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13Point1Heiress 11-26-2013 03:17 PM

What Can Get You Sent Home From Bootcamp
What would make you get sent back home from boot camp? (I was reading an old thread of a recruit who spent 3 months in bootcamp & she said she was finally sent home but didn't respond to why). I know not passing swimming could get you pushed back but what all can get you sent home as opposed to pushed back a week or two?


Diesirae27 11-26-2013 03:31 PM

If you can't pass BC in 180 since getting there, you get sent home. This usually pertains to injuries. My sister was there for 4 months due to a stress fracture on her shin. If it were a break and they didn't think she could be fit for duty to complete in 180 days than she would have been sent home to heal.

jzhaun 11-26-2013 05:31 PM

From my experience: severe injuries, or ones that heal slowly, mental issues (depression, panic attacks etc), them discovering something medical they might have missed earlier (always slightly too high blood pressure and weird knees were two I saw) and not passing your run or swim.

They used to keep you there as long as you were motivated to stay for as far as swim/PFA failures went. But that changed while I was there - I want to say they settled on 10 chances for the run and 16 for swim. However they test swim more often than run, so swimmers would usually leave first, one way or the other.

Also if you get injured, heal, and then get injured again - they decide you're probably a bad risk.

I spent 2 months in the Recruit Convalescent Unit (which also housed PFA failures and FAST) from January to March of this year because of a stress fracture, so this information is accurate as of 8 months ago. Things change pretty frequently though.

Diesirae27 11-26-2013 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by jzhaun (Post 38428)
weird knees

can you explain that further?

John213AV 11-26-2013 06:57 PM

One kid decided he didn't like his rate anymore, and decided to tell the RDC's that he wanted to KILL HIMSELF.

Never saw him again.

One kid had a Panic Attack after we had gotten IT'd ( believe me, you will get IT'd as a division ONCE). The chief tried to calm him down and talk casually with him but the kid insisted he needed to go to the hospital.


Another kid had migraines so severe that he was loosing balance.


One kid got ASMOD ( sent out of our division and back like 2 weeks ) becuase he COULD NOT follow directions and was just a mess ( written up a lot for talking, not having military bearing etc ) he eventually was separated from the Navy for not listening to rules.

OH YEA, and there was a kid across the hall who was TAKING CRAPS in his underpants, and putting pieces of his feces in his A&B draw underneath his bed. Needless to say, he was separated from the Navy.

Any type of SEXUAL contact will get you separated too. Girls and Guys will have sex, as well as Guy and Guy and Girl and Girl. It happens. Anyone caught is GONE. 3 dudes admitted to receiving, well, favors from a girl and they were all separated because it violated the CO's Top 6...Recruit to Recruit Contact!

Just follow the rules!

jzhaun 11-26-2013 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Diesirae27 (Post 38429)
can you explain that further?

Their knees were shaped differently than most people's are, and the activity level in bootcamp (I'm not really sure whether it was the running or the standing or what) eventually put them in semi-constant pain and made them limp. It was hereditary, not an injury, but once the doctors figured out what it was, they were separated.

Brier 11-26-2013 07:48 PM

Literally ANYTHING.

I was in SEPS from July to August and it was literally anything. We had new people every single day, even at one point, up to ten in a day. Their issues ranged from mental health (OCD, anxiety, self-harm, etc), physical problems (foot pain due to the boots, migraines, injuries, pregnancy), to even just not wanting to be in the Navy anymore. Most were P-Days and stood up at the Moment of Truth, some were even graduated sailors. It's really dependent on your condition and severity and what the doctors do/tell you.

If I remember correctly, and after hearing it later from several SEPS'd females, RCU is no longer around, so it's likely that not passing your PFA or the swim is now included in the separations.

FutureHM 11-27-2013 01:48 AM

As long as you're not stupid and you follow directions, you're fine. You honestly have to try to get kicked out. Since the Navy already paid you to get to basic, they are not going to just kick you out for stupid reasons. They want their moneys worth out of you.

As for ways to get kicked out: Failure to follow directions, mental problems, health problems, and just plain out wrong shit like suicide thoughts or breaking the rules after not being told not to 50 times.

13Point1Heiress 11-27-2013 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by John213AV (Post 38432)
Just follow the rules!

Lol! Thanks! I thought the males & females were separate. Are both sexes sleeping in the same room to engage in "those" activities? 0_o

Diesirae27 11-27-2013 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by 13Point1Heiress (Post 38448)
Lol! Thanks! I thought the males & females were separate. Are both sexes sleeping in the same room to engage in "those" activities? 0_o

They only train together. Hygiene and sleeping quarters are separate.. how they found time for extracurricular activity is astonishing.

kforbs126 11-27-2013 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Diesirae27 (Post 38457)
They only train together. Hygiene and sleeping quarters are separate.. how they found time for extracurricular activity is astonishing.

