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Smilies |
'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling.
If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept.
Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies.
Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies;
using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description. If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face! |
Generic Smilies | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:drunksailor: | Drunk sailor | |
:smiley_emoticons_fl | Smiley Emoticons Flieger01 | |
:drinks_wine: | Drinks Wine | |
:repuke: | Repuke | |
:cheerleader2: | Cheerleader2 | |
:cool0041: | Cool0041 | |
:psych: | Psych | |
:smiley: | Smiley | |
:car: | Car | |
:nono: | Nono | |
:bubbleheads: | Bubble heads | |
:sex: | Sex | |
:poster_oops: | Poster Oops | |
:Airplane: | Airplane | |
:a_wizard: | A Wizard | |
:running20stick20man | Running20stick20man | |
:CanYouPractice: | Can You Pratice What You Preach | |
:spam2: | Spam2 | |
:smilie_pc: | Smilie Pc 049 | |
:mysterymachine: | Mysterymachine | |
:rockon: | Rockon | |
:love: | Love | |
:yourhonor: | Yourhonor | |
:ilovemypc: | Ilovemypc | |
:kilt: | Kilt | |
:thtgif: | Thtgif | |
:voodoodoll: | Voodoodoll | |
:funnyshit: | Funnyshit | |
:asshat: | Asshat | |
:thpopcornsmile: | Thpopcornsmile | |
:quitcomplaining: | Quit complaining | |
:ththjudge: | Ththjudge | |
:holysheep: | Holysheep | |
:outtahere: | Outta here | |
:funnychat: | Funnychat | |
:sharkcircling: | Shark circling | |
:smiliesnoopywood1: | Smiliesnoopywood1 | |
:rofl: | ROFL | |
:What: | What | |
:juggle: | Juggle | |
:iwojima: | Iwo Jima | |
:smiliesleeping-1: | Smiliesleeping 1 | |
:witch: | 1 Witch | |
:happyfeet: | Happyfeet | |
:wavetowel2: | Wavetowel2 | |
:eyes: | Eyes | |
:smiliedogwalk1: | Smiliedogwalk1 | |
:chicken: | Chicken | |
:newbie: | Newbie | |
:d_clock: | D Clock | |
:wtf: | WTF? | |
:cuss: | Cuss | |
:brainfart: | Brainfart | |
:weirdthread: | Weird thread | |
:lamo: | Lamo | |
:hula: | Hula | |
:Show respect: | Show Respect | |
:stars: | Stars | |
:Ship: | Ship | |
:funny: | Funny | |
:surprised: | Surprised | |
:iagree: | I Agree | |
:chair: | Chair | |
:toetap: | ToeTap | |
:skep: | Skep | |
:laugh: | Laugh | |
:angel/devil: | Angel/Devil | |
:applause: | Applause | |
:mail2: | Mail2 | |
:roll: | Rolling Eyes | |
:tooth: | Tooth | |
:soapbox1: | Soapbox | |
:pirateship: | Pirateship | |
:pash: | Pash | |
:no: | No | |
:throw out: | Throw Out | |
:Thank you: | Thank You | |
:kiss: | Kiss | |
:bsflag1: | BS Flag1 | |
:stiring the pot: | Stiring The Pot | |
:Sqash the bouncey t | Sqash The Bouncey Thing | |
:sport_boxing: | Sport Boxing | |
:poster_hearye: | Poster Hearye | |
:shutup3: | Shutup3 | |
:yikes: | Yikes | |
:woot_jump: | Woot Jump | |
:puke: | Puke | |
:voodoo: | Voodoo | |
:sweet: | Sweet | |
:yesnod: | Yes Nod | |
:starwars: | Starwars | |
:pirate2: | Pirate2 | |
