettries and the bucket?

I know there is a list of stuff you can bring..but in reality, it is way more than you are going to be allowed to keep. Bring ONLY what you need for the trip there, except for meds you are on(birth control scrip), glasses and scrip for them, SS card, drivers lic, etc. Bring a VERY small address book, a couple of stamps for mail, credit card, pre-paid phone card already activated...basically what can fit in the address book with a rubber band around it!
Tooth paste and brush, deoderant, shampoo & conditioner, body was/soap will all be sent home the same night you arrive with no chance to use it. You will go to the NEX and BUY all the stuff they want you to have.

navygurl413 03-07-2012 07:51 PM

HI, I know that the question about birth control was answered with they have all forms but I just wanted to question and be sure about the depo shot. I would rather stay on the shot that has to be given every three months because i also don't have a cycle and its involves no implantation of anything.

sweetmtn 03-07-2012 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by navygurl413 (Post 14989)
HI, I know that the question about birth control was answered with they have all forms but I just wanted to question and be sure about the depo shot. I would rather stay on the shot that has to be given every three months because i also don't have a cycle and its involves no implantation of anything.

I am really not sure on this one! I will try and find out for you, but if this vaccine is one that has a shelf life, maybe not. As if you are on deployment for 9+ months, and not very many females use this, they wont carry it for just a few people. But I will try and find out for you.

cferr 04-20-2012 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by navygurl413 (Post 14989)
HI, I know that the question about birth control was answered with they have all forms but I just wanted to question and be sure about the depo shot. I would rather stay on the shot that has to be given every three months because i also don't have a cycle and its involves no implantation of anything.

They do offer the Depo shot, and any other form of bc you might want. Talk to the provider and they'll make sure you get what it is you want, and they'll make sure you get it when you need it.

navygurl413 04-21-2012 11:12 AM

Thanks cferr!!! I would really rather have the shot so I don't have to worry about having a cycle!!

navygurl413 04-24-2012 06:52 PM

Another question that just came up for me, for females and medical, would you suggest that females get a pap smear done before going and taking the results or letting them just do it there. i heard it would make medical go a lil faster if I get it done before?

acgreen 07-17-2012 07:07 PM

Okay, two silly questions:
1.) I know everyone has sad all forms of birth control, but I'm still nervous that they won't have mine. I take Sprintec, it's a pill, but because of reasons I will not go into detail on here for, I have to take it because it is a really low dosage and its cheap. I'd rather not switch birth control again, and I like this one. So does anyone know if they will have it?
2.) Just to clarify: they give you everything when you get there? I was reading a list of the RTC site that says (or at least this is how I'm reading it) they only provide men with underwear. But that doesn't make sense to me, since the only thing everyone says to bring is identification, address book, phone card, credit card...things like that.
Thanks guys!

sweetmtn 07-17-2012 10:43 PM

OK, cant say for sure on your first question...but as for your second...yes, you will get underwear from the navy...also known as "granny panties"! and a really not so nice looking bra!

Duct 07-21-2012 10:44 PM

I have a question about 'that time of the month'...I've been using a menstrual cup for a couple years now, and it's much more convenient for me than pads or tampons. Will anyone care if I use the cup instead?

sweetmtn 07-21-2012 11:42 PM

That I am not sure of, but I cant see why not. But maybe some of the girls on here will know more info for you.

anlowe7 07-22-2012 07:50 AM

I was thinking about getting a cup too but didn't know if I would have the time to clean it out....I got my BC taken out (implanon) 2 months before I decided to join the navy (really dumb...I know) but I'm glad they have that available!!

omfgjuju 03-29-2013 02:58 PM

About the haircuts for bootcamp..will this one be good?

hellokitty 03-29-2013 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by omfgjuju (Post 29840)
About the haircuts for bootcamp..will this one be good?

The whole one side longer than the other part would probably be classified as "faddish," which is not allowed.

mrsgriebel 03-29-2013 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by navygurl413 (Post 16214)
Another question that just came up for me, for females and medical, would you suggest that females get a pap smear done before going and taking the results or letting them just do it there. i heard it would make medical go a lil faster if I get it done before?

Did you ever get the answer to this question?

TaylorBickle 06-28-2013 10:09 AM

birthcontrol again!
Okay so I am leaving in 60 days and I was reading to see about birth control and if I should take it along with me. I am on my last pack of three that I get 4 times a year now so when i get my packs in the next week I will get three witch will get me through until about October. I leave for boot camp the end of August and i was wondering if I should take the two packs I have left, instead of taking one pack and a script. Do you know if they will let me keep the second pack or if they will have to have a script to order it from thier pharmacy?

Thanks so much!!!

Kenziesav 02-10-2014 07:07 AM

My brother JUST graduated from bootcamp and I'm going in soon, he said that they might start allowing girls to wear their hair in buns during bootcamp? If you have any information about this I would really appreciate it! Thanks!

