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Craig 04-01-2012 12:45 PM

This was written by LA-BriansMom and is a great read....

This is a letter written that helped her recruit see who they really are; I want you to be happy in your life’s choices and where ever you go and what ever you do…The friendships you will make will be for a life time.

Your superiors who are yelling at you now, I know is hard to comprehend but they will be your friends, leaders and mentors for your Life. You will see that everything they teach you, tell you and show you will forever be a guidance for you and most of all, protect you, in this service you have chosen. What they do is for you to succeed, to live and most of all to protect yourself in your duties. Your listening skills now will forever be your best friend….knowing when to listen and when to talk and when to shut up, for sure is a guide that you will need to adhere to in the Navy.

Even when you are somewhere else, meaning mess hall, sleep quarters, workout areas etc…always observe your surroundings. Watch what others are doing and listen to what others are saying, you never know when you may hear, it may be something that may help you. This also may be a test in many times, your superiors sometimes do things that will surprise you and listening as your days and night progress may help you in many ways as you proceed through this wonderful journey you have chosen.

Although, I am far away from you, trust that I am with you every step of the way. My heart and my thoughts are with you always. At night while you are trying to fall asleep, remember, I am right there with you, praying for God to give you the strength to move on to your next day. I know you are tired and exhausted at night and feel like you can’t go on sometimes…dig deep ….God will give you the strength when you need it the most. Remember, God doesn’t give us the things we can’t handle, he only gives us the things we can handle, it is our choice whether we move forward with his guidance and choices he gives us to make.

Remember, as you lie you head on your pillow…I am there telling you goodnight and that I do love you…now and forever…no matter what choices you make I am with you all the way and Proud of you always.

All Navy men and women SHOULD BE PROUD, with no hesitations. People have no idea what it takes to be in the Navy. As I read, and believe me I have been reading about the Navy and being a Navy recruit or officer. The work, knowledge, and gift of being in the Navy is of great Honor. What a person gives up in their civilian life is a spec of what they earn in being part of the Navy family. This is a wonderful Honor, wear it with Pride as you continue to grow with you new family for Life. I don’t say that lightly either.

REMEMBER THIS: These people will be a huge part of your life, they will be your life and your family for the next 4 years. Embrace them and what you learn with great Pride…and go on, show off your stripes, rewards, medals etc as you earn them…You should…it is what is expected in your teachings from the Navy, for what you earn and learn is reward to them for doing their job well, in assisting and teaching you to succeed in the Navy.


blueberripie 04-11-2012 11:37 PM

This brought tears to my eyes and it was perfectly written. My DIL got a call from my son on Wednesday (April 11th) and I was so thrilled for her and when she told me his voice started to crack when they were saying their goodbyes I just wanted to wrap my arms around him and tell him how proud I am of him. I do tell him in all the letters I've written him just hope its sinking in.
Thank you so much for posting this amazing letter

vabchsue 04-12-2012 07:21 AM

I still remember writing the first of many letters to my son after arriving at GL. I wrote him a lot and absolutely still have memories of waiting for the mailman to deliver the mail. I was hoping that he'd written something that week which would then tide me over till his next one the following week. Right now it's thank heavens for emails as often as possible from where he is now.

pmhangel 04-12-2012 08:48 AM

Thank you to the Mom who wrote this letter and to all the Mom's who share these wonderful sentiments. Our young women and men who give of their time to serve and protect us need to know how important they are to all of us. The life experiences and the preparation for life that is gained in the Navy are irreplaceable.

blueberripie 04-14-2012 11:56 PM

We got our 1st letter from our son on Thursday and I did the karate high air kick at the mailbox and keep in mind we have to cross a semi-busy road to where our mailbox is so needless to say several people driving by saw my display of joy :) and I didn't give a hoot LOL :stars:
He said it is tough and frustrating because some of the guys in his division don't seem to really care. He said he didn't think he would miss us as much as he does and LOVES all the cards and letters I've been sending and said "please don't stop sending~send more". I've been carrying the letter around everywhere with me, strange as it sounds it brings alot of comfort to me :sweet:

vabchsue 04-15-2012 07:21 AM

We've all gone through this experience of the first letter arriving. Although it's been about 4-1/2 years since he went through boot camp, all of the letters Michael sent are in a special place and I can still remember how excited I was when we got that letter. Where he's at now it isn't as easy contact-wise, but thank heavens for emails. When he's busy and we don't hear anything it makes for a tough day(s) and they're hard to get through sometimes. But, the minute I get on the computer in the a.m. I always check my emails to see if he was able to send one. Not the same as the old days of pen/paper but I'll take what I can cause you really don't have a choice......

sweetmtn 04-15-2012 12:20 PM

Plus, now that you know his letter came on Thursday, you can start stalking the mailman on every that is when all letters should arrive! :happyfeet:

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