:sword: | Sword | |
:jason2: | Jason2 | |
:inlove: | Inlove | |
:drinks_pepsi: | Drinks Pepsi | |
:horse: | Horse | |
:jail: | jail | |
:happybday: | Happybday | |
:lips: | Lips | |
:groupwave: | Groupwave | |
:laugh1: | Laugh1 | |
:giljotiini: | Giljotiini | |
:death_2: | Death 2 | |
:exactly: | Exactly | |
:cold: | Cold | |
:kickinthebox9mw: | Kickinthebox9mw | |
:clubhead: | Clubhead | |
:jawdrop: | Jawdrop | |
:throw: | Throw | |
:pirate: | Pirate | |
:eat: | Eat | |
:shake boobs: | Shake Boobs | |
:beatingbutt: | Beating Butt | |
:outstanding: | Outstanding | |
:whisper: | Whisper | |
:busted: | Busted | |
:I don't wanna see: | I Don't Wanna See | |
:toilet: | Toilet | |
:mad5: | Mad5 | |
:bounce8: | Bounce8 | |
:sheshot: | She's hot | |
:crazy: | Crazy | |
:boat: | Boat | |
:spammer: | Spammer | |
:sleeping: | Sleeping | |
:blowup: | Blowup | |
:rant: | Rant | |
:dancer: | Dancer | |
:bicycle: | Bicycle | |
:eatme: | Eatme | |
:High Five: | High Five | |
:party: | Party | |
:bawling: | Bawling | |
:charge: | Charge | |
:bsflag: | BS Flag | |
:2up: | 2up | |
:huh?: | Huh? | |
:captain: | Captain | |
:raining: | raining | |
:nonod: | No Nod | |
:beatdeadhorse: | Beat Dead Horse | |
:gun shoot2: | gun Shoot2 | |
:yourpointis: | Your Point is? | |
:devil: | Devil | |
:couch potatoe: | couch Potatoe | |
:constipated: | 1constipated | |
:blah: | 1blah | |
:adduction: | 1adduction | |
:auto: | Auto | |
:spam: | Spam | |
:gtfo: | GTFO | |
:incoming: | Incoming | |
:cool: | Cool | |
:smiley_chicken: | Smiley Chicken | |
:Whatever: | Whatever | |
:Umno: | Umno | |
:garfield: | Garfield | |
:mad: | Mad | |
:flaming: | Flaming | |
:whip: | Whip | |
:naughty: | Naughty | |
:sofa: | Sofa | |
:confused: | Confused | |
:lalala: | La La La | |
:( | Frown | |
:nutkick: | Nutkick | |
:toilet_claw: | Toilet Claw | |
:allhail: | Allhail | |
:Welcome1: | Welcome1 | |
:smileys-1: | Smileys 1 | |
:) | Smile | |
:allears: | All Ears | |
:Eating at table: | Eating At Table | |
:Submarine: | Submarine | |
:you rock: | You Rock | |
:rules: | Rules | |
:music_band: | Music Band | |
:dropabomb: | Drop a bomb | |
:poster_ban: | Poster Ban | |
:Slot: | Slot | |
:diespam: | Diespam | |
:Proud American: | Proud American | |
:rule: | Rule | |
:pullinghairout: | Pulling Hair Out | |
:fish2: | Fish2 | |
:downloading: | Downloading | |
:spam1: | Spam1 | |
:j/k: | j/k | |
:Off topic: | Off Topic | |
:bad forum member: | Bad Forum Member | |
:eek: | Eek | |
:twwak: | Twwak | |
:soapbox: | Soap Box | |
:drool: | Drool | |
:cuss1: | Cuss1 | |
:banghead: | Banghead | |
:igiveup: | I give up | |
:violin: | Violin | |
:angry: | Angry | |
:don't feed the mode | Don't Feed The Moderators | |
:cheers: | Cheers | |
:willynilly: | Willy Nilly | |
:angel: | Angel | |
:wink: | Wink | |
:hijack: | Hijack | |
More Smilies 2 | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:worthless: | Worthless | |
:flexixthecat: | Flexix the Cat |