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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:mysterymachine: Mysterymachine Mysterymachine
:smilie_pc: Smilie Pc 049 Smilie Pc 049
:rockon: Rockon Rockon
:love: Love Love
:ilovemypc: Ilovemypc Ilovemypc
:yourhonor: Yourhonor Yourhonor
:kilt: Kilt Kilt
:thtgif: Thtgif Thtgif
:voodoodoll: Voodoodoll Voodoodoll
:funnyshit: Funnyshit Funnyshit
:asshat: Asshat Asshat
:thpopcornsmile: Thpopcornsmile Thpopcornsmile
:quitcomplaining: Quit complaining Quit complaining
:holysheep: Holysheep Holysheep
:outtahere: Outta here Outta here
:ththjudge: Ththjudge Ththjudge
:funnychat: Funnychat Funnychat
:sharkcircling: Shark circling Shark circling
:smiliesnoopywood1: Smiliesnoopywood1 Smiliesnoopywood1
:What: What What
:rofl: ROFL ROFL
:juggle: Juggle Juggle
:iwojima: Iwo Jima Iwo Jima
:happyfeet: Happyfeet Happyfeet
:smiliesleeping-1: Smiliesleeping 1 Smiliesleeping 1
:witch: 1 Witch 1 Witch
:wavetowel2: Wavetowel2 Wavetowel2
:eyes: Eyes Eyes
:chicken: Chicken Chicken
:smiliedogwalk1: Smiliedogwalk1 Smiliedogwalk1
:newbie: Newbie Newbie
:d_clock: D Clock D Clock
:drunksailor: Drunk sailor Drunk sailor
:drinks_wine: Drinks Wine Drinks Wine
:repuke: Repuke Repuke
:cheerleader2: Cheerleader2 Cheerleader2
:smiley_emoticons_fl Smiley Emoticons Flieger01 Smiley Emoticons Flieger01
:cool0041: Cool0041 Cool0041
:psych: Psych Psych
:car: Car Car
:smiley: Smiley Smiley
:nono: Nono Nono
:bubbleheads: Bubble heads Bubble heads
:poster_oops: Poster Oops Poster Oops
:Airplane: Airplane Airplane
:sex: Sex Sex
:a_wizard: A Wizard A Wizard
:spam2: Spam2 Spam2
:running20stick20man Running20stick20man Running20stick20man
:CanYouPractice: Can You Pratice What You Preach Can You Pratice What You Preach
:lamo: Lamo Lamo
:hula: Hula Hula
:Show respect: Show Respect Show Respect
:stars: Stars Stars
:Ship: Ship Ship
:funny: Funny Funny
:surprised: Surprised Surprised
:iagree: I Agree I Agree
:chair: Chair Chair
:wtf: WTF? WTF?
:cuss: Cuss Cuss
:brainfart: Brainfart Brainfart
:weirdthread: Weird thread Weird thread
:toetap: ToeTap ToeTap
:skep: Skep Skep
:angel/devil: Angel/Devil Angel/Devil
:laugh: Laugh Laugh
:applause: Applause Applause
:roll: Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
:mail2: Mail2 Mail2
:soapbox1: Soapbox Soapbox
:pirateship: Pirateship Pirateship
:pash: Pash Pash
:tooth: Tooth Tooth
:Thank you: Thank You Thank You
:kiss: Kiss Kiss
:bsflag1: BS Flag1 BS Flag1
:no: No No
:throw out: Throw Out Throw Out
:shutup3: Shutup3 Shutup3
:yikes: Yikes Yikes
:woot_jump: Woot Jump Woot Jump
:puke: Puke Puke
:voodoo: Voodoo Voodoo
:stiring the pot: Stiring The Pot Stiring The Pot
:Sqash the bouncey t Sqash The Bouncey Thing Sqash The Bouncey Thing
:sport_boxing: Sport Boxing Sport Boxing
:poster_hearye: Poster Hearye Poster Hearye
:sweet: Sweet Sweet
:yesnod: Yes Nod Yes Nod
:pirate2: Pirate2 Pirate2
:sword: Sword Sword
:starwars: Starwars Starwars
:groupwave: Groupwave Groupwave
:laugh1: Laugh1 Laugh1
:giljotiini: Giljotiini Giljotiini
:death_2: Death 2 Death 2
:exactly: Exactly Exactly
:cold: Cold Cold