You have a lot of free time at boot. At least when I went through 5 years ago after the first few weeks you aren't busy all day long. And I know boot is now even easier. I think they could have condensed it down to 4 to 5 weeks.

Temen 11-29-2013 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Diesirae27 (Post 38457)
They only train together. Hygiene and sleeping quarters are separate.. how they found time for extracurricular activity is astonishing.

During Sept 2011, there were Male only divisions and mixed gender divisions. As stated, the mixed divisions would only train together.

I'm not exactly sure how much free time they get together (I was in a Male Only division), but I know if you become part of "ship staff" you get some time away from your division to clean around the barracks and stand watches. So it's reasonable to believe two people could sneak off at some point and spend their time doing things they shouldn't be.

John213AV 11-29-2013 10:07 PM

In the boot, if you have a brother/sister division, you will train together, and also have classes and stuff together in each others division. You will not SLEEP in the same compartment, but they are in the same hall.

You have a laundry room in the compartment, that is accessed through a door. A male can go into that laundry room, and open up a door that leads into the HALLWAY! Magic eh? The female and male have a pre-existing time to meet, and she runs to the door and knocks lightly. The male opens the door in the laundry room, and then they go into the drying room which is off the laundry room.

Thats where I heard all the stories of guys and girls hooking up. The watch was most likely in on it, and let the female go and the male watch knew what was going on.

I have heard stories of females getting caught IN THE RACK with another dude.

At night, an RDC will make ONE PATROL to drop off a paper that says the uniform of the day for the next day. This is how you know what to wear ( rain jacket, parka, gloves/winter cap if its freezing ) and after that, you won't see another RDC at night. So think about it...people plan that stuff out.

I would NOT recommend it. You get caught and its OVER.

Mackin1231 11-29-2013 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by John213AV (Post 38488)
In the boot, if you have a brother/sister division, you will train together, and also have classes and stuff together in each others division. You will not SLEEP in the same compartment, but they are in the same hall.

You have a laundry room in the compartment, that is accessed through a door. A male can go into that laundry room, and open up a door that leads into the HALLWAY! Magic eh? The female and male have a pre-existing time to meet, and she runs to the door and knocks lightly. The male opens the door in the laundry room, and then they go into the drying room which is off the laundry room.

Thats where I heard all the stories of guys and girls hooking up. The watch was most likely in on it, and let the female go and the male watch knew what was going on.

I have heard stories of females getting caught IN THE RACK with another dude.

At night, an RDC will make ONE PATROL to drop off a paper that says the uniform of the day for the next day. This is how you know what to wear ( rain jacket, parka, gloves/winter cap if its freezing ) and after that, you won't see another RDC at night. So think about it...people plan that stuff out.

I would NOT recommend it. You get caught and its OVER.

Yet, you just told everyone how to do it

jzhaun 11-29-2013 10:54 PM

Realistically speaking, it's pretty much obvious to anyone who's been into the drying room/on laundry crew that it's the logical place to do anything you're not supposed to be doing, because the walls are thicker to contain the heat, which muffles noise.

I'm fairly certain my drying room was never used for that while I was LPO, but it was used for various other activities that didn't necessarily have to do with laundry.

nast 12-01-2013 10:32 PM

we had gotten IT'd: what is this?
Is there any chance to smoke? I heard different stories...

FutureHM 12-02-2013 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by nast (Post 38549)
we had gotten IT'd: what is this?

Intensive Training. Just extra PT for being stupid.

Is there any chance to smoke? I heard different stories...

sweetmtn 12-04-2013 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by nast (Post 38549)
Is there any chance to smoke? I heard different stories...

Absolutely NO tobacco products whatsoever! Not even the gum to help you quit...quit NOW before you go!

military bratt 12-04-2013 09:30 PM

So I know I need to start running for the test I have a month until my ship date so I'll be fine but if you exceed on everything in pt will they let you stay until you pass the run?

military bratt 12-04-2013 09:46 PM

So I know I need to start running for the test I have a month until my ship date so I'll be fine but if you exceed on everything in pt will they let you stay until you pass the run?

PurpleCarnation 02-22-2014 01:45 AM

They put a whole lot of money into getting you there, so yeah, they're going to want to keep and train you a little bit more to get you to pass the run. But believe me, it'll be a lot easier on you mentally and physically to pass it the first go around, so train before leaving (which you probably already have). But the place that the people who can't pass the PFA (FIT) runs you so hard like a PFA twice a day, that they sometimes end up breaking you. Especially with the shoes they issue you. I got shin splints from them.

