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lauran_c 03-28-2011 03:48 PM

Has anyone just got back from bootcamp?
I only have a few more weeks til I go to bootcamp and I would like to ask a few questions to anyone who has just finished? Or recently? Thanks for taking the time to read!

vabchsue 03-29-2011 06:18 AM

I'm hoping someone will be able to help you out Lauran as they always have in the past. :wink:

lauran_c 03-30-2011 11:59 AM

Thank you! I hope so too! I am starting to get a little nervous.

sweetmtn 03-30-2011 02:54 PM

Have you looked at all the stuff here on bootcamp? it is very up to date and should give you the information you are looking for. You must remember, the bootcamp experience seems to effect everyone my son had a very easy time with PT, others have not. My son felt the classroom stuff was a breeze, some didnt. I think alot has to do with how well you are prepared when you get there and know the things you should know before you go and can do all the PT requirements before as well.
Also...many stress before they leave for boot...but once there it seems to all fall into place, and they do much better than they thought they would.

lauran_c 03-30-2011 04:18 PM

Yes I have read some of the stuff but it is mostly guys.. I wanted some womens perspective.. yea I am as prepared as I am gonna get. I have studied and exercised so I am hoping that it will be a breeze for me like it was for your son! =)

sweetmtn 03-30-2011 07:23 PM

One thing my son told me is that they really dont treat the women any different while at boot...same requirements other than the number of sit-ups, push-ups and such. It really will depend on your instructors for your division..some are relatively nice, some are not. Just remember to try and stay under the radar so to in the middle..dont stand out. Unless you want to become an RPOC(someone in charge of something that is a recruit), like mail, etc. But if you mess up, your whole division will pay the price.

Craig 03-30-2011 11:20 PM

Lauran - It sucks because Allygater213 is graduating I beleive 4/8/2011 and she will come back here once she gets her family time done at PIR. However, you will already be gone by then.

lauran_c 04-03-2011 04:08 PM

yea I am not one that will stand out so hopefully I will stay under the radar enough. Yea I wish she would be on here before I left.. What do you mean by family time at PIR my family has been asking me if they get to spend time with me after graduation and if I get to come home with them and stuff.. Do you know?

sweetmtn 04-03-2011 09:48 PM

The amount of "family time" you get to spend after PIR depends on a few factors. First if you are "Grad-N-Go" and it is to a school NOT in Great Lakes, you might get a couple of hours with them, if it is a school at great lakes and you are still Grad-N-Go, you may have to move across the street, but will get to spend over night with if you are not Grad-N-Go, you will get to spend until about 8:00pm with your family after PIR, then back to base and the barracks, get released again in the morning to spend the day again with them, and the same again for Sunday..HOWEVER, if you have to do "duty watch" you may have to be back either way early or leave way late...just depends..hope this helps.

Logicalchaos02 04-03-2011 11:25 PM

I was a mixed division when I was at RTC (which means we had men and woman in my division). The woman's barracks was across from ours. The only difference I ever heard about was something to do with shaving. Girls are only allowed to shave there legs on Sundays, so I dont know if that is important or not. I do know that most RTC's are very strict on the woman's compartment on how well they keep in clean. I know my division was always getting in trouble for the woman's side not being clean. But other than that, everyone is treated the same. You really dont see a difference when it comes to sex, you get treated like a recruit until you get your Navy ball cap, and then you get treated like a sailor.

lauran_c 04-04-2011 01:58 PM

Well my A school is in Virginia so I will come home and pack and stuff.. Is the considered Grad n go?

vabchsue 04-04-2011 07:15 PM

My son was a Grad 'n Go and we only got to spend a little amount of time with him before he had to get his seabag, pictures, etc. and get on the bus to O'hare Airport. We met him there and got to sit with him out at the gate, but again, it wasn't very long. You won't be going home to pack up your stuff. We shipped some stuff to Michael once he was at A school. At that point you can have your parents ship you things. Since you don't know where you'll be heading after you finish school, I'd wait before having anymore stuff sent to you if that makes sense.

sweetmtn 04-04-2011 10:35 PM

Lauren, most times you are not even allowed to have a car and drive anywhere til you get past a certain point in your A school.(generally 1/2 way through) You will not be going home to "pack stuff" to take to your A school either. You will take only what you have from bootcamp, and since you wont even have your cell phone, it will have to be shipped to you when you get to your A school and have an actual address to send it to. (IF you are being shipped to your A school on Sunday night after PIR, your family could meet you at the airport and give you your cell there) As even after you have your PIR, you will stay on the bootcamp side until the navy sends you to your A school, and no electronics are ever allowed on that side. So no cell or laptop computer, etc. sorry

Craig 04-04-2011 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by lauran_c (Post 11404)
Well my A school is in Virginia so I will come home and pack and stuff.. Is the considered Grad n go?