LT Guppy 02-10-2014 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Kenziesav (Post 40965)
My brother JUST graduated from bootcamp and I'm going in soon, he said that they might start allowing girls to wear their hair in buns during bootcamp? If you have any information about this I would really appreciate it! Thanks!

This is a rumor that has been going around forever. To date nothing has changed.

SierraLynn2015 03-04-2014 11:51 AM

If you take birth control, you don't go through cycles right? Does that also mean that the emotional problems are less too? If yes, then is it recommended that you go onto birth control when deploying? Or in your personal experience, do you find it helpful to take birth control? Because, honestly, I have problems with the emotions and mood swings.

SierraLynn2015 03-04-2014 11:54 AM

And are women not allowed to put their hair up in ponytails or use headbands? I assume so since you can't have a bun or for a few weeks wear barrettes...

jzhaun 03-04-2014 11:56 AM

Every birth control will affect you differently. Some may lessen moodiness, others will intensify it. You'll have to experiment to find what works for you.

I'm not on birth control, and I don't have any issues - regular exercise does a lot as far as regulating goes.

13Point1Heiress 03-04-2014 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by jzhaun (Post 42004)
Every birth control will affect you differently. Some may lessen moodiness, others will intensify it. You'll have to experiment to find what works for you.

Agreed. And not all birth controls stop your cycle, some will just regulate it more. As far as mood swings go, it depends on how your body reacts to it. My first 2 months on a new birth control had my emotions ALLLL out of wack. I'd recommend getting on one now so that your body can adjust to it.

SierraLynn2015 03-04-2014 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by 13Point1Heiress (Post 42007)
I'd recommend getting on one now so that your body can adjust to it.

How to tell my mom that? :/ Hmmm... I'm broke so I can't buy it (teen w/out a job) and my mom told me she's not buying me birth control.

13Point1Heiress 03-04-2014 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by SierraLynn2015 (Post 42009)
How to tell my mom that? :/ Hmmm... I'm broke so I can't buy it (teen w/out a job) and my mom told me she's not buying me birth control.

Lol she might've said that because she thinks you're having sex?? Sit her down, talk to her like an adult and explain all the benefits of birth control (besides preventing pregnancy). Let her know that during the stressful enviornment at RTC you don't want your menstrual cycle to be one of them. But if you can convince your mom that birth control isn't "sex" related, she might change her mind & let you get on it.

SierraLynn2015 03-04-2014 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by 13Point1Heiress (Post 42011)
Lol she might've said that because she thinks you're having sex?? Sit her down, talk to her like an adult and explain all the benefits of birth control (besides preventing pregnancy). Let her know that during the stressful enviornment at RTC you don't want your menstrual cycle to be one of them. But if you can convince your mom that birth control isn't "sex" related, she might change her mind & let you get on it.

Oh, goodness, no. She knows I'm not having sex. I don't even go hang out with friends more than once every few months. I've never even had a boyfriend. But she's just really strict. She won't buy my tampons either. If I want 'em, I have to buy 'em.
But that's a good idea about the stress at RTC. I'll have to do that when the time comes. Thanks a million. : )

BubbaGumps64 03-04-2014 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by SierraLynn2015 (Post 42003)
And are women not allowed to put their hair up in ponytails or use headbands? I assume so since you can't have a bun or for a few weeks wear barrettes...

You will have your hair cut while in boot camp. You can either get it cut before you leave or let them cut it when you get there. So no ponytails or anything.

From what I've read you may be allowed to have hair pins in boot camp but it is something that is earned. And not all RDC'S will let you have them, so it really depends.

NavyCalifornia 03-22-2014 02:33 PM

Quick question on "faddish" from my understanding shaving head ie. GI Jane style is considered a little extreme. I was thinking about doing a very short pixie (not shaved, but very short...) for bootcamp/time in the Navy. While I was at MEPS, there was a poster explaining what to bring to boot camp for females etc. but it did not seem to indicate what branch. In the poster/sign, it stated that hair must be 1-2 (??can't quite remember which) inches in length at least. One inch I could probably do all around, but I don't know about two.. Is that true? What are they going to do, take a ruler to my hair??

jzhaun 03-22-2014 03:03 PM

Pixies are definitely authorized, I know a lot of female Sailors who have or have had them.

Navy regulations do not have a minimum length for hair. There's the part about no shaved patches - Hairstyles shall not be outrageously multicolored or faddish, to include shaved portions of the scalp (other than the neckline), or have designs cut or braided into the hair. - but other than that the only measurements in there are maximums (hair can fall a max of 1 1/2 inches below the jumper collar in whites, bulk of hair can stick out a max of 2" from head for buns) or the size for multiple braids (approx 1/4").


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