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Abry88 01-07-2014 10:56 AM

Females joining. Pre-bootcamp work outs
Hey ladies just wondering what your work out routines are like before you ship out for boot camp. I'm still waiting to go to MEPS. I work out about 4 times a week with mild cardio, lifting, sit ups, and push ups. My fear is not being able to perform because I'm a little bit older then your typical recruit.

13Point1Heiress 01-07-2014 11:28 AM

I run 4/5 days a week..I'm not much of a gym rat so at home I do burpees, crunches, flutter kicks, sit ups, and push ups. I'll be 27 in bootcamp so my minimums for the PFA are super low but I do the core workouts everyday just to make sure I can keep up with the 18yr olds lol :sport_boxing:

Abry88 01-07-2014 03:15 PM

Cardio is my weakness. I'm hoping bootcamp isn't all running! Haha I'm 25 going to be 26 soon so I wanna make sure I could keep up with the young ones!

elite636 01-09-2014 02:47 AM

Abry, im 28 and leaving in 4 days. I ran 3-4 times a week (a combo of interval sprints, long distance and them a timed mile and a half every two weeks). I also did 5 sets of pushups till failure and sit-ups till failure as much as possible and went to the gym and did weight training at least 4-5 days a week. I also have a child so that's why I was a little limited otherwise I would've done a lot more. Hope this helps.

elite636 01-09-2014 02:51 AM

From what I've gathered, you'll have to do the timed mile and a half runs during your pfts, a sustained run for 20 mins and then some divisions do a pride run around base towards the end of boot camp. Some didn't have a pride run though because it was too cold out. The rest of the time you'll be doing pt in your compartment.

SeaBee253 01-11-2014 10:45 PM

I workout 5 days a week at the gym and once at a high school track. Once I get to the gym I usually do about 100 squats with 2 8 pound weights (50 squats to start, 50 when done with cardio). I'll also do 20 squats holding a 20 pound bar. 50 curl ups and 20 push ups. I can only do 12 push-ups until my arms turn into noodles lol so I've been practicing my push-ups while on my knees until I gain better arm strength. Ill run on the treadmill for half an hour and go on the stepper elliptical thing for 25 minutes. That's basically my workout. I suck at push-ups, but with all the lifting it's been helping. Every night I try to add one more push-up without doing it on my knees. You got this :) even if you don't pass the initial PT test, they're going to make sure you past the final PT test. After all, we are recruits soon to be transformed into well trained fit sailors!

delucabv23 01-12-2014 04:01 PM

Well I follow the guidelines of the BUD/S program for Spec Ops training...I do interval running, long distance and mile n a half. I've never been a runner and when I first started running before MEPS, I started having some knee pain. Went to the doctor...turns out I had lateral tracking problems that could easily be fixed with some physical therapy. So I had to start gradual with the running again. I went from running a mile in 13:50min to now my mile is 9:30min....HUGE I incorporated my physical therapy like wall squats, calf raises, leg extensions, bridging exercises, quad excerises and so on. I also do some weight lifting with the dumbbells and shadow box with 3lbs weights in the mirror for 5-10 minutes. I think getting your core strong and leg even stronger will help immensely during bootcamp. I'm just kinda bummed that I can't work out for a whole week when I get to bootcamp due to P days.

mpombo93 01-13-2014 03:59 PM

I do Crossfit 4 times a week and trust me I love it. But now I'm gaining too much muscle and last time I went in for my DEP meeting I was over my weight, even though I have lost a solid 6 inches from my waist. Now that I have 6 months till I ship out, I’m starting the interval run training to build up my cardio. As for push-ups, I was able to build myself up to the regulated amount by dropping to the floor twice a day (once in the morning, once at night) and doing as many as I could without stopping. Now I can do 30 push-ups in 2 minutes.

proudmama 01-16-2014 09:27 AM

make sure you are working on your run. the situps and pushups will come and be fine by your final pfa- my daughter couldn't do many, but the run is where it killed her, she is currently home and working her run.

shamablama 01-16-2014 10:16 AM

Your work out routine sounds pretty good to me. When you get to boot camp they aren't going to expect you to be perfectly in PT shape right away, part of the boot camp process is building you up to that point. BUT if you are going in as an e1 and want to get promoted to an e2 during boot camp you will need to pass your first PT test. I go to the gym 5 days a week to run, work on my abs, and my arms.

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