So, what is a G&G? It's a recruit that leaves boot camp before PIR weekend is over to travel to their A-School. They usually fly out on a Saturday or Sunday, they don't leave on Friday anymore, however, the Navy can change stuff at anytime. This means a limited time to visit with them when you come out for their graduation. Some G&G's are just moving across the street because their A-School will be at GL (Great Lakes). If they are required to move over before PIR weekend ends, they are called a G&G. These two types of G&G's can be quite different, each with it's Pro's and Con's. If they have A-School in GL, but don't move over until after Sunday, they are not considered a G&G.

Logicalchaos02 04-04-2011 11:04 PM

I was a G&G. As soon as my graduation ceremony was over, I saw my wife for about 45 mins to a hour and then I had to head back to my barracks and on the bus to Ohare. All I had with me was what I had a boot camp. My seabag and garment bag. Did the leaving on Friday change recently, because I left on a Friday. I loved it even though I didnt get to see my wife for very long. I was so happy to be out of boot camp! But basically after my graduation I was on a plane 5 hours later.

lauran_c 04-05-2011 02:52 PM

see this isn't what my recruiter and chief told me. I have to be at my A and C school for 6 months. Therefore, my husband will be coming with me. My recruiter said I will come home and I have 30 days of vacation that I can use all at once or spread it out through the 6 months. So... yall are kinda confusing me.

Logicalchaos02 04-05-2011 05:23 PM

If you are going to be at your A school 6 months or longer, your family will be allowed to go with you but only if it is longer then 6 months.

vabchsue 04-05-2011 07:17 PM

Derek's story sounds similar to Michael's re GNG - he left shortly after PIR and we got to spend very little time with him. And 30 days vacation before A school??? Hmmm :surprised:

sweetmtn 04-05-2011 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by lauran_c (Post 11417)
see this isn't what my recruiter and chief told me. I have to be at my A and C school for 6 months. Therefore, my husband will be coming with me. My recruiter said I will come home and I have 30 days of vacation that I can use all at once or spread it out through the 6 months. So... yall are kinda confusing me.

Lauren...I am sorry if things get confusing...I was too busy at work today to get in touch with Chris. I dont work Wednesday, and will call him to get on here and help you. I trust my recruiters here...and Chris knows I would kick his butt if he doesnt give it to anyone straight...he is friends with my oldest son, they went to the same high school. He even helps me get hay in the summer and plow snow for my elderly friends in the winter. So hang in there!

wardulock33 04-13-2011 03:39 PM

hey, i just graduated boot on friday. im a male but i was in an integrated division i may be able to help.... ask away =)

vabchsue 04-13-2011 05:12 PM

Congrats on finishing boot camp and welcome back.

lauran_c 04-14-2011 01:58 PM

Yes congrats on graduating! Is it as bad as everyone says? Are the glasses that are prescribed huge? uhm... just tell me a few of your likes and dislikes =) I leave Tues for meps then leave Weds for boot. Thank you for your help!

vabchsue 04-14-2011 07:06 PM

Yup, the birth control glasses are awful. Michael couldn't wait to get back his contacts once he PIR.

lauran_c 04-14-2011 09:47 PM

Haha my sister said she heard they made them smaller but of course its just he said she said. But that's fine with me I'm not there to impress anyone with my looks lol

vabchsue 04-15-2011 11:47 AM

Lauran - too true! lol

wardulock33 04-15-2011 01:54 PM

Honestly, yes boot really really sucks, however just because it sucks does not mean its hard! it sucks because it is 60 days of doing a whole bunch of shit you hate to do (complete silence, getting yelled at, folding clothes, little sleep, stupid people in your div, exorcising which isnt too bad but IT sucks!, missing home... and the list goes on) now this isnt intended to scare u but i told myself i would be as honest as i could to anyone who asks. once again yes it REALLY sucks but it is not hard. you WILL make it through just remember that. by the time you are done you are going to realize how amazing all the little things are like private showers, or sitting on couches lol, but all in all it was a good experience.