:kickinthebox9mw: Kickinthebox9mw Kickinthebox9mw
:clubhead: Clubhead Clubhead
:jawdrop: Jawdrop Jawdrop
:jason2: Jason2 Jason2
:inlove: Inlove Inlove
:drinks_pepsi: Drinks Pepsi Drinks Pepsi
:horse: Horse Horse
:jail: jail jail
:happybday: Happybday Happybday
:lips: Lips Lips
:throw: Throw Throw
:pirate: Pirate Pirate
:eat: Eat Eat
:crazy: Crazy Crazy
:boat: Boat Boat
:spammer: Spammer Spammer
:sleeping: Sleeping Sleeping
:blowup: Blowup Blowup
:rant: Rant Rant
:dancer: Dancer Dancer
:bicycle: Bicycle Bicycle
:eatme: Eatme Eatme
:High Five: High Five High Five
:party: Party Party
:bawling: Bawling Bawling
:charge: Charge Charge
:bsflag: BS Flag BS Flag
:beatingbutt: Beating Butt Beating Butt
:shake boobs: Shake Boobs Shake Boobs
:whisper: Whisper Whisper
:outstanding: Outstanding Outstanding
:busted: Busted Busted
:toilet: Toilet Toilet
:I don't wanna see: I Don't Wanna See I Don't Wanna See
:mad5: Mad5 Mad5
:bounce8: Bounce8 Bounce8
:sheshot: She's hot She's hot
:gun shoot2: gun Shoot2 gun Shoot2
:yourpointis: Your Point is? Your Point is?
:devil: Devil Devil
:couch potatoe: couch Potatoe couch Potatoe
:constipated: 1constipated 1constipated
:blah: 1blah 1blah
:adduction: 1adduction 1adduction
:auto: Auto Auto
:gtfo: GTFO GTFO
:spam: Spam Spam
:incoming: Incoming Incoming
:2up: 2up 2up
:huh?: Huh? Huh?
:captain: Captain Captain
:raining: raining raining
:nonod: No Nod No Nod
:beatdeadhorse: Beat Dead Horse Beat Dead Horse
:cool: Cool Cool
:smiley_chicken: Smiley Chicken Smiley Chicken
:garfield: Garfield Garfield
:Whatever: Whatever Whatever
:Umno: Umno Umno
:naughty: Naughty Naughty
:sofa: Sofa Sofa
:confused: Confused Confused
:lalala: La La La La La La
:( Frown Frown
:nutkick: Nutkick Nutkick
:flaming: Flaming Flaming
:mad: Mad Mad
:whip: Whip Whip
:toilet_claw: Toilet Claw Toilet Claw
:allhail: Allhail Allhail
:smileys-1: Smileys 1 Smileys 1
:Welcome1: Welcome1 Welcome1
:) Smile Smile
:allears: All Ears All Ears
:Eating at table: Eating At Table Eating At Table
:Submarine: Submarine Submarine
:you rock: You Rock You Rock
:rules: Rules Rules
:poster_ban: Poster Ban Poster Ban
:music_band: Music Band Music Band
:dropabomb: Drop a bomb Drop a bomb
:Slot: Slot Slot
:diespam: Diespam Diespam
:rule: Rule Rule
:Proud American: Proud American Proud American
:pullinghairout: Pulling Hair Out Pulling Hair Out
:fish2: Fish2 Fish2
:downloading: Downloading Downloading
:spam1: Spam1 Spam1
:j/k: j/k j/k
:Off topic: Off Topic Off Topic
:bad forum member: Bad Forum Member Bad Forum Member
:eek: Eek Eek
:soapbox: Soap Box Soap Box
:twwak: Twwak Twwak
:banghead: Banghead Banghead
:igiveup: I give up I give up
:violin: Violin Violin
:angry: Angry Angry
:drool: Drool Drool
:cuss1: Cuss1 Cuss1
:don't feed the mode Don't Feed The Moderators Don't Feed The Moderators
:wink: Wink Wink
:hijack: Hijack Hijack
:cheers: Cheers Cheers
:willynilly: Willy Nilly Willy Nilly
:angel: Angel Angel
More Smilies 2
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:worthless: Worthless Worthless
:flexixthecat: Flexix the Cat Flexix the Cat

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