A lot of people went to medical for one reason (fractured hip) and came out diagnosed with asthma and were sent home. So, if you don't actually have asthma, don't complain about chest pain because they love giving that diagnosis.

IT sucked, but ITE is worse. I'm pretty sure that's built into the schedule so no avoiding it. I was sweating so badly that my pants were sticking to my legs and I couldn't 'get there' for the next exercise in time.

But back to topic, breaking any of the CO's Top Six, any psychological disorders, any physical issues you're already asked about at MEPS, failing a drug test, any legal things you didn't disclose, or injuries that won't heal in time will get you sent home.

Arvy 02-22-2014 03:28 AM

I hope I don't get sent home THAT WOULD SUCK... i would literally cry my eyes out and feel so embarrassed to tell my parents or friends what happened. it would mean all this time i spent in DEP would be a waste; i wanna be in part of the navy team SO BADLY.

Haasino 02-22-2014 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by PurpleCarnation (Post 41548)
IT sucked, but ITE is worse. I'm pretty sure that's built into the schedule so no avoiding it.

It's not... ITE is actually hard to schedule due to rules and regulations; your RDC needs to route a chit through the ship's chain-of-command, there have to be witnesses from other divisions, usually the Ship's LCPO monitors, the compartment doors must remain open, etc. I asked my RDC when we were roving together a few weeks after graduation why she never ITE'd our division... she said the chit took too long to get approved and, in her opinion, it would've been like punishing a dog hours after it crapped on the carpet. She preferred to IT us as soon as we f**ked up, because it got the message across. There was a division on the floor above us though that was getting ITE'd at least once a week... we knew because they had to announce it over the ship's 1MC (PA System).


Originally Posted by Arvy (Post 41549)
I hope I don't get sent home THAT WOULD SUCK... i would literally cry my eyes out and feel so embarrassed to tell my parents or friends what happened. it would mean all this time i spent in DEP would be a waste; i wanna be in part of the navy team SO BADLY.

At this point in time, you honestly have to go out of your way to get sent home... messing up instructions or being too tired to do more push-ups during IT will get you yelled at, but not sent home... going to medical repeatedly to try to get out of doing anything... psychological breakdowns... suicide attempts... touching another recruit in ANY way... those are the sort of things that get you sent home.

As other's have advised above... spend your time in DEP memorizing your START Guide and working out. If you can show up to RTC able to pass your PFA and already knowing 90% of the stuff in your guide, the hardest part of bootcamp will be fighting boredom and annoyance at the people around you who are messing up because they didn't prepare.

fellawip 02-22-2014 08:30 AM

What is the difference between i.t and I.t.e?

Haasino 02-22-2014 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by fellawip (Post 41557)
What is the difference between i.t and I.t.e?

IT is limited in how what exercises they can do, how many of each exercise can be done, and how long the session can last. RDC's are issued orange cards that list the training regulations, exercises, and number for each... they have to pull the card out and display it during IT. IT can be anywhere from 1 recruit to the entire division. ITE is division-wide... consists of more exercises, more reps, and longer time... it's also heavily monitored due to the "hazing incident" that occurred back in the summer of '12.

Your RDC may or may not do ITE... it depends on their level of motivation.

fellawip 02-22-2014 09:20 AM

If you don't mind what are some examples of exercises from both forms of I.t

Haasino 02-22-2014 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by fellawip (Post 41565)
If you don't mind what are some examples of exercises from both forms of I.t

It's the basics... jumping jacks, 10-count body builders, push-ups, squats, leaning rest. There are only so many you can do, and a limit to the number of each. I used to have an orange card, but I lost it moving between various commands...

LT Guppy 02-22-2014 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Haasino (Post 41567)
It's the basics... jumping jacks, 10-count body builders, push-ups, squats, leaning rest. There are only so many you can do, and a limit to the number of each. I used to have an orange card, but I lost it moving between various commands...

Also, while limited in what exercises they can make you do, some RDCs like to mix things by switching from push ups to running in place and back faster than you can actually stand up or get down.

Haasino 02-22-2014 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Guppy2010 (Post 41569)
Also, while limited in what exercises they can make you do, some RDCs like to mix things by switching from push ups to running in place and back faster than you can actually stand up or get down.

Mine loved to wait until we'd done 45/50 jumping jacks to point out that one recruit had fallen behind and we'd start over from 0... hooyah, zero!

LT Guppy 02-22-2014 12:52 PM

Haha my RDC preferred really slow push ups while lecturing us about how we'd failed every sailor since 1775 and weren't worthy to wear the uniform.

AramilX 02-22-2014 01:20 PM

Ouch. The slow push ups are the worst. I can bang out 50 pretty quickly, but when you have to stay down for 3 bueno.

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