As for likes and dislikes, honestly i disliked the whole thing with the exception of battle stations it is alot of fun! but other than that its super lame!

Also, expect to sit there and do nothing ALOT. thats the worst part.

as for advice all i have is dont be a wussie thats all.


any other questions feel free to ask =D

oh and BTW A school is totally worth it. i LOVE it here its the shit!

lauran_c 04-15-2011 02:49 PM

lol i was complaining about not being able to shave my legs but once a week and my husband said Lauran you are gonna be there to impress anyone with your legs.. lol

Yea I expect all that stuff =) So I hope it wont be too bad. haha

sweetmtn 04-15-2011 03:47 PM

My sons advise was a funny one, or at least it is from his perspective! DO NOT LAUGH AT THE INSTRUCTORS WHEN THEY ARE YELLING AT SOMEONE FOR SOMETHING REALLY STUPID!
My son got IT'd for over an hour in the "hot box"! Then when the instructor finally told him he was done and if he still thought getting yelled at was funny, dont make the comment my son made...."Yes sir, but thanks, that was the best work-out I have had since I got here!"
By the way...the "hot box' is the laundry area room with all the washers and dryers going, making it steamy...:rofl: My son being a jock was very much used to being yelled at by coaches and worked very hard for football, basketball, soccer and track..
Yeah, my son didnt really fly under the radar so to speak!

lauran_c 04-15-2011 07:24 PM

HaHa oh I am not gonna be laughing trust me.. I know we will be yelled at together, but I DO NOT want to be yelled at individually. lol

Craig 04-15-2011 11:54 PM

Wardulock - Glad to see you on the other side... It's great seeing you as a sailor!.... Bravo Zulu to you!!!!

wardulock33 04-16-2011 07:28 AM

craig- thanks man and thank you for all the support!

lauran- you WILL be yelled at individually its just how often that you have control over

lauran_c 04-16-2011 06:31 PM

Ohh lovely lol I am excited about A school though! I'm ready to learn about my job!

miken101 11-05-2012 04:19 PM

hi i graduated bcamp sept28..although it seem like yesterday, and just finished Aschool at great lakes so i can give some insight as well. I was also in a integrated division which made bcamp more interesting and annoying lol but ill be 100 percent with you about everything

CB 12-29-2012 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by sweetmtn (Post 11491)
My sons advise was a funny one, or at least it is from his perspective! DO NOT LAUGH AT THE INSTRUCTORS WHEN THEY ARE YELLING AT SOMEONE FOR SOMETHING REALLY STUPID!
My son got IT'd for over an hour in the "hot box"! Then when the instructor finally told him he was done and if he still thought getting yelled at was funny, dont make the comment my son made...."Yes sir, but thanks, that was the best work-out I have had since I got here!"
By the way...the "hot box' is the laundry area room with all the washers and dryers going, making it steamy...:rofl: My son being a jock was very much used to being yelled at by coaches and worked very hard for football, basketball, soccer and track..
Yeah, my son didnt really fly under the radar so to speak!

I just read your post now and I couldn't help but laugh at what your son said "best workout since I got here."

I ship out in April and my brother who joined last year told me that boot camp is more of a mind game. They will try to break you. They'll even try to make you laugh. If you laugh, you get yelled at. If you don't laugh, you still get yelled at. They even ask if you didn't think they're joke was funny.

SN-Madman 12-30-2012 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by lauran_c (Post 11492)
HaHa oh I am not gonna be laughing trust me.. I know we will be yelled at together, but I DO NOT want to be yelled at individually. lol

lol I thought so, too - but one of the best parts of basic is all the times you are surprised to find yourself laughing at something... especially once the RDCs start loosening up and messing with you to get you to laugh. hehe. But just be wise about when and where you laugh. :)

Can't forget that military bearing!

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